Chapter Five: Christmas Eve

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TN: I know what you guys will say. 'It's not Christmas.' Well, I know it's not Christmas, but I wrote this on the site during the Christmas season.
Teresa: Same name, same title.
TN: If you want to read more chapter instead of waiting, go and read it on the website. Now, I believe it's Andy turn to do the disclaimer.
Andy: TNckitty do not own any Yugioh characters. Only us.

A few months passed and the three pairs' project went well. They all got A's, even Andy, who is very lazy doing his work. When exams were close to the end, they started to planned for the holidays. Christmas was around the corner and Danina can't stay still.
The last class just ended and the ice magician ran out the room full speed to meet everyone. Once she was out, she ran into Andy.
Andy pushed her off and said, "Yes, you said that almost every second. Now calm down and help me get up."
Danina got up and pull him. Teresa shook her head and dig into her bag. She pulled out envelopes and handed it to the gang.
On the front of the envelopes said:
{["You are invited to the Fudos' Christmas party. You can sleep over, so let us know. Come at 6:00 PM on Christmas Eve.]}
"So are you guys free?" Danina asked, bouncing up and down.
"Sure, we got nothing to do, right Serenity?" Joey said.
Serenity nodded and smiled.
"Yeah, I'll come." Tristan said.
"I would love to come." Tea said.
Everybody look at the twins.
"We'll asked Grandpa if he'll let us come." Yugi said.
"I don't know. I'm not into this Christmas thing." Bakura said.
"Will there be food?" Malik asked.
Teresa gestured to the envelop. Malik raise an eyebrow and opened it. A card with a list of all kinds of food listed. Malik read it and drooled every word he read.
"I'm in." the demon said.
Marik grabbed the list and read it. He also drooled at the list of food.
"Make that two." Marik said.
Teresa turned to Bakura and nodded to the envelope in his hand. The ghost opened it and read it. He give her a questionable look. She motion him to turn it around. On the back, Bakura's eyes widen and shove the card back in the envelope.
"We're going." Bakura finally said.
"What's on the card?" Joey asked.
"It's only on Bakura and Malik's cards. The rest of your cards doesn't have it." Andy said.
Andy smirk at the two and the two psychos smirk back.
"Well, call us to let us know if you are going to stay at our house. Bye." Danina said.
The three wave and walked to their house.
"I'm scared of what they put in the cards of Bakura and Malik's." Ryou whispered to Yugi.
Yugi nodded in agreement. They all say good bye each other and the rest of the week went on as normal. Exams ended and it's the week of Christmas break. Yugi and Yami's Grandpa let them stay for the holidays.
The day of Christmas Eve came and the gang agreed to meet at the arcade. They all walked to Teresa's house together. At first they thought they found the house but wasn't sure. The house was more of a mansion and it was three stories tall.
"Are we sure this is where the party is?" Tristan asked.
"Well, it saids it on the invitation." Yugi stated.
Yugi walked up to the white door and ring the bell. The gang shiver in the snow. They didn't have to wait long for someone to open the door. Danina opened and smiled. They all step in and were in awe. Everything were decorated in Christmas reefs and other Christmas items. Christmas music played in the background and they may have saw Andy running across with a bunch of decoration.
"So glad everybody can come. Please make yourselves at home." Danina said politely.
"DANINA, GET BACK IN HERE AND HELP!" Teresa's voice shouted in the kitchen.
"Sorry, got to go."
Danina ran into the kitchen. There was a lot of shouting and banging.
"JACK, WHERE ARE YOU OR SO HELP ME-," Teresa was cut by a male Australian accent.
They saw a tall blonde teen walking into the kitchen and came back out with a tray full of food. The gang stood silently, feeling awkward. The ice magician came out and saw the them just standing there.
"Why are you just standing there? Go and have a seat. Talk a little. The party will be ready in a little while." Danina gesture to the living room.
They were about to move when they saw an angry Teresa walk in, grabbed Yami, who was the closest to the kitchen, and dragged into the kitchen.
"Why did she take Yami?" Yugi asked.
"Well, we kind of did this last minute and you guys came early, so we have a tight schedule." Danina answered.
Teresa pushed Yami out with a tray of sugar cookies. Marik and Malik drooled at the scent of them.
"NOT YET!" Teresa said, glaring at the two.
The demon and shapeshifter pouted, but didn't say anything. A few minutes later, everything was prepared. Yusei, the blonde from earlier, and another male with orange hair walked in.
"Sorry for the wait. Guys, I would like you to meet Jack Atlas, Crow Hogan, and our little brother, Steve 'Gold' Fudo." Yusei introduce them.
Jack is the blonde teen with violet eyes. He has a white trench coat, kind of like Kaiba's, with white pants. On his back are black and red wings like a demon. A black and red tail move from side to side.
Crow has orange spiky hair with grey eyes. He has a black sweatshirt with black sweatpants. He has black bird like feathered wings.
Steve, or Gold, has black hair with golden highlights like Yusei's and gold eyes. He is wearing a gold t-shirt with black and gold sweatpants. He has a pair of golden wings and a golden tail.
"Hello. I'm Yugi and this is my twin brother, Yami. These are my friends Joey, his sister, Serenity, Tristan, Tea, Bakura, Ryou, Malik, and Marik."
The door bell ringed again and this time Teresa answered it. She opened the door and three people came in. A girl with red hair with twins walk up to the group. Teresa walked behind them.
"Guys this is Luna, Leo, and Yusei's girlfriend, Akiza." Teresa teased.
"She's not my girlfriend/I'm not his girlfriend!" Yusei and the red haired, Akiza, both shouted. faces as red as the christmas lights.
"Well, you better start having a relationship now." the neko laughed. "Even when I'm tired, I can still tease you."
Akiza is the red haired girl with hazel eyes. was wearing a red dress and red pedal like wings on her back. Her thorn like tail whip in anger.
Luna smiled. Her hair is teal colored with gold eyes. She wore a pink dress with a white cardigan. Her wings were butterfly like and her tail is blue green.
Leo has a goof. He also has the same color eyes and hair as his sister. He is wearing a blue tuxedo. His yellow metal like wings flap in excitement. His tail could not stay still.
"So, when does the party start?" Leo asked.
Luna slap Leo's arm.
"Leo, thats rude." she said.
Teresa laugh and said. "That's ok. It'll begin when-"
The door bell interrupted her. The fire magician went to opened the door. When she opened it, Kaiba, Kisara, and a black haired kid stood outside.
"Good everybody's here." Teresa said.
"Why did you invite Kaiba over?" Yami asked.
"He need to get out of the house, see Teresa's program, and a rematch from both her and you, Yami." the black haired kid listed.
"Hi, Mokuba. How are you?" Serenity asked.
"Hi, Serenity. I'm fine. How are your eyes?" he asked.
The two walked away and continue to talk.
"For the program, follow me, Kaiba." Yusei said.
Both of them walk into another room to discussed.
"So, when are we going to do the thing?" Bakura whispered to Andy and Teresa.
"Later." Andy whispered back.
"Can we trust her?" Malik got into the conversation.
"Trust me, Melvin. When she wants to do it, she'll do it." the phoenix said.
"Come on. We need to get ready." Teresa dragged Andy and Danina followed.
"Now you can eat." Danina stated.
Marik, Malik, Joey, Leo, and Crow ran to the food and started to devourer it.
"You better leave some for the rest of us, especially the chocolate!" the fire magician said.
Leo and Crow was about to grab the chocolate but stop when they heard her. They both paled. The other three were about to grab it as well, but was stopped.
"Maybe we'll wait when Teresa is ready to eat it." Crow said.
"Why?" Malik asked.
"You don't want to know." Leo replied, sputtering at the memory.
"O....K?" Marik said.
Everybody was having a good time and was enjoying the party. They haven't seen Teresa, Danina, or Andy for half an hour. Yusei and Kaiba finish talking about the program. Yusei walk up to the stage, that everybody, except for Jack and Crow, just notice.
The Dragon hybrid grab the microphone and said, "May I have you attention?"
Everybody stop talking and look at Yusei.
"Thank you. We are going to have a performance in a few minutes, so don't freak out when the lights are turn off."
Yusei walk off the stage and everybody went back to what they are doing. Just as Yusei said, the light turned off and everybody was quiet again.
"Hello, everyone. This is DJ Crow and is here to play music for you. Today, we have a special performance from our very our, Secret Society!"
The music started softy and a female voice started to sing. The light shine to the person who is playing the keyboard, but was hard to see the person's face.
(Person 1)
[I don't want a lot for Christmas,
There is just one thing I need.]
(Person 2)
[I don't care about the presents,
Underneath the Christmas tree.]
This person sound like a male. The light shine to the person who was playing the drums.
(Person 3)
[I just want you for my own,
More than you could ever know.]
It was another female and the light shine to the person who is holding a guitar.
[Make my wish come true,
All I want for Christmas is,
The light were turned back on to reveal Andy, Danina, and Teresa.
(Danina and Teresa)
[I don't want a lot foe Christmas,
there is just one thing I need,
And I don't about the presents,
Underneath the Christmas tree.]
(Andy and Danina)
[I don't need to hang my stocking,
There upon the fireplace
Santa Claus won't make me happy,
With a toys on Christmas Day.]
[I just want you for my own,
More than for could ever know,
Make my wish come true,
All I want for Christmas is you,
You, Baby.]
(Andy and Teresa)
[Oh, I won't ask for much this Christmas
I won't even wish for snow
And I'm just gonna keep on waiting
Underneath the mistletoe.]
Teresa jump off stage and walk to Yusei and Akiza. She wink and pointed up. They look up and saw a mistletoe above them. The two blush and looked at each other. Teresa roll her eyes and push Yusei into Akiza, making them kissed. The neko was satisfy with that and went back to the stage.
(Danina and Teresa)
[I won't make a list and send it
To the North Pole for Saint Nick
I won't even stay awake to
Hear those magic reindeer click.]
['Cause I just want you here tonight
Holding on to me so tight
What more can I do?
Baby all I want for Christmas is you,
You Baby.]
(Andy and Danina)
[Oh, all the lights are shining
So brightly everywhere
And the sound of children's
Laughter fills the air.]
(Andy and Teresa)
[And everyone is singing
I hear those sleigh bells ringing
Santa, won't you bring me the one I really need?
Won't you please bring my baby to me?]
[Oh, I don't want a lot for Christmas
This is all I'm asking for
I just want to see my baby
Standing right outside my door.
Oh, I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
Baby all I want for Christmas is
You, You baby.
All I want for Christmas is you, baby
All I want for Christmas is you, baby
All I want for Christmas is you, baby
All I want for Christmas is you, baby.]
The music ended and they bowed. Everybody, except for Bakura, Kaiba, and Jack, clapped. Teresa jump down from the stage and quickly walked to the room. Danina and Andy followed.
"Give it up to Secret Society. If you want to choose your favorite song, come over here and tell me to play it." Crow said, playing 12 pains of Christmas.
Teresa came out and immediately walk to the food table. Yami was nearby and walk towards her.
"Hey." Yami said.
"Hey, Yami. Sorry about dragging you and making you work. I was stressed and we need help." Teresa said.
She grabbed a chocolate bar and eat it under a minute.
"How did you eat it that fast?" Yami asked, amazed.
She just shrugged. and grabbed another.
"I don't know. i just really like chocolate."
"Aren't those bad for cats and dogs?"
"I'm part magician, so it's ok, I think."
There was silents and they shifted awkwardly.
"Do you want to go out to the balcony?" Teresa broke the silents.
Yami nodded and they both walked out. Teresa grabbed half a tray of chocolate and hot chocolate on the way out.
"I want to get to know you." Yami started to say.
"Like what?"
"What's your favorite color? Food? Hobbies?" he listed.
"I'm pretty sure you know what I like by now. I make it pretty obvious."
"I didn't have time to notice these things."
"Well, my favorite color is red, followed by dark blue, then black. I obviously like chocolate, and my hobbies are origami, knitting, playing the guitar, and reading."
They talk for hours until the clock strikes at midnight, Christmas Day. Teresa shivered in the cold.
"Hey, Yami?" Teresa asked.
"Yes?" Yami asked back.
The fire magician look at the ground, shifting her feet.
"I have a Christmas present for you now."
Yami was staring at her. Was she blushing?
"Yeah." She look into his eyes.
"Where is it?"
She nodded for him to look up. He raise an eyebrow and look up. There, above them, was a mistletoe.
"You put it there, didn't you?" Yami asked, smiling.
"And you know what the rules are?" Teresa said.
Yami took a step closer to her and she did the same. It was kind of awkward because Yami was an inch shorter than her. They both slowly close their eyes and kissed. It was short but sweet. In the background, they heard a click sound. Teresa pulled away first and turn to see Danina with her camera. Andy and Yugi stood behind her, grinning.
"Damn it." Teresa said under her breath.
"Aw, come on you two are cute together." Danina stated.
The two magicians blushed.
"Just like you and Yugi." Teresa shot back, smirking.
It was the ice and light magicians turn to blush.
"Yugi? You have a crush on Danina? That's so cute. You two are so innocent that it's perfect." Yami said it like a girl.
Yugi blush even deeper.
"Ok. Let's save that for tomorrow. Right now I'm tired." Andy said.
Teresa yawned and stretched like a cat.
"Yeah, I want to sleep all day tomorrow." the neko said.
They all walk back inside and went to bed. Teresa is sleeping on the couch, because all the rooms were all occupied and she was tired to go to her room.
"Good night." they all called out.
Yami sneak back out and kissed Teresa on the cheek.
"Good night." he whispered and sneak back to his room.

TN: Ha, I'm so evil.
Teresa: *laughing crazy* Yusei and Akiza's faces.
Danina: *blushed* Why do you have to tease Yugi and me?
TN: You two are so cute. I couldn't pass the opportunity.
Yami: So does this mean Teresa and me are a couple.
TN: When did you- Never mind. Anyway, no, not yet. You just have to wait for the next chapter.
Andy: Please comment... or else.

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