Chapter 18 FINALE

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Jelly POV:

Ben and I sat next to each other, not talking. The only sounds we could hear were our own breathing and Bobby eating his dog food. I thought to myself about what happened last night. It was a good night.

We sat in silence for what felt like forever, but it was only a few minutes, until Ben finally spoke.

"You, uh, weren't uncomfortable doing... you know... last night, right? I mean, I wasn't uncomfortable, I was fine, but I just wanted to make sure you were ok because I didn't want you to think you were being forced to do it and-" Ben rushed out when I cut him off.

"Woah, slow down. No, I wasn't uncomfortable in the slightest, I mean it. And also no, I didn't feel like I was forced to do it. Seriously, if I was not ready or something, I would tell you," I said, smiling softly. Ben smiled back, seeming somewhat relieved.

Ben and I sat in silence again, a little less awkward, until Ben spoke up again.

"So, uh, this is probably going to sound dumb, but can I ask you a genuine question?" Ben asked.

"Yeah, of course dude," I said.

"So, I know we both have known each other for a long time, we both know we like each other, and you just railed the fuck out of me last night. But, I just don't know what we are now. Like; friends with benefits, boyfriends, fuck buddies, or anything at all?" Ben asked.

I thought to myself for a minute. I would love for us to be boyfriends. We've known each other for years, so dating wouldn't really do much. I feel ready for it, but is Ben?

"Well, what would you like for us to be, if anything?" I asked. "I'll be fine with anything, as long as we can still be on good terms."

"Uh, well, um," Ben paused. He nercously took a deep breath in and continued, "I would kinda like for us to be boyfriends. If you feel ready or want to that is."

I squeeled, jumped up, and hugged Ben. He obviously didn't expect the hug from how tense he was, but he relaxed and hugged me back.

"Of course, I would love to be your boyfriend!" I exclaimed, smiling widely.

"YAY!!!" Ben yelled, squeezing me tightly.

--------------time skip a few hours---------------

"Josh you lazy bum, pick up the phone," I groaned as my phone rang for Josh. Ben laughed at my frustration.

"Hello?" Josh yawned.

"Dude, were you sleeping? It's like 4 in the afternoon," Ben questioned.

"It's called a nap, Ben," Josh teased.

I laughed at their bickering and Ben rolled his eyes.

"Ok, Josh, so Ben and I have something to tell you," I said, smiling at Ben. He smiled back, knowing what we were about to say.

"We're-" Josh cut us off.

"Pregnant?" Josh asked, and he busted out laughing.

"Josh, that isn't even possible!" Ben yelled, laughing a bit at the joke as well.

"Well you never know. Ok, so say what you wanted now," Josh said, still laughing a bit.

"We're boyfriends!" Ben and I exclaimed together.

"Wait really?! Finally!" Josh said.

"Yes really," Ben said, smiling.

"Congrats guys! Wait, oh shit, I have to go. My phone is about to die. Bye gays!" Josh said.

"Bye Josh," Ben and I both said, giggling at what Josh called us.

The call ended and Ben and I decided to go watch some TV. We watched for a few hours while cuddling next to each other, giving each other kisses ever few minutes. Then it soon became sunset and Ben decided to go watch the sun go down.

We went outside to Ben's backyard and sat down on the grass. It was a bit chilly out, so we huddled close together. We layed back onto the grass and looked up and at the yellowish, pinkish sky.

"Jelle, I have another question," Ben said.

"Ask away," I replied.

"Is it ok to say I love you?" Ben asked.

I turned my head and looked into Ben's emerald eyes. The same eyes I fell in love with the first time I saw them. I kissed Ben passionately for a few seconds before pulling away.

"Of course," I said.

"Well, then I love you," Ben said, pecking me on the lips.

"I love you too, Benny Boo," I replied, kissing Ben as the sun fully set over the horizon.

The End...

Ok so i had no motivation to finish this at all and then jelly and crainer stopped tecording together so i thought there would be no reason to finish this, but i still did months after i wanted to.

anyway, idk if ill be doing anymore fanfic stuff in the future. if i do itll probably be a oneshot book so stay tuned for that. ALSO HAPPY PRIDE MONTH 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

Also thank you for all the support I got while making this. I wanted to give up ok it multiple times, but I didn't. Thank you, and peace out until next time :) <3 -Dakota

Is it ok to say I love you? (Crainer X Jelly fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now