Chapter 6- The Pink Whale Tail

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Mondays are like a mini first day of school. They suck just as much as the first day though. Except, on the first day of school you actually try to look nice. Mondays are worse though, mainly due to the fact that there are more of them.

Even with the Monday blues, my uniform was at least ironed, which was better than most of my classmates. And I wore my adorable mint green suede booties.The booties alone cost me (or should I say my parents) $250.

In case you haven't figured it out by now, my parents are kind of rich. Not just a measly million rich- but rich rich. Every year we donate over 2 million to charities alone.

We live in this huge manor at the top of a subdivision situated on top of a hill. It's gated and everything. And to top it all off, there's also a pool, tennis courts, and walking paths.

Steering back on track... Where were we? Oh yeah! $250 booties. But, you don't want me to drag on and on about every single detail of my booties. I could do that all day, you know. Talk about the fabric, the make, the texture, the heel hight... But you probably don't want to hear about that.

As I walked into school two guys whistled at me. I roll my eyes and continue walking. Normally I would have waved or smiled, but it's Monday. I seriously don't feel like being a teenaged boy's sexual object today.

Della and Courtney are sitting on our usual bench, waiting for me.

"Hey ladies," I say, sitting down next to Della. I slowly peer up as I see the roughed up look on her face. Her uniform sleeve is torn and her hair looks worse than mine. She gives me a dirty look, and I am about to ask her what is wrong when the principal comes over the intercom.

"Would Delaney Stanley please come to the principals office. Delaney Stanley you are needed in the principals office."

Delaney "Della" gets up without a word and walks away towards the principal's office. A couple of girls stop and stare at her, but Della's stare is like daggers, and they quickly avert their eyes.

"What's up with her?" I whisper to Courtney.

"She got in a fight," Courtney shrugs.

"What? With who?" I say, furious that Della didn't tell me.

"Her sister."

A sinking feeling fills my chest. Della's twin sister also attends this school. The girls absolutely hate each other. Della lives with her dad, CEO of a corporate chip making buisness; and Alyssa lives with her mom, diner waitress at a minimum wage job. You can tell why there would be tension.

"And I thought I was having a bad day," I sigh, slinging my bag over my shoulder. I stand up, and Courtney jumps up, too.

"I know right." A deep voice behind me agrees.

I swing around, nearly falling over my own two feet. His hand reaches out to steady me. I pull Marcus in for a nice, long kiss.

"I haven't seen you in a while," He says, breaking away.

"I missed you like crazy," I say kissing him again.

Don't forget about the hot guy who is seriously attractive. A pesky little voice in the back of my mind says.

Someone coughs behind me, and I turn to see a teacher. Her disapproving look says it all, and we quickly step away from each other.

"Thank you Ms. Carson. Now, if you haven't noticed, the warning bell has rung indicating two minutes until class begins. I'm sure you would agree that your studies come first. Isn't that right young man?" She says, her glasses are on the brim of her nose.

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