Chapter Twenty: The End

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TN: Last chapter! If you really like this story, then I'll make a sequel or a prequel or both. Tell me what you guys want. Can everybody do the disclaimer together while I hide from Teresa? Thanks! *runs away*
Everybody except for Teresa and TN: TNckitty does not own Yugioh. Only her OCs and the plot. Enjoy the last chapter.
Chapter 20: The End
"Okay, Yami's group, you're very close to the throne room. That's where Teresa and Lash is," Mokuba said.
"Gotcha," Tristan replied.
Almost at the end of the vents, there was light. Téa uses her spell to open it. They all jump down. The room is almost dark, expect for the light shining in the center. Sitting in the chair was Teresa.
"Took you all long enough. I was starting to get bored," the neko said.
"Hand over the puzzles now," Yugi demanded.
"I will," Teresa started, "but you have to defeat me first."
She got up and the rest of the light turn on. Around the was a steel cage, covering the sides and top. On the other side of the cage was Lash sitting on the throne that was suppose to be Yami's. Lash rests his right elbow on the armrest and his cheek on his fist. He has a lazy smirk on his face.
"If you kill Teresa first, then you can have the puzzles. But if she kills Yami first, then you all lose and become our slaves," Lash explains. "Now begin!"
Right way, Joey turn into a wolf and lunges at the neko. Teresa sidesteps and ran up to Tristan. She quickly punch his head off and ran to Tea. Téa tried to uses a freeze spell, but Teresa was faster. She knock Téa out and processed to Yugi and Yami. Joey shakes himself and lunges at Teresa again. This time he bit her shoulder. She fell forward, but she lands on her hands and flip over laying on top of the wolf.
"Good," Lash said, but no one hear him.
Yusei's group were fighting off the shadow creatures that came out of nowhere. Outside, Ryou's group were also fighting off the creatures.
"Give up now. You can't beat Teresa. She is stronger then all of you," Lash shouted at them.
"Never. We will defeat you and take back our throne," Yami shouted back.
"Focus on me instead of him," Teresa said. "I'm your only concern right now."
Teresa shoots fireballs at Joey and knocks him out. Now there was only Yugi and Yami. Teresa grab her hidden knife and easily pass Yugi. She stabs Yami in the stomach. Yami's eyes widen and fell forward. Teresa step away and let the blood drip from her knife.
"No! Yami," Yugi shouted and ran to him.
The neko turn away from the twins. The others who were knock out woke up and saw what has happen.
"Teresa!" Teresa looks over her shoulder and saw Joey glaring at her. "How could you such a cruel person?! Messing up people's emotions to your advantage!"
Teresa stares at his for a few more seconds before looking away.
"Hey! Answer me!"
The guard open the cage and let the fire magician out. She walks toward Lash. What nobody expected, even Lash, was that Teresa punch Lash in the face and knock him off the throne. Suddenly she went up in flames. Once the flames died, Teresa was back into her normal clothes.
"Gosh. That dress was horrible. Even the most beautiful girls will look ugly just wearing that," Teresa stated while making a face.
"At least you shirt is clean. You put fake blood on my favorite shirt," Yami suddenly said.
The werewolf shrieks and and jump away from Yami.
Tristan hits him upside the head.
"You idiot! I'm a zombie," Tristan shouted.
"How are you not dead," Lash shouted.
Teresa takes out her "bloody" knife and stabs herself in the hand.
"Fake knife. Also, you can open the cage now, Mahad."
Mahad took off the helmet and open the cage. The gang ran out and was ready to fight shadow creatures.
"You'll never take the puzzles," Lash said.
The two puzzles started to glow and the villain cackled. The puzzles stop glowing suddenly.
Teresa starts to laugh.
"You really think that I'll just hand over the puzzles that easily?"
She pull out the real puzzles and hands it over to the twins.
"Sorry for stealing them. I need to keep them safe for a while," she apologized.
"At least you're on our side again," Téa said.
"I was never on their side. I only did that to get closer to Lash. Gosh, that guy is such a control freak. Telling me to do this and that. Make me wear the worst clothes ever, but that's not the issue right now."
Teresa turns toward Lash with glowing red eyes. Lash swallows.
"As pay back, I think I'll tear up your favorite pair of jeans."
Lash squealed at the threat.
"Teresa," someone shouted.
Teresa looks over her shoulder and saw Yusei, Jaden, Andy, and Danina coming in.
"Yusei," Yami said.
"Why didn't you... stop... her yet," Jaden slowly asked.
"Because she was still on our side," Tristan said.
"Can you all finish your little conversation later? I'm ready do something that I have been wanting to do for a long time now," Teresa turn back around.
Not only is her eyes glowing but she has the most evil smirk that anyone has ever seen. Suddenly Stardust Dragon appears behind her and was ready to attack when ever the neko commands.
"For 16 years, I have to bare all the pain and suffering of loneliness. I lost my two brothers for three years and having to survived on my own. I think you deserve to suffer."
Before she could command Star to attack, Yusei rushes over and grab her waist. Teresa struggles.
"Yusei! Put me down! I want to finish him!"
"Just because he made us suffer, doesn't me he deserves to die. If you kill him now, you'll regret it later," Yusei stated.
The neko slowly stops struggling. She still has fire in her eyes, ready to kill if Lash makes a single movement. Lash made the smart decision and stay where he is. Everybody, except for Kaiba and Mokuba, were together in the room. Since Ryou's group was late and didn't know what was happening earlier, they thought Teresa and Yusei were fighting. Star was still out.
"What the hell is happening here? Why aren't you guys helping him defeat her," Bakura hissed.
"Because she was still on our side and he was stopping her from killing Lash," Téa answered.
"Oh," the four said.
Yami and Yugi suddenly walk up and to the throne. Yami turn around with a confident and commanding face.
"Shadow creatures! Lash is no longer your king! The new Pharaoh will be me," Yami shouted.
The shadow creatures were unsure what to think. Teresa was finally out of Yusei's grasp and went to stand beside the shadow magician.
"This is true! The false king lies about his position! The real Pharaoh is right here! Pharaoh Atem," Teresa reveals Yami's real name.
Once the creatures hear the name, they began to bow down.
"Alongside him will be the prince of light and their new priests!"
After a few days later, the kingdom became lighter and more cheerful. The creatures were happy and was glad that Lash is no longer their king. In the throne room, Yami sat at the throne and Yugi sits right beside him. Kaiba, Malik, Bakura, Yusei, and Ishizu were standing just below the throne. The Millennium Key has chosen Yusei as its holder. The Eye and Scale was still unknown. Teresa stood behind Yami's throne looking around the room for any danger. They were having a feast to celebrate the new king's coronation. Every creature and friend were having a great time. To Yami, it was boring since he has to sit and watch everyone having fun. Yusei walks up to the fire magician and whispers something in her ear. Teresa nods and let Yusei take her place.
"Yami," said person looks at her, "would you like to dance with me?"
Yami smiled, "I would love to."
The pharaoh got up and held out his hand. Teresa immediately took it and he leads them to the dance floor. For the rest of the party, they dance and have fun. The end............... or is it?
TN: DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Teresa: Finally!
TN: You know, I have fun writing this. Sadly it has to end eventually.
Teresa: Yeah.
TN: That's why I'm going to make a sequel!
Teresa: What!? Why was I not inform about this?
TN: Because you were to busy chasing me.
Teresa: *growls*
Everyone: Please Comment and tell us how you feel about the sequel and prequel.

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