Chapter Six

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Jelle POV:

"Hey Jelle, I'm back," Ben said.

"Hi dude," I replied.

Ben walked back over to the kitchen table where he was sitting before and sat back into his chair. There was an awkward silence for about two minutes until I asked a question.

"Was Josh ok?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah, he's good. He was just asking if I'd heard from you since you hadn't answered his calls today. And I explained to him about what happened," Ben said.

"Oh crap! I completely forgot Josh checks in on me! He must've thought something happened to me since I didn't pick up," I replied.

"Well, when I answered, he did sound pretty worried," Ben said.

"Did he want me to call him back?" I asked.

"No, I told him you were here so I think he's content now," Ben replied.

"That's good," I said, "So, do you want to watch a movie? I'm kinda bored."

"Sure dude. Do you want to watch Guardians of The Galaxy? It's so freaking funny. And I think Chris Pratt looks pretty hot," Ben said.

"Yes! I'm pretty sure I have the whole movie memorised. That is my favorite MARVEL movie," I exclaimed.

"Mine too! Ok, I'll make some popcorn and can you turn on the movie?" Ben asked.

"I'm on it," I replied.

I walked into Ben's living room and turned on his TV. I logged into Disney Plus and went to the MARVEL movie section. I clicked on Guardians of the Galaxy and sat onto the couch so I could wait for Ben to come back.

I took out my phone from my pocket and look at it's side. My phone was still on silent from the plane flight. I feel so bad for scaring Josh. I decided to keep my phone on silent for the movie, but I turned vibrations on in the settings of my phone. I usually don't have vibrations on because it still makes noise and if I want silence, I don't want noise.

I put my phone back into my pocket and layed down and rested my head onto the armrest. It wasn't very comfortable, but I am just very tired.

Ben walked in a few minutes later with a bowl of popcorn and he sat down next to me. I felt him tap my shoulder and I sat up. We were so close. His leg was touching mine, it felt... Amazing. He pressed play on the remote and the movie began to play.

Ben pulled down a blanket from behind the couch and layed it ontop of us. He put his arm around me and layed his head on my shoulder. I layed my head on his. His long curly hair felt nice on my face and he smelled nice.

"Thank you for being here Jelle," Ben whispered.

"You're welcome. Just know, no matter what happens, I will always be here for you. Even if you don't want my help, I will help you," I whispered back.

Ben sat back up and looked at me. He smiled and hugged me. The hug was warm and full of love and safeness.

Ben broke the hug after about ten seconds and looked at the movie. I looked back at the movie as well, but I kept glancing at Ben. He is the most perfect person I have met.
------------20 minute time skip bcuz i can--------------

I felt my eyelids getting heavy. My head kept dropping down and waking me up. And Ben noticed because he told me to lay on his lap. I did as he told me, though I was panicking a lot because I am laying on my crushes lap.

It did feel nice though. He stroked my arm and I swear, I wanted to pull Ben down too and just kiss him. He is the sweetest person in the world.

My eyelids got heavier and I tried to keep them open, but they stayed closed. I was about to fall asleep but then I heard Ben say,"Jeg elsker dig."

I smiled even though I didn't understand what Ben said, I'm just glad I am able to help him through this.

Hailo guys, gals, and nonbinary pals (and other gender identities), i almost forgot to update this. sorry if its kinda bad, I didn't have my planning sheet near me.

Also is you celebrate Labor Day, happy Labor Day Weekend! And if you don't Happy Weekend! :)

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