Chapter Nine

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WARNING: Mild swearing

Jelle POV:

I walked into Ben's living room and tookout my phone from the pocket of Ben's hoodie. I scrolled through my contacts until I got to the 'J's and pressed Josh's name.

My phone rang for a few seconds until I heard his voice.

"Hello?" Josh asked.

"Hey Josh," I said.

"How are you doing today?" Josh asked.

"I'm doing fine. Ben told me that you called. I'm so sorry I didn't pick up," I apologized.

"Jelle, you don't need to apologize. I understand. I know you're safe. It's ok," Josh said. "Oh, by the way Jordi is in England right now and I'm going to his hotel later today."

"Oh cool, I might call or text him later to see how he's doing," I replied.

"That's a good idea. I know he's been very busy lately with YouTube and everything," Josh said.

"Yeah, I kinda miss him. I mean, I wish we could all be together," I said.

"I agree. I bet Ben and Jordi would like each other. They seem pretty similar. Oh, it's almost eight. I have to go," Josh said.

"Oh ok, bye Josh," I replied.

"Bye Jelle, remember to text Jordi," Josh said and then he hung up.

I took my phone away from my ear and opened the texting app to text Jordi.

*Text Begins*

Jelle: Hey Jordi, Josh call me and said u r in England

Jordi: Ye i am hru doing?

Jelle: Im doing ok oh btw i have a crush

Jordi: oohhhhhhhh TELL ME WHO IT IS NOW!!!!!!!!

Jelle: okokokok but dont tell him

Jordi: Iwont NOW TELL ME

Jelle: Its Benji Bear

Jordi: BENJI BEAR?!?!?! YOU MEAN CRAINER?!?!?!?!

Jelle: ...yeah...

Jordi: OH MY GOD THAT IS SO AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!

Jelle: Please dont tell him

Jordi: I wont

Jelle: Thx buddy :)

Jordi: Yw dude

Jordi: hey i gtg josh was coming over and just got here bai

Jelle: Bye Jordi :)

*Text End*

I turned off my phone and put it in the pocket of the hoodie Ben gave to me. I walked out of the living room and back to the kitchen. Ben was sitting at the table looking at his phone, his back facing me. I slowing walked toward him and then I grabbed his shoulders making him scream.

"Jelle what the crap dude?!?" Ben yelled.

"Bro you should've seen your face! HAHAHA!!!!" I laughed. Ben wasn't very mad and started laughing along with me.

"Jelle, I'm bored. What do you wanna do?" Ben asked me, still laughing a bit.

"Uh, do you want to play GTA?" I suggested.

"Sure, but I will definitely beat you this time," Ben said.

"You wanna bet?" I smirked.

"Uh, no," Ben said.

"Why? I thought you said you would win?" I replied. Ben went red a little bit.

"Let's just play already," Ben said, grabbing my arm and pulling me onto the couch in the living room.

Ben handed me an XBOX controller and we picked out a parkour race to do. The countdown began and I took the lead. Ben stayed far behind and got stuck at many checkpoints.

"I'm at the finish line Ben!" I exclaimed.

"No! I don't want to DNF!" Ben yelled. (Also for my friend Mark and Denver reading this and for anyone else in the Dream fandom, DNF in GTA means Did Not Finish not Dream Not Found)

I drove through the finish line and watched as Ben ran out of time.

"No not again!" Ben yelled. I started laughing at Ben's failing and he blushed. I would feel bad that he lost, but I don't. I kind of like when he gets mad at the game. I find it really cute.

"It's not funny dude," Ben said, trying to hide his red face.

"Yes it is. It's the funniest thing when you lose," I replied.

Ben looked at me, still red. He smiled at me and I smiled back. I looked into his beautiful green eyes. They were shiny and perfect. I noticed him slowly leaning near me. I leaned in as well until our faces were almost touching. Are Ben and I about to kiss?

I felt something touch the back of my head and I realized that Ben put his hand ok the back of my head. I felt my face get hot and my heart was beating faster. Ben kept a straight face (the only straight part about him). He pulled my head closer, our faces just centimeters away.

We stayed in silence, in the same position, looking into eachothers eyes. We stayed like this for a minute. I was so nervous about what was happening. My crush looks like he is about to kiss me and we are really close to eachother. I was fantacizing about Ben and I kissing.

"AH!" Ben yelled.

I jumped back from being scared.

"Dude, what the Hell?!" I yelled, my heart still beating fast.

"That's what you get for scaring me and then beating me at GTA," Ben said, smirking. "Also, I'm tired so I'm going to take a nap."

"I'll take a nap as well. We were up pretty late last night," I replied, yawning.

"Jelle? I know this sounds weird, but could I sleep with you?" Ben asked.

My heart skipped a beat, in a good way.

"Yeah, of course. I don't mind," I said, smiling.

"Thanks," Ben replied, also smiling.

We walked upstairs to Ben's bedroom and he flopped onto his bed. I sat next to him, my heart beating incredibly fast. I didn't want to mess up something. I layed down and Ben layed down next to me. We were facing each other and I could feel him breathing.

I closed my eyes and felt something touch my hand. I opened them again and saw Ben's hand tightly holding mine. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes once again. A few minutes later Ben was asleep. I scooted closer to him and put my arm over him. The feeling of his body heat on me made me feel really calm.

And then, I was fast asleep.

Ayeee i finished the chapter early!!! i hope you liked it (espessially licorice cookie simp ;) )

also my drugged dog helped me write this chapter

also my drugged dog helped me write this chapter

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her name is annie

also im sorry i didnt make them kiss, i know im mean lol

ok baiiiii

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