Chapter 18- The Stereotype

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I sit alone in the booth at Wing Dings. I am a total train wreck.

My eyeliner is rubbed, my lipstick is faded, and my outfit looks like a drunk homeless person. Yeah, it's that bad.

Brett arrives exactly three minutes late, and when he sees me, his face lights up and then turns into a confused mix of sadness, and 'What Is That Hobo Doing Here'.

"Hey Casey, looking sharp as always." He tries to muster a little bit of kindness, but I can see right through his lies.

"Don't do that."

"Do what?" He says, taking a seat.

"Pretend compliment me. I know I look like a homeless person, but you don't have to pretend I don't," I sigh, sitting my head down on top if my hands.

"Hey! Cheer up! It's our first session!" He tries to be enthusiastic, but sounds more like he should be on Disney Channel.

"Yay," I try to sound excited.

"Let's clean your face up a little bit," he says dipping the tip of his napkin in his glass of water before using it to clean up my running eyeliner.

"Thanks Brett," I genuinely smile for the first time today.

"No problem. Now for your hair," He grabs my purse, rummaging through it until he finds a comb. "Here. Brush it."

I take it from him and begin to untangle the squirrel's nest that is my hair. He then reaches across and fixes my crooked blazer, straightens my tie, and gives me his look of approval.

"Much better," He smiles.

The waitress comes to our table and asks us what we want. Brett orders something, but my brain is to fogged up to comprehend the entire conversation.

Before she leaves, I mumble a few words to the waitress. "Can I get a beer? Any kind."

"She's kidding," Brett says, noticing the look on the waitresses face.

The waitress walks away with a funny look on her face.

"Are you insane? Do you want to get arrested?" He yell-whispers.

"Can we just skip today's session and get out of here. I'm seriously not up for studying right now."

"But I just ordered!" He complains.

I sigh extremely loud, and start fake crying. Just one of the many talents my sister taught me.

"Fine!" He says. He stands up and extends his hand -which I ignore and stand up- and we both walk out together. He catches our waitress and cancels his order on the way out.

Don't do something stupid. You definitely will regret it later. Don't do it Casey. Don't do-

"Where's your car?" I ask him.

"I took the bus. My car is in the shop," he sighs, walking off towards the bus stop.

"I can drive you."

"Are you sure? I don't want to put you our of your way. My frat house is pretty far."

"Yeah, no problem. I need to get some air anyways. All this arguing has fogged my judgement. Plus, I owe you remember," Scenes of us kissing flash through my mind, and I feel a tug on my lips. I quickly swallow the thought, and nod my head towards my Mustang.

"Are you sure you want to drive with a fogged up judgement? I hear that's pretty dangerous," Brett jokes.

"Glad you think it's funny."

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