Chapter Eighteen: Surprise

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TN: Finally got to post this!
Teresa: We're almost at the end, right?
TN: Right.
Yami: *walks in* Hey guys.
TN: Good, you're here. I want you to stick around and read this chapter. There is going to be a surprise for you.
Teresa: You might as well do the Disclaimer since you're here.
Yami: Okay. TNckitty do not own any Yugioh. Only Teresa and her other OCs.
Chapter 18: Surprise
It was pass 11:30 and Bakura, Malik, and Teresa were ready. Teresa gave Bakura a black beanie to cover his hair.
"Are you ready," Teresa asked.
Bakura and Malik nodded. Teresa puts a earpiece in place.
"Can you hear me, Kaiba?"
"Loud and clear," Kaiba's voice spoke through the earpiece.
"Let's go."
The three move out and went to Lash's hangout. Before they can go in, Teresa looks around the place before joining the other two.
"There's an opening near the back door. We can sneak right through there."
The two nodded and follow her to the opening. The other group were watching the three through Teresa's glasses, which Yusei install a camera inside.
"Do they have cameras around the place," Kaiba asked through the earpiece.
"Yes. Are you going to hack into their security and find the items," Teresa asked.
"And to see if there is danger coming your way."
Yami and Yusei were having second thoughts about letting Teresa go on the mission.
"Teresa say not to worry about her and focus on the task at hand," Kaiba repeated what Teresa said, "And Yusei, make sure Andy doesn't get into trouble."
Kaiba was typing on his laptop and hacking into the system. Andy was about to sneak away, but heard what Kaiba said. Teresa, Bakura, and Malik were around the corner. Teresa sniff the air and her ears twitch to hear.
"You hear anything," Malik asked.
"It's very faint, but there is someone about a few feet away," Teresa answered.
"How many," Bakura asked.
"About three. Maybe four."
"How do we get rid of them?"
"I'll distract them while you somehow sneak up and knock them out."
The three guards were standing around and were talking quietly until they heard footsteps. Around the corner, Teresa shows up and calmly walk towards the three. The guards were confuse to see her and wonder how she got in.
"Hey, hold it," one of the guards shouted, making Teresa stop, "Who are you and how did you get in here."
The guards already have their weapons to attack Teresa. Instead of answering, they were taking by surprise by Bakura and Malik attacking them from behind. Since Bakura is half ghost and Malik can fly quietly over the guards, they can easily attack them. While the guards were distracted, Teresa quickly knock out the nearest guard and proceed to go after another. Once all three were knock out, Bakura and Malik tie them up.
"Did you hack into the cameras," Teresa asked Kaiba.
"Yes. The cameras would be playing the same footage from the pass hour," Kaiba answered.
At the mansion, everybody let go of their breaths after they saw the three were safe.
"Teresa is going to give me white hairs by the time I turn 25," Yusei said.
"She said that you are going to give her white hairs if you don't stop pulling all nighter," Kaiba repeated what the neko girl said.
With Bakura and the others, they were already at the heart of the building. There were more guards then they have thought.
"Damn, there are too many of them. If we attack now, Lash would surely know were here," Malik whispered.
"Then let's not attack," Teresa said.
"How? We can't sneak in because they have the place securely tight," Bakura hissed.
"You're a ghost, aren't you," Teresa asked.
Bakura blink for a minute before face palming himself. Teresa just smile, trying not to laugh.
"Malik, you are going to be on guard duty."
"Why," Malik asked.
"Because if you going to fly, it'll grab unwanted attention," Bakura explained.
Malik didn't make anymore argument. While they were coming up with a plan, Kaiba use the cameras to find the items. Once he found them, he immediately told Teresa where it is. Once everything was in place, Teresa and Bakura were sneaking where the items were located. They got in the room without getting caught, or so they think. About 15 guards show up and surround the two intruders.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here," a voice asked, "Two- no, three rats trying to steal MY items? I thought you know better, Teresa."
"Lash. So nice to see you," Teresa said sarcastically.
"What's with the attitude? I thought you love me. Why don't you show your real self to your friends?"
"What are you talking about," Bakura asked.
Teresa slowly started to walk towards Lash, making Bakura and Malik look at her.
"I'm sorry guys, but I have a confession to make," Teresa started to say.
She turn to look at Bakura and Malik. She was smirking at them.
"I'm with Lash."
The ones who were at the mansion gasped. Yami and Yusei immediately started to deny the idea of Teresa teaming up with Lash.
"That can't be true," Malik said.
"Oh, but it is," Lash said.
Lash went to stand next to Teresa and put his arm around her waist.
"She came to me when she first came to Domino. She has proven to be a great alley."
"How could you," Bakura shouted.
"Well, I have to. I promise myself to destroy Yami and Yugi so Lash can rule the Shadow Realm with me. I want revenge on them for killing my parents," Teresa said angrily.
"It's wasn't their fault," Malik argued.
"You don't know the pain I have to go through. I was abandon when I was young. Even my own brothers left me."
"That's not true," Yusei shouted through the earpiece.
"Oh, and Yami? I never really loved you. You are just worthless and don't deserve to rule the Shadow Realm."
That broke Yami's heart when she said that.
"We should move on with the plan that we just setup," Lash interrupted, "Guards, kill them."
The guards all attack Bakura and Malik. The two try their best to avoid getting hurt, but there was too many. Malik looked around and say an opening.
"Bakura," Malik shouted, before pointing to the opening.
Bakura nodded and the two ran to it.
"Hurry, after them," Lash shouted.
But they were too late. They got away.
Yami: *crying in the corner*
TN: Oh quit crying already. *rolls eyes*
Teresa: You made me a villain!
TN: Yeah, that was the surprise.
Teresa: *grabs knife*
TN: Eep! *runs away*
Teresa: *chases  TN*
Yami: Please Comment so TN will know she is a big jerk.

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