Chapter Nine: The Plan

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TN: Hello, Readers, to another chapter of Supernatural.
Teresa: I hope this time you actual got to proofread it.
Andy: Ha! TN? Proofread? *laugh hard*
Yusei: *walk in*
Teresa: Hi, Yusei!
TN: Hey since you're here, why don't you do the Disclaimer?
Yusei: Okay. TNckitty do not own me or the rest of the Yugioh casts. Only her OCs.

"Because I work for him and don't want anybody finding out." Teresa said. "It's also against the rules to work while still in school."
"That's true, but does Kaiba know?" Yami asked.
She nodded.
"Look, I'll explain all this later, but I need to get ready for my next class." Teresa said quickly.
She turned around, but not before kissing Yami's cheeks. Yami's face redden. She ran inside the school to change her clothes.
"I think we have to go to our class, too, Yami." Yugi said.
Yami almost forgot that he was there. Yami nodded and ran in to his class which was gym. Yugi ran to another direction to his last class, which is English. When the bell finally rang, the gang ran to the gate. Once everybody was there, they walk to the game shop. Ryou notice Teresa was among them.
"Hey, Teresa." Ryou said.
Everybody stop talking and looked at the neko.
"Where did you go that you miss lunch with us, Te?" Joey asked.
"Te?" Yugi asked.
"Well, I thought that 'Teresa' is a long name so I shorten it." Joey stated.
Teresa smiled and nodded.
"She like the name." Andy stated.
"Let's hurry and go to the game shop already!" Bakura said impatiently.
They kept walking until they got to the game shop. Yami and Yugi were the first to walk in.
"Grandpa! We're home with our friends!" Yugi shouted.
Solomon poke his head up from under the counter.
"Oh hello. Go up stairs. It's getting crowded in here." the elder said.
One by one, they walked upstairs into the living room. They can't go into the twins' room because there is too much people to fit in. Marik, Ryou, Joey, Tristan, and Yugi sat on the ground. Bakura sat in the recliner. Tea, Serenity, and Danina sat on the couch. Andy and Malik are leaning on the wall near the couch. Yami sat on another recliner, pulling Teresa in his lap. She blush heavily. They were silent until Tea broke it.
"So, the dance is coming up. Do you all know who is going with who?"
"I was planning to asked Mai." Joey said.
"Serenity, do you want to go with me?" Tristan asked.
"Yes. Is it ok with you, Big Brother?" Serenity asked with puppy eyes.
"N-" Joey looked into her eyes and can refuse. "Ok, but if you do anything to her, I'll sniffed you out and bury you into the ground."
"Why do I need to go?" Bakura asked.
"Because it'll be fun and you need to get out of the house." Ryou answered.
"What about the Pharaoh and his midget?" Malik pointed out.
"Hey!" Yugi yelled.
"Well, I'm going with Teresa." Yami said.
He turned to her, but didn't see her.
"What the bloody hell!?" the ghost yelled.
"Where did she go?" Yugi asked Danina.
"Why do you always asked question about Teresa?" Andy asked.
"Because we know the longest and know almost everything about her." Danina stated.
"Well we don't know where she is?" Andy said.
Out of nowhere, a black-and-red cat jump on top of Yami's head. Yami jumped. Everybody laughed at him.
"Did you see his face? It was priceless!" the demon said, laughing really hard.
Once everybody finish laughing, Yugi asked, "Where did the cat came from?"
The cat has black fur with red paws, ears, and on the tip of it's tail. It's eyes were crimson red like Yami's and Teresa's. It jump into Yami's lap and purred. The shadow magician pet it, making it purr even louder.
"Well, we don't have to look for Teresa anymore." the ice magician stated.
"What do you mean?" Serenity asked.
"She means that we find Teresa." the phoenix said.
"Where?" Marik asked.
"In Yami's lap."
Everybody turned to the cat. It jumped off and a bright light shined where the cat was. Once the light died, Teresa was standing were the black-and-red cat was at.
"I can change into a cat, but don't use it often." Teresa stated.
She walk to Yami and sat on the armrest.
"So are you going?" Yugi asked.
"Do I have to?"
"Wow, you are the opposite of a girl." Marik said.
"Thank you." she said.
"So are you?"
"Yeah." she finally said. "Are you going to asked Danina to go to the dance with you, Yugi?"
The two said magician blushed. Teresa laughed.
"Come on. Don't tease them." Yami said.
Teresa pouted and said, "You just had to ruin my fun."
For a while, they agreed to meet at the gate of the school. It was getting late and everybody left. The next day, it was Saturday and Teresa was going to test the new program for the new produce for dueling. They made special motorcycles for dueling called due runners. While she test it, there is someone or something in the shadows watching her.
{'Now, how to get rid of you, Guardian?'} the shadow figure thought.
Once it got an idea, it smirk and send shadows towards her. The shadows split into two and each grabbed a wheel of the motorcycle and stopped them completely. Teresa thrown of it and could have crashed if she wasn't a neko. She landed on her feet but fell and tumbled. Some of the employees that work with her ran out and check on her.
{'Curses. I forgot she is a neko!'} the figure thought.
It ran away to plan his next plan. While he left, the one of the workers went to get Kaiba.
"Are you alright?" a worker asked.
Teresa nodded her head. Kaiba came and went over to Teresa.
"What happened?" he asked.
"We don't know, sir. She was testing the new project and for some reason the motorcycle crashed." one of them answered.
"Can you stand up?"
She shrugged her shoulders and got up. Once she was standing, she put most of her weight to her left side. She hissed in pain and would have hit the ground if Kaiba didn't catch her.
"Someone call her brother and tell him to pick her up!" Kaiba commanded.
Once Yusei got there, Kaiba help Teresa walk towards him. This surprise both the Fudos because they never see Kaiba so...nice.
"The doctor say that she twisted her ankle and that she need to stay off it for a few days." the CEO informed.
"Thank you, Mr. Kaiba." Yusei said and picked up Teresa.
She squirm in his arms.
"I don't want her to go to work until her ankle is healed, got it?"
"Yes, sir."
Yusei carried Teresa to his duel runner and drive them back to their mansion.

TN: Ooooh. I wonder who is out to get Teresa.
Teresa: You like to torture me, don't you?
TN: What can I say, I'm a sadist writing these stories.
Teresa: And I thought I was bad.
TN: Anyway. Please comment.

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