Chapter Eight

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Josh POV

The day after Josh answered Jordi...

I walked into the hotel that Jordi told me he was at. It was very nice. I walked over to the elevator and pressed the up button. The doors opened and I went inside of it. I pressed the button with an eight on it. The doors closed and I felt myself go up. When the elevator stopped, it dinged and opened its doors.

I walked down the black and red carpeted hallway and stopped at a door with the number 869. I knocked and I heard steps coming closer to the door.

"Hey Josh!" Jordi exclaimed, opening the door to his hotel room.

"Hi Jordi," I replied to Jordi, who hugged me tightly.

"Bro, how've you been? Come on in," Jordi said, motioning me into his hotel room.

"Uh, I've been better," I said, walking in the room.

"What's going on dude? Can I help?" Jordi asked.

"Well, something happened to Ben, he told me what happened...and something else," I explained.

"What do you mean by 'something happened to Ben?' and what was else did he tell you?" Jordi questioned.

"Um, so you know what happened to Jelle with Sanna? Well, Ben also went through that because of the same reason Jelle did," I said.

"Oh my god. Is he ok?" Jordi asked, concerned.

"I don't really know. I think he was more upset the day it happened then now. Jelle's over at Ben's house helping him out," I explained.

"Wait, Jelle's at Ben's house?" Jordi asked, with a small smile.

"Yeah? Is there something wrong with that?" I asked, confused.

"No, there's nothing wrong with it. It's actually pretty ironic," Jordi said, giggling.

"What do you mean it's ironic?" I asked.

"Has Jelle not told you?" Jordi replied.

"Told me what?"

"He has a crush on Ben," Jordi said. "He texted me and said he had a crush. I asked him who it was and he said, and I quote, 'Benji Bear.'"

I started laughing so hard. 'Benji Bear?' The name is so cute, but I will never let Jelle live him saying that down. Jordi also started laughing.

After we stopped laughing I remembered what Ben had told me about Jelle.

"Josh, you have a look of realization. What did you realize?" Jordi asked.

Dang, am I really that readable?

"So you know how I said Ben had told me what happened to him and then he told me something else?" I said.

"Yeah? Just spit it out already," Jordi said with anticipation.

"Well, Ben said he has a crush on Jelle," I said, bouncing up and down.

"OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!!!" Jordi yelled, probably disturbing the other guests at the hotel.

"I know it's amazing! But, I don't want to tell Ben or Jelle they both feel the same about each other," I said.

"Well, one of them will have to tell the other how they feel," Jordi said.

"Right. But I hope one will speak out soon," I said.

"Agreed. Oh, do you want to get some breakfast? It's eight thirty," Jordi asked.

"Sure, I know a pretty good coffee shop a few miles from here. Do you want to go there?" I suggested.

"Yeah, let me get my coat then we can go. Do you want to get an Uber?" Jordi asked, taking his coat off of the bed.

"Yes, I'll get an Uber," I said.

I took out my phone and went to my Uber app. A few minutes later, I had a driver just five minutes away to pick me and Jordi up. We walked out of the room and Jordi locked the door. We walked down the hallway and got into the elevator. Jordi pressed the button with a one on it and we went down.

The elevator doors opened up and we walked out. We went through the doors of the hotel and waited outside. We didn't have to wait long before our Uber arived. We told them the address of the coffee shop amd they started driving.

We arrived at the coffee shop and paid the driver. We walked inside and I bought a croissant. Jordi bought a scone and we sat down at a table.

"So what are you in the UK for?" I asked.

"Oh, someone invited me to do a video here," Jordi said.

"Cool," I replied. "After we eat do you want to hang out at my house for a while?"

"I'd love to, but as soon as we're done eating I need to go and record the video. Maybe after I'm done we can hang out," Jordi said.

"Oh ok. Just text me if you're free," I replied.

Jordi and I ate and talked for a while until he said he had to leave. We walked out and he called himself and Uber to take him to wherever. When his ride got here we hugged and he got in the car and it drove away.

I decided to just walk home. I actually like to walk places. When you aren't in a car, you can actually see a lot more of the outside world. And I find that really cool.

It took me about an hour to get back home. When I got inside I went to my bed and perished. The only bad thing about walking home was getting very tired. I layed on my bed for a few minutes until I forced myself to get back up.

I went into my living room and turned on the TV. I went to Disney+ and began to watch Loki. I watched it for a while but my eyelids started to get heavy. I layed on the couch and closed my eyes, drifting into a well earned sleep.

Omg this took forever to make. Btw i wrote most of this at midnight because
d e p r e s s i o n

also this has over 1k words and i am very happy about that.
baiiiiiiiii :)

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