Chapter 46- The Santa Clause Imposter

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I can't believe I actually volunteered to babysit Brett's brother. I did not think this through. At all. What was I thinking? I am horrible with kids! People don't ask me to babysit for a reason!

My older sister babysat all the time. And when she left for college, people were like: "Oh! Since she is good I bet her sister is too!"


I only babysitted once. It was for this little 6 or something year old boy. Everything was going good until he wanted to watch tv. Tv always makes me sleepy. Next thing i knew, I fell asleep on the job. While I was sleeping, the kid completely trashed his house. He spilled dog food everywhere, took all the stuff out of the fridge, and even wrote an extremely bad word on my face.

Needless to say, his parents were mad. Really mad. They told everyone in the neighborhood. And I never got another babysitting offer again.

And that is why I don't babysit.

For one, I have to get up at 6 am to be ready to go at 7:30 so I can be at Brett's dorm by 8. Then I am taking Pete out to breakfast then the mall. Which ought to be extremely crowded because Christmas is in exactly 12 days.

And today is the perfect opportunity to buy the perfect gift for Brett.

I smile at my newly freed wrist.

I am in the car early even. And good thing. Because there is a ton of traffic.

"Hey, what's up?" Brett says over the phone.

"I'm sorry Brett, but I am going to be late. I didn't expect this much traffic," I apologize, peering at the massive line of cars ahead of me.

"Crap! Maybe one of the frat guys can watch him for awhile. How late are you going to be?"

"Maybe 10 minutes?"

"Okay. He will be waiting here. I gave him $50 to shop with and pay for food."

"Nah, it's okay. Food is my treat. I brought my credit card."

"Are you sure?" His voice sounds relieved.

"Yeah, totally. I am so excited to meet him. How old is he again?" A hope fills me that this will go better than the last time I babysat.

"He is 5. He will try and tell you he is 8, but he is not. He is 5."

"Got it," I say confidently.

"Oh, and Case?"


"He can get into trouble sometimes."

"Oh, like what kind of trouble?" Uh oh.

"Hey! I gotta go! My exam is in 20 minutes. Bye Love!"

"Okay then-" And I am cut off because Brett hangs up.

Great. Just more bad babysitting cred.

By the time I finally reach the enormous frat house, it is already 8:15.

I ring the doorbell and awkwardly wait until a short guy who looks utterly freaked out answers the door.

"Are you Casey?" He asks.

I frown,"Yeah?"

"Here, take him. I can't handle this anymore," he grabs an adorable little kid by the shirt, shoving him out the door before quickly closing it and locking it.

The kid smiles up at me. He looks absolutely nothing like Brett, but sure is adorable. He has light brown hair that is almost blonde, and looks completely harmless. I don't know what Brett meant when he said troublemaker. This kid looks like an angel!

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