Chapter Ninteen: More Surprises

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TN: One more chapter left!
Teresa: *throws knife at TN*
TN: Ah! *ducks* Teresa!
Teresa: *throw more knives*
TN: *dodges* I, TNckitty, do not own any Yugioh. Only my OCs. Please read and enjoy! *runs away*
Chapter 19: More Surprises
Once Bakura and Malik got back to the group, Kaiba started to pace back and forth in front of everybody, trying to think of a plan to stop Lash and Teresa.
"I can't believe Teresa turn on us like this," Yusei mumbled.
Andy got up and punch a hole in the wall.
"Damn it, Teresa! Why did you turn on us? I thought you were our friend," Andy growled.
Yami has been silent since Teresa say that she never loved him. Only Yugi notice the shadow magician's quietness.
"Are you okay, Yami," Yugi asked.
"I'm fine," Yami said.
"That's bull, Pharaoh," Bakura growled, "You have to get over your little lovesickness with that cat and move on."
Yami jump up.
"You don't know how I feel, Tomb Robber," Yami shouted.
"Bakura's right," Kaiba step in, "Teresa's the enemy now and we have to do everything. Even if that means we have to destroy Teresa in the process."
Yami only growls and walks away. Yugi follows him. The rest stay where they are.
"Yami," Yugi asked.
"I don't get it," was all Yami said.
"Get what?"
"Why Teresa switch sides?"
"Maybe Lash corrupted her somehow when he kidnaped us."
"But Lash said she came to him when she first came to Domino."
"Maybe he lied about that."
Yami opens his mouth, but nothing came out. Now that he thought about it, it was weird that Teresa decided to change sides like that.
"Maybe you're right."
"It's getting late. Let's rest and talk to the others tomorrow."
Yami nodded.
While with Lash and Teresa, Lash decides to throw a feast for the guards and shadow creatures.
"Go head and eat till your hearts are content," Lash shouted.
The creatures cheer and started to scarf down the food. Lash was sitting at the head of the table with Teresa next to him.
"I'm so glad to get rid of those disgusting things called clothes," Teresa said.
"Yes, you look more beautiful like this," Lash commented.
Teresa was wearing a spaghetti strap green dress that goes all the way down to her ankles. In the back, her back is exposed.
"I know green looks good on you."
Teresa nodded. She grabs her plate and started to eat.
It was the next day and everybody was getting ready. They all agreed to attack Lash and take him down.
"How are we going pass his shadow creatures and guards," Tea asked.
"We'll just wing it," Malik said.
"And by some miracle we don't get caught," Kaiba said.
"You're an idiot. You're probably at the Mutt's level."
"Hey," Both Joey and Malik shouted.
"Are you okay with this, Yusei," Danina asked.
"If we have to, then yes," Yusei answered.
Yusei really didn't want to hurt his own sister, but it was the only way to defeat Lash.
"Um. Guys? Do you know where my Puzzle is," Yugi asked.
"Mine's is missing too," Yami stated.
Everybody went around the house to look for the missing Puzzles but had no luck.
"What if someone stole it," Tea asked.
"It's most likely one of Lash's minions took it when we weren't looking," Andy said.
"More like Teresa stole it," Kaiba corrected, "She was the only one who was close to us and was even closer to Yami and Yugi."
"That is true," Yusei mumbled, "She does have the tendency to steal thing if she need to. She was never caught."
"Freaking cat abilities," Andy mumbled.
"Well, if she has them, then we're in big trouble," Yami said.
"We must get the Millennium Items quickly," Kaiba said.
For the next few hours, they came up with a plan to take the Items back from Lash and Teresa.
Teresa was in her room looking at the Puzzles she took from the twins. There was a knock on her door and she quickly hid them.
"Come in," Teresa said.
One of the royal guards came in.
"Master Lash is calling you," he said.
"Tell him, I'll be there," Teresa said.
'This better be good,' Teresa thought.
She walks to the throne room, where Lash was waiting.
"Finally, you're here. I found out that the Pharaoh and Prince are going to take back their precious puzzles back," Lash informed.
Lash was wearing both of the puzzles around his neck.
'He calls himself a ruler? He doesn't even know he is wearing fakes.'
"That's very interesting. What are we going to do," she asked.
"We'll just watch them pass all the obstacles that I have ready set out. If they make it here, then you can have all the fun."
Teresa smirks.
Mokuba and Kaiba were in a van ready to give instruction to the groups. They split into three groups. Group one is Yami, Yugi, Joey, Tristan and Tea. The next group was Jaden, Yusei, Dana, and Andy. The last was Ryou, Bakura, Malik and Marik.
"Can everybody hear me," Kaiba asked.
"Loud and clear," Joey said.
"Yes," Marik said.
"We're ready for the first instruction," Yusei said.
"Ok. Yami's group will have to go through the vents. Yusei, you will go to the back. Ryou's group will be the distraction. Mokuba and I will check the cameras for any danger."
Joey turn into a wolf and sniff out the vents. Malik smirks and fly up in the sky. Yusei pull out a screwdriver and pick out the lock on a door.
Malik was high in the sky and was already blasting at some of the shadow creatures. Téa uses a spell to open the vents and Yugi uses his light to lead the gang. When Yusei got the door open, Andy uses his wings to guide the group.
"Jaden, I sense something in the far left," a ghost like demon appears right next to the Slifer slacker.
"Guys, Yubel senses something on the left hallway," Jaden informed them.
"Anything on the right," Danina asked.
"There's something, but it's not that dangerous."
"Yes, but it's not dangerous."
"Then let's go right," Yusei said.
While the groups were working, Lash and Teresa were watching them from the throne room.
TN: *hiding under a table* Finally!
Teresa: TN! You better come out before I rip this place apart!
TN: Please, Comment. The last chapter will be up soon. I hope.

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