Chapter Ten

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TW: Mention of d e v i l s t a n g o
*Two hours after Ben and Jelle fell asleep*
Crainer POV:

I felt Jelle's body on my back. His body heat keeping me warm from the cold Danish air. I love the feeling of his body on mine.

I rolled over to face Jelle, carefull not to roll on top of him. I stared at his relaxed body. He is so freaking cute. His face is perfect, his legs are perfect, his personality is perfect. He's perfect.

"Ugh," Jelle moaned.

Oh. My. God. His moan is the hottest and cutest sound ever. I wish I could make him moan like that, with his consent of course. But that will never happen...

"Hey Jelle," I whispered, waking Jelle up more.

"Hi Ben," Jelle said, streching his arms in the air.

"I didn't realise we slept for two hours. It's almost 11 O'Clock," I said, looking at my alarm clock on the nightstand.

"Oh wow. We really slept for a while," Jelle said, giggling a little.

"Yeah," I replied. "Do you want me to make some lunch or something?"

"Sure," Jelle said.

"Ok. Give me a few minutes to do something and then I'll start making some food," I said. I got out of the bed, took my phone off the nightstand, and walked into my office.

I opened my phone to text messages and scrolled down to the "I's". I found the name I was looking for and pressed the call button. The phone rang for a few seconds until I heard a voice I haven't heard in a long time.

"Hello?" The voice asked.

"Hey Ian!" I exclaimed. I haven't called him in a while, due to us being in six hour apart time zones.

"Oh my god, dude! How've you been?" Ian asked.

"Well, that's what I was going to call you about," I said, my tone of voice slightly changing.

"What do you mean? Are you ok dude?" Ian asked with concern.

"So, uh, Thea left me. I mean, which is a good thing," I said quickly.

"Wait, what? How is that, she, what?" Ian stuttered.

"So, you know my friend Jelle right?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah," Ian said.

"Well long story short, Thea used to... hit and punch me a lot. Nothing worse though, thankfully. But she started to hit me when I was on call with Jelle, and then she left when she saw I was on call," I explained.

"Oh my god, Ben. Are you alright? Do you need my help?" I asked, extremely concerned.

"Calm down, I'm fine. Jelle came over for support, and he also has had similar experiences," I said.

"Ooh Jelle's at your house? Are you two gonna have sex?" Ian asked.

"Ian! What the crap?! Dude, no!" I yelled.

"Oh come on. You've told me how you fantasized making out with him," Ian said.

"Ian, making out and having sex are two VERY different things," I groaned.

"Whatever you say dude. Oh, I have to go now. Call me again if you need anything. Espessially if its's about sex," Ian laughed.

"Ian shut up bro!" I said, definatelly not picturing Jelle naked on my bed.

"Ok. Bye Ben," Ian said, still laughing.

"Bye dude," I said. I hung up and walked back into my room, only to see Jelle sitting up with his head resting on his propped up arm, asleep. I smiled at the sight of him sleeping soundly.

"Jeg elsker dig," I whispered.

I admired Jelle for a few more minutes until I walked over to him. I nudged his arm a little bit until he woke up again. Jelle lifted his head back up and looked at me.

"Am sleepy boi," Jelle said, laughing.

I started laughing as well. The way he just said that was so random it's hilarious to me.

"Do you want me to make lunch now?" I asked Jelle, who was still laughing.

"Sure buddy," Jelle replied.

We walked out of my room and went downstairs into the kitchen. Jelle suggested that we go out to eat and I agreed.

We put on our shoes and I let Jelle use my hoodie again because Denmark is really cold. I put on a hoodie for myself and Jelle and I walked out the door.

Hello everyone, sorry the chapter was kinda short. I'm having a little bit of a writers block, but I still wanted to post the next chapter for you all :)

Also, HAPPY SPOOKY SCARY SKELETON SEASON!!!!!!!! Just remember, if you go trick or treating be safe :)

And I hope you OG Crainer fans like the new character I added *yeah ik im amazing for that*

Bye for now peepole *waves*

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