Chapter Four

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Crainer POV:

*Time skip to dinner*

"This steak is really good dude," Jelle said, after finishing the steak I made him.

"Thanks, it's one of my favorite foods to make," I said, eating my own steak.

After Jelle and I had finished the conversation about Sanna, we were in silence for many minutes until I suggested I make dinner. I asked Jelle what he likes and he said steak, so I made it for him. I want him to feel at home.

We talked and laughed together like our lives were perfect. We talked about random things that didn't have to make sense, but we still were able to connect with each other.

After we were just finishing dinner I heard my phone ring from my hoodie pocket. I picked it up and the person calling me was my friend Josh.

"Hey Jelle?" I said asked. "Josh is calling me. Do you mind if I answer it?"

"Of course you can. I'll get the dishes in the dishwasher while you talk," Jelle replied with a smile.

"You don't have to put the dishes away. I can do it when I get off," I said, not wanting Jelle to do any work.

"No I can do it for you. I'll be your little maid and I'll wear a maid dress too," Jelle said laughing. I blushed at the thought of what Jelle would look like in a maid dress. He would look so cute in it.

I smirked at Jelle's comment and walked into my room and answered Joshes call.

Finally I am back!!! And I got this out on the day I wanted. Sorry it was short, I am still very depressed, and I did this is one day because I had nothing to do. Also thank you for all the reads I didn't think people would read this, but here we are :)

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