Chapter 28- The Breaking News

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"Breaking News! Cumberlin Academy is rumored to have a cheat. Police say late Friday night, an anonymous leak reported it. The anonymous leak says that it's been going on for years. The person provides test answers to anyone who can afford it. The answers are written on soda cans, and distributed before school. The police are searching for the person rumored to be distributing answers, but nothing yet. We will keep you updated on this growing story. I'm Elizabeth Harry, live on your local news."

I hurry to find the remote as my mom walks into the kitchen, but she sees the screen before I am able to change it to something that won't get me grounded.

"Isn't that your school?" She asks, setting her coffee down.


"WHAT?! CHEATING! CASEY CARSON YOU BETTER NOT BE CHEATING!" She screams so loud I'm pretty sure the whole neighborhood heard.

"No, Mom. But I know of people who are," I lie, being cautious not to look her straight in the eyes. My mom is a breathing, walking lie detector.

"Are you sure? Because if you are lying you are so grounded."

"Yes," I lie again, turning off the TV.

"You have to leave for school soon, and I want you to drive your brother to his school too."

"What? Why?" I whine. Mom never makes me drive Jake to school.

His school is on the other side of town. I used to go there too, but that was before I became one of the most popular girls at Crumberlin. Back then, I was a total geek. Geeked out from head to toe. It hurts even just thinking about it.

Anywho, as I was saying. His school and Crumberlin are on opposite sides of the city. That makes it nearly impossible to drive him to school and get to school on time.

"Just do it Casey, I have a meeting with a fashion designer in France. I have to leave for the airport soon.

My phone. The one I had lost after Della, Courtney, and I ditched school to go to the mall. Finally.

"Fine," I agree all too quickly.

"Plus, he might get some big cool points if he gets a ride to school in his sister's cool Mustang instead of my Volkswagen."

"Uhhhhggggg," I groan, making my way up the stairs to Casa de la Casey.

I quickly finish getting ready.

"Casey! Let's go! I have a big presentation 1st hour today! Why do girls always take so long?" Jake whines from outside my door.

"One sec Jake. Let me grab my bag and then we can leave."

"Well, hurry!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I quickly follow him down the stairs and out the door.

"Casey, why is there half a taco sitting on the seat?"

"Oh! That's where that went. I thought Brett ate it on the-" I stop mid sentence. Oh great. Here come the questions.

"Who's Brett? What about Marcus? Did you two break up? What happened? Why did you buy Brett food?" Jakes eyes widen.

"I'll tell you if you get in the car, Squirt," I wink.

He sighs, knowing I'm getting into one of my girl talk seshes. I basically drone on and on about my life problems, and he sits silently and nods in agreement.

As soon as we are on the road, I begin my story. I leave out the details about the making out, the whole boy coming over while parents aren't home, and everything else an eighth grader is too young to hear.

Forever later, we arrive at his school. As I pull up, some of the teachers standing outside stop and stare at me. They recognize me as The Girl Who Got 100's on Everything. Now, I am The Girl Who is Struggling to Get Passing Grades. Plus better style and knowledge of makeup.

My old math teacher nearly dropped her -all black, no sugar, no milk- coffee. I drop Jake off, and tell him in an annoying motherly way to have a good day.

"Yeah, whatever," he says, shutting the door.

"I love you Jakie Wakie!" I shout after him, blowing air kisses.

By the time I pull into my school, there is 5 minutes until class starts.

My cell phone starts buzzing wildly.

"What?!" I say agitated.

"Where are you?" Della asks from the other side of the phone.

"Walking in now."

"You have to see this."

"See what?" I ask, but stop as when I approach the lobby, there are police stopping each student. They are searching student's bags. Looking for cans I assume. To the left there is a little area with a few kids waiting in line to talk to a police officer. I guess they had evidence.

I mentally thank God that I didn't get a can last test. I breathe a sigh of relief as I hand my bag over to the cop wearing those blue gloves that uses the weird stick thing to look through your bag.

When he takes it, he nearly breaks the zipper opening it, causing me to shriek, "Careful! That was expensive!"

The cop looks at me with the utmost distaste, and not to mention half the room looks at me.

"Sorry," I shrug. Most everyone goes back to doing what they were doing, and I continue towards my locker after he hands me my bag again.

Della and Courtney are huddled together in front of our lockers, whispering about something.

"What's going on?"

"I know who Soda Pop is."


Ooohhh! So it's getting heated!

Attached pic is of Caseys car because why not?



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