Chapter Seven

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Crainer's POV
A light shined into my eyes. I opened my eyes slowly to adjust to the light. I felt something against the side of my body. I looked over and saw Jelle. He is so cute I just want to kiss him all day.

I rolled onto my stomach. Mine and Jelle's legs were touching, as well as the rest of our bodies. It's really crazy how we just met in person for the first time yesterday, and now I am literally cuddling him.

I kept looking at him for a few more minutes. I admired his face when he's asleep, how he was sleeping, and breathing. I mean, he still is cute when he's awake, I just haven't seen his asleep before.

Finally, I carefully got off of the couch we slept on after gazing at Jelle for a good 10 minutes. I went up to my room and opened up my dresser. I took out some black jeans and my merch hoodie. ( for his merch ;) )

I changed into my new clothes and I was about to walk out until I thought of something. Maybe I could let Jelle wear one of my hoodies? I would love for him to. I don't know if he brought warm clothes though. If he didn't then I can let him wear my hoodie.

I got another one of my hoodies and walked back downstairs with it. I looked at the couch and saw Jelle still fast asleep. I smiled and walked into the kitchen. I set the hoodie I saved for Jelle on a chair and opened the fridge. I took a few eggs and set them on the counter. I turned on the stove eye and took out a frying pan.

I tapped the pan three times and said, "Pan." (i was making a reference and you can ignore this if u want)

I put the pan on the hot eye and cracked the eggs on it. The eggs sizzled as they touched the heat. I really like to cook. It's a hobby, other than YouTube, that I really enjoy doing. I finished cooking the eggs and divided them in half and put one half on my plate, and the other half for Jelle. I hope he likes the eggs.

I set our plates on the table and got two glasses and filled them up with water. I set the glasses on the table and went into the living room. I sat next to Jelle and lightly tapped his shoulder to try and wake him up. But he didn't move. I tried nudging his arm, but that didn't work either.

"Jelle," I whispered. "Wake up."

Jelle's eyelids squinted and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Morning," Jelle said.

"Good morning sleepy head," I said, jokingly. Jelle blushed lightly at the comment. "I made breakfast."

"I'll be right in," Jelle replied.

"Ok," I said.

Jelle got up from the couch and he walked into another room. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the hoodie from the chair and held it. Jelle came in the kitchen a few minutes later in new clothes and rubbing his arms.

"W-Why does Denmark h-have to be s-so c-cold?" Jelle stuttered. "I didn't think to bring a coat."

"Well good thing I got you a hoodie to wear," I said, smiling.

I walked over to him and handed him the hoodie. He put it on and thanked me. He looks so good in my merch. I want to tell him that, but I don't want him to find it weird.

"What did you make for breakfast?" Jelle asked.

"I made some eggs," I said.

I motioned for Jelle to sit at the table. He did and I sat next to him. We ate and talked about MARVEL movies and compared theories about them.

--------time skip to when they finish breakfast-------

I cleared our plates and glasses after we finished eating. Jelle said he was going to call Josh back so he went into the living room.

While I was clearing the table I thought about Jelle. He is helping me through this hard time in my life. I have never known someone with such a big heart. I want to tell him how I feel about him. But what if he doesn't feel the same way? I don't want to lose one of my best friends.
hellooooo eveybody :) i hope you liked the chapter, i dont think this was one of my best ones, but hopefully its good enough. also CRAINER FINALLY GOT A HAIRCUT I NEVER THOUGH IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!! he looks like 2017 and 2018 crainer again.


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