Chapter 60- The Savior

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This is officially the worst night of my life. All in one one night I have: probably landed myself in prison, found out my ex boyfriend of four years never truly loved me, possibly ended the best relationship I will ever have, and got mustard on my favorite sweater.

I tried to put on a brave face in front of Alicia and Jake, but as soon as Alicia glared at me in her sisterly way, I broke down crying.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong, or is this Christmas 2009 all over again?"

"I can't tell you," I say in between sobs. I lean my head into her chest, and realize I just ruined her sweater with 'waterproof' mascara.

"C'mon, it's not like it's illegal to tell your big sister your boy troubles!" She smirks, but my eyes widen in terror.

"Actually, yes it is!" I cry, standing up a little too quickly and feeling the blood rush to my head.

She has no idea how ironic her last statement was. I literally can't tell her. Because it literally is illegal.

I grab a clump of my hair in my hands and pull, the pain feels like a release.

"Woah, stop it! You are going to go bald!" Alicia says, taking my hand off my head.

"Can I ask you something?" I say, the tears are gone now, replaced with running mascara that makes me look like a dalmation.

By the confused look in her eyes, I can tell she probably thinks I need mental help, yet being a loving sister she is she stammers out a shaky, "O-okay?"

"Is it okay for a guy to lie to you? I mean, if he is protecting you from something that could get you both in huge trouble?"

"Case, what's going on? Do we need to call mom and dad? I think we need to call them," She pulls out her phone, but I take it out of her hands and lay it on the bed next to her.

"No, I just want to talk. Me and you. Off the record," My eyes scan hers, but all I can read is confusion.

"Casey," She whispers, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Ali, I swear, I'm okay," I lie. I don't need her worrying and ending up calling my parents. That's exactly what I don't need.

"Then what aren't you telling me? Why are you playing this-this game? I don't understand! Make me understand Casey!" She says, angered; but her eyes are spilling with salty tears.

"Ali, please. I need your help. But I can't tell you the exact details. Just please answer my question."

"Casey, I-"

"Alicia, please," I beg.

She sighs, but nods. "If he really was in too deep, and wanted to protect you, that's the important part. I don't know exactly what you are referring to, but the fact that he wanted to keep you safe tells me that he really does love you. From all my experience, I can say that not all guys are that considerate. They just care about themselves. Well, themselves and money-"

I nod.

"-But the point is, even though he may have had a good reason, he still lied. It's not up to me to decide the fate of your relationship, only you can do that. All I can do is provide you with wishful insight and hope you listen. Now, im going to put this in a weird way, but just follow along. You write your own story. But when we fall in love, another person can edit your story, and morph it into something you hate. Only you can re-edit your story to have the ending you desire."

Woah, that was borderline literature.

I pause, letting the words sink in. Alicia's eyes soften, and she pulls me in for a long, sisterly hug.

Headlights flood my bedroom window. I break our hug to walk over to the window. I feel my heart tighten as I see Brett's familiar car.

"Who is it? I thought Mom and Dad weren't getting home until tomorrow," Alicia joins me at the window.

"Him," I whisper, biting my lip to keep from bursting into tears again.

"Rewrite your story," She says, squeezing my shoulders.

I nod, and take the first steps towards my ending.

When Brett sees me, he gets out of his car. He smiles his adorable grin, and holds up his phone.

I must look pretty confused, because he walks over and smoothes my hair. I knock his hand away, taking a step back. His expression, however, doesn't even waver.

"What's going on?"

He grins, wider than before. "We got him, Baby."

"Got who?"

"Marcus. I have his confession right here," He holds up his phone.

"What? How did you-"

"I knew you would go confront him, so I simply waited until I saw you leave, then followed you. I had to make sure he didn't hurt you."

"Brett, I-" I want to be mad, I really do, but I just can't. At least, not after this. This could mean justice. For Marcus- that scumbag- and for me.

I throw my arms around him, and he wraps his arms awkwardly around me.

"I'm sorry I lied, I really am. But you have to understand that I tried to get out of it. I tried to quit, but Marcus threatened me. He threatened you. And I just couldn't risk hurting you. I lied and it wasn't right. Lying was wrong. I should've just told you. I should have gone to the cops already. I should've done the right thing while I still could," He takes my face into his warm hands.

"Brett, I don't blame you. At least, I don't now. Marcus lied. To both of us. He fooled me for nearly four years. I just wish I would've broken up with that psycho sooner," I lean in, embracing him.

"Casey, I want to tell you the whole truth, if you will let me."

I nod.

"I met Marcus the summer before he started school at Crumberlin. I attended Crumb for one year before I was expelled for hacking into the school's computer systems. When I got expelled, I met Marcus through a friend. Marcus needed help, badly. He had taken his admissions, and was sure he failed. I still had access to the schools computers, so I made a deal with him. I hacked the system and he paid me. I put him on the admissions list and changed his answers so most were correct. Once school started, he contacted me soon after. He wanted help cheating on a test. I agreed, if he paid me for my services. He told some of his friends, and it quickly grew to the whole school. We figured out a way to get the answers on the cans and sold them. Business started to fade around your junior year. Marcus knew a guy who could hook us up with the stuff we needed to keep business booming. I tried to get out, but Marcus threatened to have someone kill me. It wasn't until someone got stupid that the whole operation was busted. If we turn Marcus in, that could mean serious consequences for us. Are you sure you're up for it?"

"I will do anything to put that psychopath away," I shake with anger.

"Good. Because I have a plan," He smiles, planting a kiss on my lips.



Sorry for no posts lately. I was on vacation, then I got back and everything has just been CRAZY.

Please tell your friends to read my book so we can get more reads!



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