Chapter Eleven

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Jelle POV:

"I know of a really good café that we could go too," Ben suggested.

"Oh cool. Let's go to it," I said.

The café was about twenty minutes away. Ben and I walked down the sidewalk, in the cold, crisp air of Denmark. It was a nice day out and I observed every bit of the scenery that I could. Denmark is a very beautiful country. Ben's always talked about how he loved this place, and I now understand why.

As we were walking, I went into deep thought about Ben. He's absolutely perfect, in every way, shape, and form. He's beautiful and has a great personality. He's all I could ever want in a man. I kept Ben in my thoughts the whole walk to the café.

"We're here dude," Ben said. He went up to the door and held it open for me.

"Thank you," I replied to Ben, walking through the door.

I walked inside and warmth hit me immediatly. Ben came in behind me and put his hand on my shoulder. I tensed up but relaxed when I realized it was Ben. We got into a short line to order our food. When it was time for us to order, I told Ben what I wanted in English, and he told the casheir my order in Danish.

We stepped aside while our food was being prepared. We listened to the music that was playing inside and danced to it a little. Ben's name got called to get our food and he went back over to the cashier to get it. He walked back over to me and we sat ourselves down at a two person table in the back of the café.

"Here's your ham sandwich, Jelle," Ben said, handing me a small brown bag.

"Thank you," I replied. I opened the brown bag and took out my sandwich.

---time skip because I have low self confidence---

After Ben and I finished eating, we threw away our trash and walked back out the café door. As soon as I stepped outside, the cold air wrapped around me like a blanket.

Ben and I started to walk back home, but on the way, a question formed in my head that I wanted to ask him. Well, multiple questions actually. But the main one was; Can I hold your hand? I really want to hold his hand on the way back home. I don't know why, I just randomly got the urge to do it.

After about five minutes of thinking about how to ask him to hold his hand, I came to my decision. I decided to big-balls it and not ask him before holding his hand.

I wrapped my fingers around his hand, gently. I felt him flinch but quickly relax. He held my hand back and smiled at me. I smiled back at him and we walked the rest of the way back home, our hands interlocked.

When we arrived back home, Ben let go and opened the door. A little sad by the empty feeling in my hand, we went inside, thankfully back to the warmth.

"Hey, I've got to make a call," I said.

"Ok, I'll be in my office if you need me," Ben replied.

I smiled and walked to a guest room. I pulled out my phone and went to my contacts, searching for the "J's". I found the name I was looking for and my phone rang.

"Hello?" The British voice asked.

"Josh I'm going to tell Ben,"

Hello peeps, sorry for updating late and for the chapter being short. yesterday (saturday) when i was going to start writing, something happened and i lost all confidence is writing this. ngl, i was having serious thoughts about discontinuing this... but i read some of the feedback from you guys, and i regained the confidence i needed to write this chapter.

thank you to everyone reading this, it means a lot :,) (happy tears btw)

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