Chapter One: The New Students

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Author Notes: Hello, Readers. This is my first story on this, so please be nice to me. I want to apologize in advance about my grammar. I never proofread it so yeah. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and please comment if you like it or not. Thank you.
Disclaimer: I, TNckitty, do not own Yugioh. Only the OCs that are mention in this story.

Two boys with a star-shape hair is walking to school. The tallest one has black hair, red outline his hair, and blonde bangs with some shooting up making it look like lightning bolts. He has sharp crimson red eyes. He wore a blue school jacket with matching blue pants. Underneath his jacket is a white shirt and around his neck is a chocker and an upside-down pyramid with the eye of Horus.
The shorter one has the same hair style, except for the violet tips and he didn't have any blonde hair shooting up like the other. His amethyst eyes were round and big, making him look innocent. He wore the same school uniform, chocker, and pyramid. It was the first day of school and they didn't want to be late. The two were almost at the gate until they heard their names called.
"Yami, Yugi, wait up!" They turn around an saw a tall blonde teen coming towards them. He has mess dirty blonde hair with two pointy ears and honey-brown eyes. He also has a blonde tail. He is taller the both of them. He also wore the school uniform.
"Hey, Joey," the little one said.
"Hey, Yugi, Yami. How was you summer," the blonde, Joey, asked.
"It was great! We went to Egypt," the cute one, Yugi, answered.
"Cool. Come on, let's go meet the others. I want to see what Bakura and Malik is going to do this year," Yami, the mature one, said.
They walked in the building and went into their homeroom. Lucky for them, they all have the same homeroom together. They all walked in and saw two girls talking. One of them has short brown hair with sky-blue eyes. She wore a pink blazer with a white shirt underneath. At the collar is a yellow tie and a blue skirt that stop at the middle of her thighs. The second girl has long red hair with honey-brown eyes. On her back were two big butterfly wings. She also wore the same uniform. The three boys duck to avoided a flying desk.
This school isn't ordinary. This school is full of monsters and magicians. The three walked up to the two girls.
"Hello, Téa, Serenity," Yami greeted them. They stop talking and look at them.
"Oh, hello, Yami, Yugi, Joey," The brunette, Tea, said.
"Big brother," the red-head, Serenity, hug her brother tightly. "I miss you so much."
Serenity is Joey's little sister. They have been separated when they were young. She joined her brother school two years ago.
"I miss you, too, Sis," Joey hugged her back. The door opened and came in a pair of twins. Two of them has white hair, with one that has more wild hair and more see through. The other two has blonde-white hair, one of them has hair that stick out everywhere, has bat wings and tail. One of the white haired boys has warm brown, while the other on has sharp insane brown eyes. The two blondes has purple eyes. The spikier hair on has the same insane eyes as the other one.
"What's up, Shorty, Idiot, and Pharaoh," the insane blonde greeted.
"Hey," Joey and Yugi said, at the same time.
"Oh, hi, Ryou, Bakura, Marik, Malik," Serenity said nicely.
"Hello, Idiot's sister," the blonde, Malik, said.
"Remind me again, why we are friend with the two Psychos," Yami whispered to Yugi.
"Because of their nicer brothers, Ryou and Marik," Yugi whispered back.
"Hey," Bakura suddenly said, making the two jumped. "Did you hear that there is three new students in our homeroom? We can {'prank'} them without getting caught."
"Yes," Malik punched his fist in the air. "So, what plan are we going to use?"
Just when Bakura is about to tell him, the bell ringed and everybody got into their seats. A brunette boy went to sit next to Joey. Some of his body is dissembled, like his right arm. His clothes were all torn up and dirty. Yami and Yugi were sitting in the back of class. The teacher walks in and everybody stood up.
"Good morning, Mr. Pham," they all said.
"Ok, students, please sit down. Today, we have three new student. Please come in," Mr. Pham announced. Three people walked in. There was two girls and one boy.
The boy has curly black hair and emerald green eyes. He wore thick glasses. On his back is a pair of flaming wings. he was wearing similar clothes as the rest of the boys, but has a tattoo of a phoenix on his neck. He was as tall as Yami, which is around 5'5.
The girl next to him has jet black hair that is tied to a ponytail. It passes her shoulders. Her bangs were sweep to the right of her face. Her eyes were crystal blue and wore rimless glasses. Her ears are pointy and sharp. She wore the same girls uniform, except her skirt is longer. She is about Yugi's hight, which is around 5 feet.
The last girl is very unusual. She has black hair with red highlights, which passes her waist. She also has it pulled into a ponytail. Her eyes were cobalt blue. Unlike the rest of the girls, she wore the boys uniform instead. Unlike the other two, she didn't wear glasses. She was about an inch or two taller then the boy, and that's about 5'6 or 5'7. She looks more shy then the other two because she has her head down.
"Ok, class. Please meet, Andy Valdez, Danina Orie, and Teresa Fudo," the teacher introduced. "Since they are new to this school, I'll be pairing them up with the ones who know the school well. Andy will go with Ryou."
Ryou raise his and and Andy walk towards him.
"Danina goes with Yugi."
Yugi and Danina did the same.
"And Teresa and Yami."
Teresa look at Yami and slowly walk toward him.
"Since this the first day of school, why don't we show our new classmates what you are and when everybody finishes, they will show us who we are."
Everybody got up and walked outside to the field. The three new students and the gang stayed in the back of the class.
"Hi, I'm Yugi. This is my twin brother, Yami, and our friends Joey, Tristan, Tea, Serenity, Ryou, Bakura, Marik, and Malik," Yugi introduce the gang to them.
"Hello, I'm Danina and this is Andy and Teresa. Teresa doesn't talk much," Danina said. Teresa jabbed her with her elbow. "Ow."
"Don't mind them. They are always like this. So, what creature are you guys," Andy asked.
Before anybody can answer, the teacher announced they will begin.
"We'll tell you by showing you," Yami said. All three nodded. Almost everybody gone up except for the 10 of them. Tea and Serenity went up first.
"Hello, I'm Tea and I'm a witch."
"And I'm Serenity and I'm a fairy," she said, softly.
Tea took out a wand in midair and said a spell. Serenity flied up into the sky, making her wing sparkle. Once Tea finish her spell, plants started to grow wildly.
"Thank you, Tea, Serenity. Now, who's next," the teacher asked. Ryou and Bakura raise their hands and walked up.
"I'm Ryou and I'm a healer," Ryou said.
"I'm Bakura and I'm a half-ghost," Ryou's twin said.
Bakura grabs a knife out of his pocket and asked someone to volunteer. Andy immediately raise his hand. Both Danina and Teresa shook their heads, making everybody confuse and shock that his is going to get killed on the first day of school with one of the psychos.
Yugi lean closer to Danina and asked, "Should we worry about him getting killed?"
"No, he can't die anyway," Danina answered.
"You'll see." She wink and made Yugi blushed.
Andy stood very still and wait for Bakura to throw the knife. He threw it and hit Andy on the arm. Ryou quickly remove the it and said a spell to heal it. Once he was done, the wound closed to leave nothing there.
"I like you," Bakura said.
"That's new," Yami stated. Danina and Teresa looked at Yami. "Bakura never like people."
Danina and Teresa nodded.
Next up was Marik and Malik.
"We are Marik and Malik. I'm a shapeshifter," Marik said.
"And I'm a demon," Malik said. Malik took off in the air and Marik is changed into the teacher. The shapeshifter did everything Mr. Pham did. Malik shoot flames towards the class. The class backed away, but one of the flames headed towards Andy. The students tried to warn him but it was too late. Andy was laying on the ground. His clothes were burned. Ryou tried to get to him, but Danina and Teresa blocked him.
"It's ok. It happens all the time," Danina said. Before Ryou can argue, Andy went into flames. Once the fire died, Andy is standing up with his clothes good and new.
"As you can see, he is a phoenix," Danina informed.
"Oh, so that's why you let him get hurt," Yugi said.
"Yes, that is the reason."
Malik landed next to Marik, who turn back.
"That's cool," Malik said, patting Andy's back, accidentally touched his flaming wings. "Ow."
"Yeah, you might want to watch out for my wings," Andy stated.
"Well, we don't need Andy to show who is anymore," Mr. Pham said. "Ok, who's next?"
Tristan and Joey went up.
"What's up, people. We are Joey and Tristan. I'm a werewolf," Joey said.
"And I'm a zombie," Tristan said.
Joey turned into a big blonde wolf and Tristan pull off his arm.
"You want it boy," Tristan asked. Joey wags his tail and barks happily. "Then go get it."
Tristan threw his arm across the field, and Joey ran after it. Once Joey give the arm back to Tristan, it was Yugi and Yami's turn.
"We save the best for last," the teacher said.
"We are the twins Yugi and Yami. I'm a light magician," Yugi said.
"I'm a shadow magician," Yami said.
They both look at each other and nodded. They face each other and raise their hands. Yugi hand started to form a yellow energy ball, while Yami has a dark shadow energy ball. Once they got enough, they release it and the two mixed together to form an even bigger energy ball with light and shadow energy. They shot it in the air and the ball exploded into dust.
"Well, now that everybody went, it's time for Danina and Teresa to preform theirs." They nodded and walked up.
"Since Teresa is shy to talk to anyone, I'll do the talking for her. We are Danina and Teresa. I'm an ice magician and she is a fire magician," Danina said.
Teresa stands off on the side, while Danina is preforming her's. Danina's eyes glowed icy blue and suddenly the field turn in to a winter wonder land, even thought it is summer. Then, it started to snow. The students were laughing and started to play with the snow. Danina bowed and walked to the side for Teresa to do her's.
Teresa took out a strip of cloth out of her pocket and looked at Andy. He nodded and walked a few feet in front of her. Danina help her tie the blindfold around her eyes and check if she can see.
Once they were ready, Danina shouted, "Go!"
Andy immediately ran quietly to one side. Teresa's hand was caught in flames and shotted towards his. It miss by an inch, then he ran to a different direction. She keep shooting to where he is and never missed. After a few more shots, they stopped.
Just when Teresa was about to take off her blindfold, she turned to the bushes and shot a fire ball at it. They all heard a cry of pain coming from the bushes. Mr. Pham signals the students to stay put. Danina use the wind to blow the flames away.
Once Mr. Pham got closer, he saw a shadow monster slowly melting away.
"It's a shadow monster, but did it get here," he asked himself.
Teresa whispers something to Danina and she nodded.
"It's been here since this morning," Danina said.
"Um, Teresa when did your belt has spikes," Tristan pointed to her waist. Everybody look down but all they see was a thick black belt.
"Are you sure you saw spikes on her belt? Maybe you were just imaging things again," Joey said.
"Yeah," was all Tristan said.
"Do you know if there's anymore shadow monsters," the teacher asked. Teresa shook her head and took off her blindfold. Yami notice something about her eyes but can't be sure because it disappear in seconds.

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