Chapter 36- The Lie

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2 months? No. How can this be? How could she have not told us for that long?

"Courtney! How could you not tell us? When did this happen?" Della says, surprisingly calm for all that is happening.

"I'm sorry, okay? It's just that it is kind of embarrassing. And I didn't want you guys to know because his family is not rich or anything. They live in a two bedroom house in the middle of nowhere, on a farm."

"Oh my gosh! Really? A two bedroom house?"

"Yeah. And I have begun to figure myself out. I'm going to homecoming with their son, Clayton. He is special needs, and has never had a date to homecoming before. He is a senior, just like us, and is probably the nicest person I have ever known. He is special and I want to make him feel just as special as he really is. He accepted me for who I am. He listened when I needed someone to listen, and made me a better person."

"Aw, that's so sweet. What kind of disorder does he have?" Della asks, totally not being concerned with offending Courtney.

She answers it nonchalantly, "He was in an accident when he was little, and it left him with paralysis in his legs."

"Para- whatnow?" Della asks, lost.

I have have a bit of medical knowledge from my Prepopularity days. I attended many medical classes and seminars.

"It means when he was in the accident, some of he vertebrae in his back were damaged, leaving him paralyzed," Courtney shrugs.

Courtney sounds... smart. Like me before I became popular smart. What?

"Courtney where did you learn all that?" I ask, astonished.

"Oh, Clayton taught me. I've had lots of free time since Della has been biting her nails off, and you are going out with my ex," she shruggs. And her hands immediately fly up to her mouth as soon as she realizes what she just said

"Wait, what? Back up. Your ex ? Brett is your ex-boyfriend ?" Rage fills my voice.

"I wouldn't call it ex-boyfriend. More like we may have gone out for a short period of time. Not even that long. And plus I broke up with him," She rambles.

I can't help but notice that Della is taking great caution to stay out of it.

"So you mean to tell me that when you and Brett exchanged awkward glances at my house, you and didn't tell me? Even after I told you that I really liked him, and felt like it was going somewhere? " I feel my face heat up, and Courtney looks terrified.

"I'm sorry, I just never thought it would go that far between you two. I mean, he isn't exactly your type," Courtney looks me in the eye, and I can see she feels guilty.

"Who says I have a 'type'? Why can't I just date who I want? Please, just explain to me how this happened because I am not understanding."

"Well, I met him one night at a party and one thing led to another, and it just happened. Casey, it was forever ago. Please can we just drop it and enjoy our spa day? As if it hasn't been ruined by enough drama and news already?"

"Fine. Let's just enjoy the rest of our day, drama free. We can discuss this later," I agree, laying back into my massage chair and letting it dissolve away my problems.


Ooh. Things are heating up between the girls.

Stay tuned for more :)

For those of you who have been around long enough, you realize that I changed the title and cover of the book. I was getting tired of the name, and it just didn't fit anymore, so I changed it.

The picture is of the old cover and name!

R.I.P. Geek Out.

Make sure to comment if you like the new cover!


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