Chapter Three

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Slogo/ Josh POV
Warning: mention of Abuse
Two months ago...

"Jelle, are you ok?" I asked in a calm voice, opening the door.

I am scared. My best friend, Jelle, has been visiting me this week and he has been acting very weird today. Earlier this week he was super hyper and excited, but now he's been very anxious and kind of distant. He's been in the guest room for about an hour and I heard him crying.

I looked I the room and saw him sitting on his bed, with his knees to his chest.

"J-Josh, I need to tell you something," Jelle said in a weak voice.

I sat next to him on his bed and pulled him to my shoulder.

"Is everything ok?" I asked, trying to calm him down.

"No, n-not really," Jelle practically whispered.

"Can you tell me what's going on please?" I asked, scared for what I was about to hear.

"Well, Sanna just found out I left the house. And well, she she abuses me. When we first met, she threatened that if I ever tried to leave the house she would beat me harder than ever. Now she knows I'm here with you, and said if I don't get back by the end of the week, she'll hurt you," Jelle said, breaking down even more.

"Jelle, why does she do that to you," I replied, trying to process what he just told me.

"I...I can't tell you," Jelle said.

"Jelle, I promise, you can tell me anything. Please just tell me," I said.

"Fine. I-It's because I'm, um... gay," Jelle squeaked. He started crying harder than I have ever seen.

Wait, Jelle is gay? Why hasn't he told me this? Did he think I wouldn't support him?

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked in subtle voice.

"If I told you you would wonder why I was with Sanna and then everything would go downward from there," Jelle replied.

"Oh, that makes sense," I said.

I feel so bad for Jelle. He is getting horrible threats if he doesn't follow Sanna's every order, and I can't do anything about it.

"I need to start packing," Jelle said, getting up off of his bed.

"Please stay here," I blurted out. I don't want Jelle going back to that monster.

"I can't, ok? Sanna already knows where I am and if I don't get back to her in enough time, she will do something to you and I don't want you to get hurt. You won't be able to take what she does," Jelle said, looking at me. All he wants is to protect people from her.

"You can't go back to her," I replied, with care.

"I have too. Josh, you wouldn't be able to take what she does. It doesn't bother me as much anymore. Please, just let me go," Jelle said. He helps me so much. I just wish I could help him as well.

"Fine. Just, when you get back, please call me. I want you to call me everyday, even after the days we record," I said.

"I will," Jelle said, with a faint smile. He deserves a lot better than her.

I got up off the bed and walked out of the room to make lunch, sense neither of us had eaten yet. I made spaghetti and right after I set down the plates on the table, Jelle came down just in time. We ate and Jelle said he would be leaving the next day around 11 AM. I was sad about how soon he had to leave, but I needed to enjoy this last day with him here.

———time skip to the next day because I'm not creative———

"Remember to call when you get back. And if you need anything call me," I said, hugging Jelle as he was about to board his plane.

"I will Josh. You don't need to worry," Jelle said, hugging me back.

My heart was aching to see him leave. I wish he didn't have to go through all of this stuff with Sanna.

We broke the hug and he walked to the gate and he boarded the plane. I stood still trying to calm myself down from seeing my best friend leave. I tried not to think of what Sanna might do to him when he got back, but the thoughts stayed in my mind.

I watched the plane that Jelle was on take off. My eyes started to fill with tears. After the plane left my sight, I walked out of the airport and got in my car. I sat in my car and cried. My best friend is on his way to harm and I couldn't do anything about it. I feel so useless. I just hope that he will be ok. If I find out Sanna does anything worse to Jelle I am going to give her a piece of my mind.

I almost cried writing the last part. I couldn't imagine if my BFF was going through something like that. And wow people are actually reading this. Also, sorry for the sorta late chapter, I have been in school and haven't had much time to work on this. The next chapter will probably be out around Saturday or Sunday or Monday. I'm kinda lazy so it's probably going to be Monday.

Ok Baiiiiiiii :)

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