Chapter Sixteen: Rescue

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TN: Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry...
Teresa: This might take a while. I'll talk for she since TN is currently apologizing for not updating on this story. Sorry for not posting for what 3 months. Yeah TN have writers block.
Danina: At least she's back and not died.
Andy: I can arranged that.
Teresa: No, Andy. If you do, I'll personally take away your electronics. Danina, please do the disclaimer.
Danina: TNckitty do not own Yugioh. onlly us OCs.
Chapter 16: Rescue
"No way... Lash!?" Yugi shouted.
"Yes, it is I, Lash Ocui. I'm here to kill you all. Except for Teresa of course. I'm making her my bride," Lash said.
"Ew. I don't want your bride. I already told you Yami is for me and only for me," Teresa said.
"You will, whether you like it or not."
"I would rather be with Seto Kaiba."
"You'll regret saying that!"
Lash walked towards Teresa.
"You get away from her, bastard," Yami commanded.
"You're in no position to order me around, Pharaoh," Lash hissed, "Guards, take them back to their cell."
The guards pick the three magicians up and carried them to the cells.
At the Fudos' mansion, Yusei and the rest were getting ready to rescue Yami, Yugi and Teresa.
"So what's the plan," Andy asked.
"Rescue them, of course," Joey said.
"No, s*** Sherlock. What gave that away," Bakura asked.
"Even an ant is smarter than you, Mutt," Kaiba said.
Joey jump out of his seat.
"What did you say, Rich boy," Joey growled.
"Well... you are a werewolf," Tristan stated.
"Shut up, Tristan!"
"Guys! Stop arguing and focus on rescuing Teresa, Yami, and Yugi," Tea interrupted.
"I think I got a plan," Andy said.
All eyes were on him.
"Andy, I know you for a long time now, so no. We are not blowing up anything," Danina said carefully.
"You know what? I just say we go and just go with the flow," Marik said, "You know, just bust in and fight what ever the hell dames at us because we are wasting time just thinking. We don't know what the kidnappers are doing to them right now."
Everyone was silent until Bakura spoke.
"Okay, let's do it. It's better than just sitting here."
After that, everybody left and went to rescue our three magicians.
Meanwhile at the warehouse, the guards threw Teresa, Yami and Yugi back into their cell. Yugi landed on Yami so he wasn't harm, but it didn't say the same for Yami.
"Jerks," Teresa shouted.
Teresa got up and was about to attack one of the guards. The twins held her back.
"Calm down, Teresa. The others will get here and rescue us soon," Yugi said.
Just when Yugi finish saying it, the wall just exploded. Luckily, the three didn't get hurt. Wouldn't say the same for the guards though.
"Andy! I told you not to uses explosives. Teresa already banned you from them," Danina's voice shouted from the smoke.
"Well, it work, didn't it," Andy asked.
The smoke finally cleared. Yusei and Joey carefully walk so that they wouldn't slip on the rubble.
"About time, you a****," Teresa said angrily.
"Whoa, watch your language," Joey joked.
"Go to hell."
Yusei sighed, "Who piss you off this time?"
"Lash," Yami answered.
"The school bully," Joey asked.
The three nodded.
"Let's hurry and get out of here before more guards come," Teresa stated.
She walk through the rubble and pushed Joey to the side.
"Geez. She needs to take a chill pill."
"If you don't want to be on my 'kill' list, I suggested you shut up!"
Joey immediately shut his mouth. The others quiet followed Teresa. Once they meet up with the others outside, they were having a discussion about something.
"Where are we going to stay now that the Fudos' house is destroyed," Tristan asked.
"You all can stay with us," Kisara suggested.
"What!? When would I ever let these geeks stay with us," Kaiba asked.
"Come on, Seto. They need a place to stay and Lash will come after them again. Don't you want your rivals/cousins to be safe?"
Seto was quiet for a second before growling.
"Fine, but if the Mutt touches or breaks anything, he has to pay."
"What," Joey shouted.
"Would all of you shut up already," Teresa shouted. They all turn to Teresa. She looks like she was about to attack someone. "Thank you."
"Let's get Teresa to your mansion so that she can rest. We don't want anyone kill now," Yusei suggested.
No one disagreed. Luckily, Kaiba's limo came quickly and they all got in.
"Can we quickly stop at our mansion so that we can get our runners," Teresa asked.
Now that she calm down a bit, she just want her runner to be safe.
"Runners," Tea asked.
"Yusei and Teresa's motorcycles," Andy explained.
Andy sat as far away from the fire neko magician as possible. Even though he was a phoenix, Teresa can find a way to kill him on the first try.
"They use their motorcycles to duel," Danina explained farther.
"Isn't that our project we are working on," Kaiba asked.
"Yes, Teresa and I have them for about three years now, and we are still modifying them. We both made our runners out of scratch," Yusei answered.
Suddenly, Yami heard a soft snoring sound. It was too soft for the others to her, but loud enough for him to hear. He turn and saw Teresa sleeping on his shoulder. Yami blushed at the sight. Yusei must have saw it too. Once they got to the Fudos' mansion, the shadow magician risked waking Teresa up. Fortunately, she did not attack him.
"You can leave without us. We'll be there," Yusei said.
"Do you know the way," Kisara asked.
"We visit your mansion before. We know the way."
The limo drove away living the Fudo twins behind. About fifteen minutes later, they finally go to the Kaibas' mansion. Like they said, Teresa and Yusei got there two minutes after them. They all went in and Mokuba threw himself onto Kaiba.
"Seto, where were you and Kisara? Why haven't you called me," Mokuba asked quickly.
"Sorry, Mokuba. We have some problems and I forget to call," Kiaba answered.
"Why are they here?"
"We need a place to stay and where Lash wouldn't look for us hopefully," Teresa answered.
"What happen to your place?"
"It blow up."
"Blow up?"
"We'll explain everything one everybody is in and seated," Yami said.
Once everybody was settle, they fill Mokuba in on what happen during the two days.
"Also, Mokuba," Teresa said.
"Yami and Yugi are your cousins."
"Okay," was all he said.
"Just okay," Bakura asked.
"Well, it's cool that we're cousins. No wander Yami and Yugi are the only ones who can beat Seto in a duel."
Joey and Yami snickered at the comment.
"And Yami is going to be Pharaoh of the Shadow Realm that's even more awesome."
"After we beat Lash and take back the throne," Yusei added.
"I think it's a good time to get some rest," Yami said.
Once again, Teresa fell asleep on his shoulder. They all agreed. Kaiba ordered the servants to the guests' rooms. Yugi, Marik, and Ryou gets one room; Andy, Bakura, and Malik in another; Tea, Danina and Kisara; Joey and Tristan are sharing a room; and Teresa and Yami are having a room.
"Are you sure it's okay for Andy, Bakura, and Malik to share a room together," Ryou asked.
"Probably not, but if they do anything that upsets Teresa, they'll be ready to run for their lives," Danina said.
They all went into their own rooms and called it a night.
TN: It's good to be back. Hopefully I can finish this story and move on to my other ones.
Teresa: Please, leave a comment.

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