Chapter Twelve: The Princes

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TN: Sorry I haven't posted this chapter yesterday. I was sick and forgot.
Teresa: Are you feeling any better?
TN: A little. Again, sorry. So only for today I'll be posting two chapters.
Danina: Do you want me to do the disclaimer?
TN: *nods*
Danina: TNckitty do not own any Yugioh. Only us.

"What I want is to kill you!"
The person lunged at the twins, but was tackled by someone else. The two rolled around on the ground, before splitting up.
"You stay away from them, creature of shadows," the savior hissed.
"And why should I do that, Guardian," the creature asked sarcastically.
"Because I'll send you back to the Shadow Realm!"
Before the creature can say anything else, the savior pounced on it and ripped it apart. The savior did not go unharmed. The creature clawed the person's right arm before it died. The person hissed in pained and grabbed their injured arm. Blood flowed out fast.
"Hey, you okay," Yugi asked.
Yugi and Yami walk to the person. Since it was dark, they didn't know who it was. Once they got closer, they gasped to see Teresa.
"Damn that creature! It ruin my favorite jacket," Teresa shouted.
"Forget your jacket! You're bleeding," Yami shouted.
"I'm fine," Teresa hissed.
"No, you're not! We need to stop the bleeding!"
Yami grabbed his leather jacket and used it to wrap Teresa's wound. The neko blushed when he took off his jacket.
"Um...Yami? You know you could use MY jacket, right? You didn't have to ruin yours."
"I don't want you to get hurt any more then you are right now."
Once Yami tied it tightly, he help her up. Yugi also help her up since Teresa is bigger.
"We better get you to Ryou and fast," Yugi suggested.
With so much blood loses, the fire magician was feeling light-headed. Teresa swayed before falling and fell unconscious. Yami caught her before she hit the ground.
"YUGI! YAMI! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS!" The voice of Joey's called out.
"Yugi, go get the gang and tell them that we need help," Yami commanded.
Yugi nodded and ran to find their friends. It didn't take them long, and they gasped at how pale Teresa is. Ryou push through and kneels at her side. He unwrap the jacket and saw the wound. It was cut deeply and bleeding is still not stopping.
"What happened," Tea asked.
"I think a shadow creature attacked Yami and I, and Teresa saved us," Yugi answered.
"Damn, they already know you guys are here," Andy said.
"What," Joey asked.
"We need to get back to the mansion. You guys have to come," Danina said.
Ryou used his healing magic to stitch the wound together. It took a lot of energy and almost drain the healer completely. Once the wound was close, all was left was a long scar. Ryou fell and was unconscious with the neko. Bakura ran to him and check if he was okay. Once he was sure, he pick his twin up. So did Yami with Teresa. They all walked out of the ally.
"We better call Yusei and come pick us up," Danina stated.
Before she can get her phone out, a limo pulled up next to them. The window rolled down and you can see Kaiba and Kisara inside.
"What happened," Kirsara asked and then saw the two unconscious people. " What happen to them?"
"A shadow creature attack Yami and Yugi. Teresa save them but got injured," Tea answered.
"We were trying to find her when she didn't came back from her break," Kaiba said.
"What do you mean, Kaiba," Joey asked.
"She didn't tell you? She work at Kaiba Corp."
"She didn't tell us."
"Actually, Yugi and I knew," Yami stated.
"She didn't tell us. We followed her and she made us promise not to tell anyone," Yugi explained.
"Guys! We need get home. I don't think Teresa will get any better if we just stand here all day," Andy shouted.
"Well, get in," Kaiba commanded.
The door opened. They all got in and Kaiba ordered the driver to go to the Fudos' mansion. Once they got there, Andy opened the door quickly and carried Teresa. Danina was right behind him. They both ran inside.
Yusei walked in the living room and saw the neko barely breathing. Andy laid her on the couch, while Yusei check on the wound. The Fudo boy twin cursed under his breathe. The gang, Kaiba, and Kisara walked in quietly, confuse as to why the new students rushed inside.
"What happened to her," Yusei asked.
"The shadow creature. They found them," Danina said.
"Shit! Where are the princes?"
Andy nodded towards the group. Yusei turned and sighed in relief.
"Princes? Who are they," Tristan asked.
"We have to tell them sooner or later," Andy said.
"I know," the twin said.
Yusei looked at Teresa. She was still paled but not as much as before. She was breathing evenly now. A groan caught everybody's attention. They all turn to Ryou who was waking up.
"What? Where am I," he asked.
"We're back at Teresa's house," Bakura answered.
Then Ryou remember what happened before he passed out. Bakura let him down.
"Is she okay?"
"We don't know," Marik said.
"Can anybody tell us who these princes are," Kaiba asked impatiently.
"I guess you all have the right to know. The princes are here. They are..."

TN: I'm pretty sure who obviously the princes.
Danina: Please comment.

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