Chapter 16 (Smut)

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TW: Cursing, Smut, (and idk if kinks are triggers so ye-)

Also, this IS CONSENTUAL and when something looks like This, that means its not part of the storyline, jsyk for future reference...

Jelle POV:

"I'm getting you reservations for the wheelchair you will need after I'm done pounding your ass," I smirked. Ben blushed madly and whimpered quietly.

I went up the stairs and into Ben's bedroom. I walked over to Ben's dresser and picked up the "something" I was looking for.

"Oh, he's gonna love this," I snickered.

In my hand, was a collar that I had gotten a long time ago. On the collar, was a tag that read; Benji Bear. It was a pet name that I thought of for Ben when I realized I had feelings for him. I've only told one person about that name and it's Jordi.

I grabbed some lube that I found in Ben's room and walked back down the stairs and saw Ben all tied up right where I left him. His face was as red as a tomato, probably from what I said to him before I got the collar. And can I just say... he looks SO. FUCKING. SUBMISSIVE. I CAN'T TAKE IT. BRO JUST LET ME SHOVE MY HARD COCK UP YOUR SEXY ASS PLEASE!

"H-hi," Ben stuttered, staring at me. God, he's so much of a bottom, other bottoms could top him.

"Why hello again," I said suductively. I held the collar behind my back. "I have a surprise for you."

"Y-You do?" Ben said.

"Yeah, and you're gonna like it," I said in a teasing voice.

I walked over to Ben and took the collar oit from behind my back. Ben's face went even more red than it already was. I smirked at his reaction.

"You like it, puppy?" I asked, attaching the collar around his neck.

"Y-Yes. Very much m-master," Ben said.

I straddled Ben once again and cupped his adorable face. I kissed him with passion. He kissed me back.

"Are you ready?" I asked, slightly pulling away from Ben.

"Yes, please, just do it," Ben pleaded.

"Damn, someone's impatient," I smirked.

"Please, I need you. I've needed you for years, please," Ben begged. I moved his hair out of his face.

"Just be patient," I said, teasingly.

I leaned up a bit and took off my tight boxers, revealing my 69 mile horse cock. I took some lube and rubbed it all over my dick and shoved it inside of Ben's ass, making it come out of his mouth.

"UGH, KABOB ME DADDY 😩" Ben moaned loudly.

I leaned up a bit and took off my tight boxers, revealing my hard-on. Ben stared at it, blushing.

"Oh you want this? Well you're gonna have to wait," I teased. Ben tried to thrust his hips up, but I held them down.

"Ah, ah, ah. I said you have to wait. And you don't want to disobey me now, do you?" I asked with dominace.

"Ughhhhhhhh," Ben moaned out. I smirked at the state Ben was in. So. Submissive.

I spread Ben's legs apart and into a good position. I picked the lube up from the ground and spread it all over my fingers. I lined up two of my fingers at Ben's entrace.

"You ready?" I asked, genuinely. I didn't want to force Ben to do anything.

"Yes, please," Ben groaned from anticipation.

And with that, I slid my fingers inside of Ben. It was a tight fit, considering he was a virgin. I began to scissor my fingers, making Ben moan louder than ever.

"Ooh, does Bengi Wenji wike dat?" I asked in a teasing voice.

"I-I do, master," Ben gasped. I smirked at him. He tries to squirm at the tightness, but the ropes restrained him.

I kept prepping him, and soon enough, he was fully stretched. I pulled my fingers out of Ben. He whined as he clenched around nothing. I put some lube on my hands and rubbed it on my dick and around Ben's entrance.

"NOW, PLEASE," Ben yelled as I teased him more.

"Ok, little brat," I said, and I pushed in a few inches.

Ben squirmed but eventually got used to the feeling. I pushed in more and began to thrust. Ben moaned and arched his back at it.

"AH!" Ben moaned out when I hit his prostate.

"Oh, little puppy likes that doesn't he," I said while using one of my hands to pat Ben's abdoman.

I thrusted in harder, making Ben moan louder. He tried to thrust his hips in the air but I pinned them down.

"P-Please, Jelle, I need to cum," Ben begged as he tried to release his hips from me.

"Give me one good reason why," I said with dominance.

"If you let me then I will-" Ben was cutoff by me thrusting in. Hard.

And with that last thrust, Ben came all over his stomach and became limp. I smiled at what I had done. I pulled out of Ben and untied the ropes. When the ropes were off, Ben slowly moved his arms back down to his sides, rubbing the ropeburn on his wrists.

I took my shirt off the ground and cleaned us up the best I could. After Ben and I were clean-ish, I laid down next to him and I rubbed his back, softly.

A few minutes pass, and Ben is fast asleep. I thought about what had just happened. I just confessed my love to Ben, and he likes me back.

And then I came to the realization.

I just railed the shit out of my best friend.

I mean, yeah, he did say he liked me back, but... what are we now?

I thought for a while, but decided to get some rest and talk with Ben about it tomorrow.

Anyway, i am SO SORRY this took so long to write. Like ive mentioned before, I have been dealing with a lot of mental problems. And my mental health has gotten a LOT WORSE and yeah, I just needed a break.

Also, after I finish this book, im going to start doing Jellomaner One-Shots. I feel like one-shots would be a little easier for me to do since I wont have to make a whole storyline and stuff.

And I just want to say Rest in Peace to Crainer's dad.

Anyway, sorry the smut was bad. Ive never written it before and I didnt want it to seem like I was copying someone else's writing style either. (And ive never had experience with this).

Also, sorry about the 69 mile horse cock part. I just wrote that to help with self motivation.

And with that, Im gonna end this chapter :)


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