Chapter Three: Duel

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TN: Hello again, Readers.
Teresa: So what am I? Since you rudely cut off in the last chapter.
TN: Don't worry. The creature that you will be mention is in this chapter. Now, if you don't mind, can you do the disclaimer?
Teresa: Fine. TNckitty, do not own Yugioh. Only, Andy, Danina, me, and many others.
TN: And don't forget to comment.

"She is a..."
"Neko," Teresa finish the answer. Both Danina and Andy look at her, surprise. Teresa's eyes harden at the two.
"I thought that you were a fire magician," Malik asked.
"I am. I'm one of the special hybrids. My father is a fire magician and my mother is a neko," Teresa said.
"You're talking," both Andy and Danina asked, still in shock.
"Well, it's too late to back out now," Teresa said. She tried to stand up straight, but stumbled a little.
"Hey, careful. You use a lot of energy," Ryou said.
"If it wasn't for these two, then I won't have use it so much," Teresa hissed. "I told you not to do or say anything that the shadow creature might know we are here."
"Well, sorry for defend you from Kaiba," Andy said sarcastically. Teresa flicked his head. "Ow."
"So, can anyone tell us what's going on," Serenity asked.
"The shadow creatures' ruler is after mix hybrids because they are powerful. He fear that he will be overthrown by us," She hissed in pain.
"You need to rest. We can go to our house since it is closer to the school," Yugi said.
They all nodded. Teresa stood and took a shaky step. She would have landed face first if Yami hasn't caught her. She tried again, but Yami grab her legs and picked her up, bridal style.
"H-hey, what are you doing," Teresa blushed.
"You can't walk all the way to our house. I'm carrying you," Yami said.
Teresa was squirming in his grasp. She protest the whole way from school. Once they got to the twins' house, Yami put Teresa down on the couch. The black-and-red neko crossed her arms. Her tail move side to side and her ears twitch in annoyance.
"She's mad," Joey said.
"No, duh, Sherlock," Bakura said. "What give it way?"
"Just saying," the werewolf said.
Teresa looked at the clock, which said 2:30. She got up and stumbled towards the door.
"Where are you going," Andy asked.
"I'm going to the Kaiba Dome," Teresa stated.
"Wait, you're going," Tristan asked.
"Well, I can't back out now. Stupid pride," the fire magician said.
She rewrap her tail around her waist and push her back, making her look like a regular magician again. She started to walk towards the door again, only to walk into the wall.
"Ow," Teresa said.
"Um, are you ok," the light magician asked.
Andy and Danina tried to hold in their laugh.
"Danina, where is my bag," the neko asked.
The ice magician brought the bag to her. Teresa dig into it and pull out a glasses case. She put the glasses on.
"Can someone show me where the bathroom is," Teresa asked.
Yami pointed to the hallway.
"Down that hall, right side, first door," the shadow magician directed.
After a few minutes, Teresa came out with her contacts on, but this time green. She looked at the clock. It says 2:40.
"How long do it take to walk from here to the Kaiba Dome," she asked.
"About 20 minutes," Yugi stated.
Teresa mentally cursed. She just leaves without saying a word. Everybody looked at each other and walked after her. She was running towards the school.
"The Dome is the other way," Ryou shouted.
Teresa ignore him and kept running.
"Why is she going to the school," Marik asked the two.
"I think she's going to get her motorcycle," Danina stated.
As if on queue, a red and blue motorcycle drove pass them in full speed.
"And there she goes," Andy said.
"Come on, let's go to the Kaiba Dome."
They all got there about 15 minutes by running, and went to the lounge for the contestant from an earlier tournament. There they saw Teresa laying up-side down on one of the couches. Kaiba sat across from her with his arms crossed.
"Finally, you're all here," Kaiba said.
"Why haven't you started it yet," Bakura said impatiently.
"Because she want wait for you guys to get here," the dragon master said.
He got up and walked towards the arena. Teresa flipped and followed him. The rest went to sit in the front row. Once everybody is ready, they started the duel.
"I summon my ka, Blue-Eyes White Dragon."
A white-blue dragon appeared before him. It has the same wings and tail as Kaiba and Kisara. It roared in the sky and look at Teresa with a competitive spirit. Teresa smirked and wind swirl around her.
A silver dragon stood in front of her. It's wings shook stardust, making it rain down. The dragon look back at her and she nodded. It turn it's attention back to Blue-Eyes.
"What ka is that," Tea asked.
"That is Stardust Dragon. She is Teresa's ka, which is ironic because her is a neko," Danina answered.
"If you don't know her, you would have thought she will summon a cat-type ka," Andy stated.
The two dragon were waiting for their masters to tell them to attack. Kaiba attacked first.
"Go Blue-Eyes, White Lightning," Kaiba commanded.
Blue-Eyes opened his mouth and blue lightning formed. When it shot it towards Stardust, she easily dodged it. More stardust rain down. Stardust look at Blue-Eyes and quickly shot at it. The white dragon tried to dodged it, but got hit on the shoulder, while Kaiba grabbed his shoulder. Stardust gentle land in front of Teresa.
It has been going on for an hour and it looks like Kaiba is running out of energy. Teresa was very pale, but kept going as Stardust attack Blue-Eyes. The blast hit the white dragon on the head as it was knocked out. Blue-Eyes disappeared, leaving Teresa the victor. Kaiba is kneeling on the ground.
"She beat me. Nobody can beat me, except for Yami," Kaiba said to himself.
Stardust rubbed it's head against Teresa. She smiled and petted. That last attack drained all of her energy.
"Thank you, Stardust," the neko whispered.
Stardust nodded and disappeared. Andy and Danina quickly ran up to her and keep her steady.
"You owe me big time," Teresa said.
She passed out.
"Great, now we have to carry her all the way to our mansion," Andy complained.
The gang ran up to them. Ryou put his hand on Teresa's forehead. Light surround both of them. Once the light died, Teresa opened her eyes slowly. Ryou looks a little pale, but was alright.
"She use too much energy. All she need to do is rest," Ryou informed.
Yugi and Yami agreed to let Teresa to rest at their house.

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