Chapter 17

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TW: Mild swearing

Ben's POV:

I woke up feeling a sharp pain in my lower back and feeling extremely cold.

"Ugh," I groaned. "What happened?"

I slowly gained conciousness and felt cold air on my whole body. I opened my eyes and saw myself naked, making me remember everything that went down last night. I remembered being tied up and Jelle just railing the life out of me. I had a feeling that Jelle would be good at having sex, but damn, I didn't know he was that good.

I sat up, slowly, trying to control the pain in my ass, and felt something behing me. I looked back and saw Jelle, also still naked from last night, and smiled. I got off the couch and walked upstairs to my room to get some clothes for me and Jelle. I went into my room and I opened my closet and got a black t-shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants for me.

I rummaged around in my closet for a bit, looking for some of my older clothes that were smaller and would fit Jelle better. I found an old dark gray hoodie of mine and a pair of navy blue shorts for Jelle. I also took a blanket off of my bed so Jelle wouldn't feel that cold anymore.

I changed into the clothes I picked out and went to the toilet so I could freshen up a bit. I did my buisiness and began to wash my hands. As I was washing them, I looked into the mirror and saw my reflection. I looked at my wrists and saw the burn from the ropes. I blushed at the sight of them. That was quite a night.

I went back to my room and walked back down the stairs to give the clothes and blanket to Jelle. When I got down there, Jelle was still fast asleep.

'He's probably really tired from all that happened last night,' I thought to myself. 'I'll let him sleep for a while longer.'

I looked down at the floor and saw the abandoned clothes from last night. I picked up what I had worn yesterday and felt something in the pocket. I put my hand in the pocket and realised it was my phone. I took it out and saw multiple messages and missed calls from Ian.

'I should call him back," I thought to myself.

I sat down the clothes next to Jelle. I peered over at him. He sleeps so cutely. I covered Jelle with the blanket, making him nice and warm.

I smiled to myself and walked away, back up the stairs, and into my office. I closed the door so my voice wouldn't wake Jelle. I dialed Ian's number and put the phone to my ear.

"So did y'all fuck or not?" Ian immediatly asked as he answered the phone.

"Oh my God dude!" I yelled in surprise. I immediately covered my mouth, scared that I could've awoken Jelle.

"HAHAHA! Well, are you gonna answer the question?" Ian laughed.

"Bro why would you automatically ask that?" I whispered in slight shock.

"You're avoiding the question, Ben," Ian said.

"No I'm not!" I whisper yelled, still trying not to wake Jelle up.

"Yes you are, and avoiding the question always means yes," Ian said, starting to laugh.

"Ugh, why are you like this?" I sighed.

"Hahaha... wait, why aren't you denying what I said?" Ian asked suspiciously.

"Well, 'cuz there isn't anything to deny," I said.

"SO YOU DID GET RAILED! HAHAHA!" Ian exclaimed, laughing hysterically.

"Hey, no one said that I was the bottom... even though I was," I mumbled the last part.

I told Ian basically everything that went down last night. Mainly about what Jelle and I told each other. We talked for almost an hour until I heard some movement downstairs.

"Hey Ian, I'm gonna hang up and talk to Jelle about last night. Talk to you later dude," I said.

"Ok. You two have a good day. Bye Ben-the-Bottom," Ian replied.

"Bye- Wait what did you just say?" I asked, even though I clearly heard what he said.

"Hahaha nothing!" Ian laughed as he hung up.

I shook my head and put my phone into the pocket of my shorts. I exited my office and walked back down the stairs. I saw Jelle sitting up on the couch, still naked from last night. He seemed to be staring off into space, not seeing me.

"You know you can put those clothes on. But, I mean, if you don't wanna, I'm cool with that too," I said, chuckling a bit at the last part.

Jelle snapped back to reality and saw me and started to cover himself with the blanket I gave to him.

"Oh, uh, hi?" Jelle said, embarassed. He grabbed clothes and started to put the shorts on while still under the blanket.

"Hi, buddy," I replied, smirking at the embarassment Jelle was in. He's so freaking cute when he's embarassed.

Jelle put the hoodie on as well and layed back down on the couch, looking up at the ceiling. I walked over to him and sit down on the couch next to him. There was a silence between us. A comfortable silence. We stayed like this until Jelle spoke up.

"So that, uh, was quite a night," Jelle said, sitting up.

"What? Oh, yeah," I laughed.

"You were so freaking loud," Jelle snickered.

I blushed, "Well, it was my first time anyway, unlike you."

"You think that wasn't my first time?" Jelle said.

"Wait, you haven't had sex before?" I asked, surprised.

"Oh no no no. I've had sex with GIRLS before, like, back in highschool. Not guys though. And I've never topped before, so that was cool. I'm a switch," Jelle said.

"Well, I'm a power bottom, as you could probably tell," I said, rolling my eyes.

There was another, still comfortable, silence between us. I think we both were asking ourselves the same thing.

'What are we now?'

Hello and oh god that took waayyyyy too long to write lol

i finally got this published and im actually kinda proud of it :)

uh a little update on me: mental health is still shitty and has gotten worse so idk when the next chapter will come out. Im thinking about making the next chapter the last chapter so i can start the one-shot book. there's honestly nothing else i can think of to add to this that would be interesting and would fit with the storyline :/


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