Chapter Twelve

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TW: Mention of devils tango
Crainer's POV:

I walked into my office while Jelle was making a phone call. I closed the door and sighed. Jelle has made my life a whole lot better. I thought about Jelle holding my hand. Holding his hand was the best feeling I have ever had. I felt my cheeks go warm from the thought and I smiled.

"Jeg har fortælle ham mine følelser," I whispered to myself.

I looked down at the hand that Jelle held and smiled bigger. I could still feel his hand holding mine, and I loved it. I wondered why Jelle held my hand. I mean, we're friends and friends hold hands, but that felt...different.

I kept thinking about what happened for a few minutes until I decided to ask someone what it meant. I took out my phone and decided to call Ian since he's married and probably has knowledge of ✨l o v e✨


"Hey Ian, can I you ask a question?" I asked.

"Yeah dude, of coarse. Is it about you know who?" Ian replied.

"Well, maybe," I said, smiling a little.

"Yes! I knew it! Did you have sex? Were you the top or bottom?" Ian joked, starting to laugh.

"Oh my god Ian, why? Why would you ask that?" I asked, laughing.

"Wait, did you guys not do it yet?" Ian said, still laughing.

"No we didn't. Also, what do you mean 'yet?' I haven't even told him my feelings, which is part of the reason I'm calling you," I replied.

"Oh, are you going to tell him soon?" Ian asked with anticipation.

"Well, I want to. Ok, so, Jelle and I went to lunch a little while ago, and when we were walking back to my house, he held my hand. And the way he held my hand didn't feel like how people that are just friends would hold hands," I explained.

"Wow, um, I say you should sit down with him and just tell him how you feel. From what you have told me, you two have a very good relationship already," Ian said.

"But what if he doesn't want to be friends anymore? I don't want to lose him," I said, getting nervous thinking about all the negative possibilities of telling him could be.

"Hey, it'll be alright. If he doesn't have the same feelings, he's missing out," Ian replied. I smiled at what he said.

Ian gave me some advice on how to confess my feelings; asking if he likes me, flat out tell him, kiss him, etc.

"Hey Ben, I'm off call, just letting you know," Jelle said, his voice muffled due to the door seperating us.

"Ok, I'll be out in a minute," I replied. I heard Jelle walk away.

"Good luck dude. You can do it," Ian said.

"Thanks. I'll call you after whatever happens," I replied, my chest pounding.

"Ok, bye," Ian said.


I hung up and put my phone in my pocket. I opened my door and prepared myself for what was about to happen...
HELLO EVERYONE!!!! Omg i had to force myself to write this. sorry that the chapter was short, i honestly couldnt stay focused on this today. I wish the writing was better, but i didnt want to delay this anymore.

i hope you readers are having an AMAZING DAY :) i might not be updating next week because ☠️spooky night☠️ im going in a ranboo cosplay (ill be safe)

okay baiiiiiiiiiiiii <3

Is it ok to say I love you? (Crainer X Jelly fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now