Chapter Four: More Trouble

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TN: I'm back!
Andy: And with more terrible writing.
TN: *throws knife*
Andy: *paled*
Danina: Why do you keep throwing knives at him.
TN: Because it's fun. Danina, please do the disclaimer.
Danina: TNckitty do not own Yugioh. Only us.

Yami was carrying Teresa the whole way. Andy and Danina told them they will be going home and bring Teresa's motorcycle with them. Once the three magicians got to the house, Yugi and Yami's grandfather called.
"Is that you, Yami, Yugi."
"Yes, Gramps. Can a friend stay with us for the night," Yugi asked.
Solomon walked to them and saw Teresa asleep in Yami's arms. He raise one of his eyebrow.
"Who is this," the elder asked.
"This is Teresa. She's a new friend, and use too much energy because she duel Kaiba," Yami said.
Grandpa nodded.
"Take her to the guess room and don't anything with her," Solomon winked at Yami. The shadow magician's face went red when his grandpa said that.
Yugi giggled. Yami is very uncomfortable. Teresa open her eyes and look to see Yami holding her. She jump out of his arms and fell to the ground.
"Ow," Teresa said, rubbing her head.
"Are you ok," Solomon asked.
She nodded her head and looked around. She stood up and wobbled a little.
"Hey, take it easy. You use a lot of energy with Kaiba," Yugi said. He was helping her stand. She grab his shoulders to steady herself.
"Kaiba did a number on you, didn't he," Yami asked.
She just nodded because she was too tired to answer.
"Well, take her to the guest room. Go find something for her to wear," Solomon said.
Yugi help Teresa walk to the room, while Yami find her clothes. When he pass the living room, Yami saw Teresa's red bag on the floor. He picked it up and carried it to Teresa.
"Teresa, I found your bag," Yami said.
"The good thing about them, being forgetful," Teresa whispered.
Teresa grabbed the bag and opened it. She pulled out a black and red sleeveless shirt and a pair of sweatpants. Yami and Yugi leave the room.
A few minutes later, Teresa opened the door. She took her contacts out, showing her crimson eyes. She wasn't wearing her glasses.
"Can I use you phone? I need to call-" Teresa was interrupted by a knock on the door.
Yugi open the door to see Danina and Andy standing behind a boy with raven hair with golden highlights. His hair spiked up to make it look like a crab. His eyes were cobalt blue with a yellow tattoo down the left side of his face. He wore a blue jacket with orange gem on the elbows and collar. The same black and red sleeveless shirt that Teresa is wearing. Dark skinny jeans with brown boots and gloves. He was the same hight as Teresa and kind of look like her. His back has silver wings with stardust raining down and a silver tail.
Teresa stick her head around the corner.
"Never mind, he's here," Teresa said.
"Teresa, why are you here? I told you to come home at 3," the raven haired boy said.
"Well, I'm sorry. We would be home if Danina and Andy didn't force me to duel," Teresa stated.
"I told you no dueling until we finish unpacking," he said.
"It's not my fault for dueling Kaiba, Yusei," Teresa shouted.
The two magician look back. Danina and Andy shifted uncomfortable.
"You dueled Kaiba!? Now, how are you going to get in to Kaiba Corp.," Yusei yelled.
Teresa is having a migraine from arguing. She use the wall to keep her from falling.
"I don't have time for this," Yusei said.
He walked in, grabbed Teresa's wrist, and dragged her. Her migraine is now unbearable. She groan in pain and fell. Yusei look back and see Teresa very pale. Danina and Andy ran in and is by Teresa's sides.
"What happen," Yusei demanded.
"Before her duel with Kaiba, she got angry. A shadow monster attack her, after she ..... um ..... blow off some steam," Andy said.
Yusei sighed and asked, "Where's her bag?"
"I'll go get it," Yugi said.
The light magician ran to the room and grabbed the bag. Yusei took it from him and dig into the bag. He took out the same spell book that Danina use earlier. He flip through the pages until he got what he was looking for. Yusei put a hand over Teresa and say the spell. Light surround the two.
Once the light died, Teresa slowly open her eyes.
"Thanks," she whispered.
"Yeah, whatever," Yusei said.
The neko tried to sit up, but was push back down by the ice magician and phoenix.
"I know you want to get up, but you need to rest," Danina said.
"You two are so lucky that I'm tired right now," Teresa stated.
"Come on, let's go home," Yusei went to pick Teresa up. Danina grabbed Teresa's bag.
"Wait. We forgot to introduce you, Yusei," Andy said. He turned to Yami and Yugi, who was standing quietly. "This is Yusei Fudo. He is Teresa's twin brother. Yusei, this is Yami and Yugi Muto."
"Nice to meet you," Yami said, holding out his hand.
"You too," Yusei replied, shaking his hand.
"What are you, anyway," Yugi asked.
"I'm a dragon hybrid. What are you," Yusei asked.
"I'm a light magician and my brother is a shadow magician," Yugi answered.
"I'm sorry to barge in like this. I'm Teresa's only family member left since both of our parents died," Yusei said.
"I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you guys get home safely," Yami said.
"Are by any chance the Yami Muto, King of Games," Yusei asked.
"Yes. I beat Kaiba so many time, I lose count at 30," Yami laughed.
Yusei laughed as well.
"Well, I hope we didn't cause any trouble for you guys. I hope to meet you again and duel you, Yami," Yusei said, walking out the door with Teresa sleeping in his arms.
"Bye, Yusei, Danina, Andy," Yugi said, waving them good bye.
Once they were gone, Yami turn and look at Yugi, "I think this year is going to be interesting, don't you think, Aibou?"
"Yes, yes it will," Yugi said.
TN: I would also like you, Readers, to comment so I'll know you guys think. Thank you.

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