Chapter Two

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Hey peepole I hope you are having a good day. I am going to be busy this week so the third chapter might be out on Thursday or Friday. Idk tho.


Warning: mention of abuse

Jelle POV:

Two days after Thea left....

"Ok this is the address," I said, walking up a sidewalk.

I knocked on the white, wooden door. I feel so bad for Ben. After he told me what Thea had done to him, I knew I had to help him. I know how he feels.

"Hi Jelle."

I snapped out of my sympathetic thoughts and looked up and saw him. Benjamin. Everything is perfect about him. His cute curly hair, green eyes, and his beautiful tattoos.

"Hey dude, how are you doing today?" I asked. He looked and sounded a lot happier when he saw me in real life rather than over Discord call.

"I've still been kinda sad today. But seeing you made it better," Ben said, with a slight smile.

"Well I'm glad I could make you feel better," I replied.

"Uh, come on in dude," Ben gestured me through the door.

I walked inside. His house was very nice. His floor was a light oak wood and his walls were white. Bobby, his dog ran to me and started to lick my shoe. What a weird dog.

"Heh, Bobby stop licking Jelle," Ben chuckled.

Bobby stopped licking my shoe and ran down a hall. Ben shook his head at Bobby and looked back at me.

"Can I talk to you?" Ben asked.

"Of course you can. You can talk to me about anything," I replied with a comforting smile.

Ben sat on a couch and I sat next to him. He opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but closed it.

"Are you ok? Is it something about Thea?" I asked concerned.

Ben started to tear up.

"You know how I told you I was gay right" Ben asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"A-are you ok that I'm like that?" Ben asked with fear in his eyes.

"Of course I am dude. I'm also gay," I said. Ben's eyes filled with surprise.

"Wait, what? I thought you were with Sanna," Ben said in confusion.

I winced. I haven't heard the name Sanna in months. Hearing the name gave me flashbacks of when we were "together".

"Um, Sanna and I were never together," I said with hesitation, "She liked me and kind of forced me to be with her."

"How did she force you?" Ben asked with sadness in his voice.

"When I was 18, that's when I knew I was gay. And when I told my parents, they kicked me out. The only person at the time that I thought to call was Sanna. She picked me up and said she liked me, but then I told her that I was gay and it wouldn't work out. Then she started to call me lots of slurs and slapped me multiple times. And when we got to her apartment she grabbed me around my wrist took me to her room. She pushed me onto the floor and started to beat me. She started saying that she was lying about liking me. When she finished beating me she threw me in her closet and wouldn't let me out. After she let me out she started to threaten that if I left she would find me and go even harder on me," I said with multiple flashbacks of the beatings of Sanna.

"Jelle, I had no idea that she did that," Ben replied.

I said,"She was a really good actress at faking loving me. That's the reason I didn't come out to my channel. I would have to explain everything to my subscribers."

"Well, that makes sense," Ben replied.

"The only reason I was able to come here was because Sanna is away for the week," I said.

I looked at Ben. He was crying. I feel so bad for him. We both are gay and have been rejected. We both have been abused and unable to get help. I'm just glad Sanna never found out about me telling Josh. I don't know how I convinced her that I didn't tell him.

This day has been one of the best and worst days of my life. The good parts are that I have finally been able to see the love of my life and get away from Sanna, but the bad part is that I have to see Ben in pain. I need to confess my feelings to him soon.

Hai people, sorry these first chapters are so depressing. But if you don't have sad things, you can't get happy things.

Ok so I have a goal of getting 25 chapters for this story, and I did math and figured out that it would probably take me 2 months to get this finished. So please stick with me through this journey :)

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