Chapter Two: Dragon and Master

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TNckitty: Now that you are introduced to my three main OCs, let's say hi to the Readers ok, guys?
Teresa: Hello.
Danina: Hi.
Andy: Whatever.
TN: *throws knife at Andy*
Andy: I-I mean Hello.
TN: That's better. Now let's get this story started. I, TNckitty, do not own Yugioh. Only Teresa, Danina, Andy, and other OCs that will be appearing in the story further on.

It was lunch time and everybody was sitting under a cherry tree. Teresa quietly climbed the tree without anybody knowing.
"Do you guys want to go to our house later after school," Yugi asked.
Everybody agreed. Yami looked around and saw that Teresa is missing.
"Where's Teresa," Yami asked Andy, who was closer to him.
All Andy did was point up. Everybody, except for Danina and Andy, look up. Teresa had a piece of paper in her hand and started to fold it.
"How did she get up there," Joey asked.
He was surprise that he didn't hear her climb up the tree.
"You'll get use to it. She does this when she wants to be alone," Danina stated.
Everybody's eyes were on Teresa the whole time. Teresa's piece of paper turned into a flower. She jump down and hold it out to Tea. Tea took it.
"You made this? Its beautiful," Tea said.
Teresa nodded thanks and went back up the tree. She took another sheet and start folding.
"What do you call this," Serenity asked, holding the paper flower carefully.
"It's called origami. That's Japanese for 'folding paper'," Andy stated.
"What else can she make," Yami asked.
Before Danina or Andy can answer, a knife flew pass the group and landed near Bakura. Bakura pick up the knife.
"Is this knife....Made out of paper," the ghost asked.
Teresa faintly smiled, but not enough for someone to see it. Bakura scrutinize the paper knife.
"How the hell did you make it so fast," Malik asked.
The three new students just shrugged.
"We don't know, she been doing this for a very long time," Andy said.
They all nodded. The bell ring to tell them it was study hall. Ryou, Yugi, and Yami showed Andy, Danina, and Teresa around the school.
Once study hall was over, they all went to their next class, which was Spell class.
"Good Afternoon, Ms. Dodds," the students said when she walked in.
"Good Afternoon, class. Today, we'll be doing a project spells. You all will have a partner that I will be assigning," she said. Ms. Dodds went down the list until she got to Yugi's name. "Yugi Muto and Danina Orie."
Danina turn to Yugi and smiled. Yugi blushed.
"Ryou Bakura and Andy Valdez."
Andy just shrugged.
"And the last pair is Yami Muto and Teresa Fudo. If there is any questions, come to me. Th instructions are on the board, so quickly write them down. For the rest of the class, discussed which spell you and your partner will do."
All the students got up and went to their partners. Yami grabs his books and looked around the room. He didn't see Teresa anywhere.
{'Where did she go,'} Yami thought.
Suddenly, someone tapped his shoulder, making him jump. He turn around to see Teresa behind him.
"There you are. You scared me," Yami stated.
Teresa grabbed a pen and paper and wrote something down. She handed to the shadow magician.
'Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. So which spell are we going to do?']}
"Hmm, we can combine our magic together. Which spell can you do," Yami asked.
{['I can do fire and heat spells.]}
"Well, over the weekend, do you want to come over to my house so we can practice."
Teresa nodded. Thirty minutes later, the bell rang and the class got up.
Once school was over, the gang and the new students meet at the gate. Just when they were about to leave, a white limo stopped in front of them. The chauffeur opened the back door to reveal a tall man. He has chestnut brown hair with intense blue eyes. He wore a white trench coat and tight dark jeans. His back has a pair of white-blue wings and a white-blue tail. On his left hand is a white-blue claw-like glove.
The next person to come out was a girl. She has bleach white hair that passes her waist. Her eyes were soft blue unlike the man's eyes. She wore a simple white dress. She has the same pair of wings, tail and glove-like glove, except that they are smaller.
"Well, if it isn't rich boy," Joey growled.
"I see you haven't changed, Mutt," the man said.
"What did you say," Joey yelled.
He was about to attack him, but Tristan and Marik hold the werewolf back.
"What do you want, Kaiba," Yami asked.
"Wait." Everybody turned to Andy, Danina, and Teresa. Teresa tried to hide in the shadows, but Kaiba already saw her.
"Who are you and how come I don't know you," Kaiba asked, trying to get a better look at Teresa.
"I'm Andy Valdez and this is Danina Orie, and Teresa Fudo," Andy answered. "We just move in a few weeks ago."
"Anyway, why are you here," Yami asked.
"Why do you keep asking that question? I'm here to duel you, of course," Kaiba said.
"Hello, Yugi, Yami, everybody," the girl said.
"Hello, Kisara. How are you," Yugi asked.
The girl, Kisara, smiled and said, "I'm fine. Thank you for asking."
"If we are done chit chatting, I would like to beat Muto, now," Kaiba said, making Teresa snort.
Teresa quickly slap her hand over her mouth. Kaiba looked at her and narrowed his eyes.
"You think you can do better," he challenged her.
"You bet,"" Andy stepped in.
"She can beat you with a blindfold," Danina stated.
The fire magician madly shook her head, but was ignored.
"Fine, then she will challenge me at the Kaiba Dome in an hour," Kaiba said.
He turned around and went back into the limo. Kisara smiled and apologize before follow him.
Once they were gone, Teresa tried to contain her anger, but failed. Fire burst under Andy and Danina. Teresa's eyes glowed crimson red.
The gang move out the way. A sea of flames surround the phoenix and the ice magician.
Once the fire died, Andy and Danina were struggled to stay up. Teresa's eyes stop glowing and fell to the ground. The group ran to the three. Yami pick up Teresa, Joey pick up Danina, and brought them to Andy. Ryou went to Danina first because she was the closest to him. Danina sat up and looked at her two unconscious friends.
"Great, this again," was all she said. "Go, heal Andy. I got Teresa."
Ryou went to Andy and healed him. Danina shook Teresa a few time before grabbing Teresa's red bag. The ice magician grabbed a spell healing book out of the bag. She look through it until she found the spell. She said the spell and red light started glowed around Teresa.
"Hey, Teresa, wake up," Danina shook her again. Teresa slowly opened her eyes. She groaned and started to sit up. "Teresa, take out your contacts."
Teresa took out her blue contacts to reveal her crimson red eyes.
"She's been wearing colored contacts this whole time," Tristan asked.
"For a good reason, too," Danina said.
"Why," Yugi asked.
Just when she was about to answer, something jump out of the shadows and tackled Teresa down. Teresa hissed and kicked the thing away from her. Two things pop out of Teresa's head and around her belt started to unwrap itself from her waist.
"Begone, shadow creature," Teresa hissed.
She raise her hand and shot a fire ball at it. It cried in agony and slowly melted. Just when Teresa was about to hit the ground again, Yami caught her. She was very pale and panting really hard.
"She use too much energy. She need to rest before her duel with Kaiba," Andy said. Everybody nodded.
"Before we can go to our house, can someone tell us what the hell you are," Bakura asked, pointing to Teresa's ears and tail.
"Well she is..."

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