Chapter Thirteen: The Kingdom

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"I guess you all have the right to know. The princes are here. They are..." Yusei hesitated.
"Oh for the love of Ra! It's Yami and Yugi," Andy shouted.
Everything was quiet except for Teresa's breathing. Suddenly Yami and Yugi gasped in pain and was holding their head. Visions flash in their eyes.
There was two adults. One of the is Solomon and the other is a woman. Her face was covered by the shadows, so they don't know how she looks like it. In her arms are twin babies. They look no older then 3 months.
"Father. I need you to take care of Yami and Yugi for me. When they are old enough, tell them they must take back the throne," the woman said.
"What about you, my Queen," Solomon asked.
"Don't worry about me," she looked down at the two babies, " Good bye, my sons. One day, you will meet someone important. You must save the Shadow Realm."
The Queen gave the twins to Solomon and the three escape in the secret passage.}
The vision stop and they found themselves in bed. Yami and Yugi groaned. The door opened and saw Ryou walk in.
"Hey, you two. How are you feeling," Ryou asked.
"Like we been hit in the back of the head with a metal bat," Yugi said.
"Well, it'll go away in a few minutes."
"What happen," Yami asked.
"Both of you just suddenly collapse."
"How long were we out," the light magician asked.
"Just a few hours," Ryou answered.
The door opened again and all three turned. They saw Teresa walked in. Her right arm was wrap in bandage that only Ryou can do. She was still pale, but her color is back a lot. Her hair was mess and tangle.
"Yo," she said.
"Shouldn't you be resting," Yugi asked.
"I'm fine. I'm just doing my job."
"Job," Yami asked.
"You think I have one job? Clearly, you don't know me that well. I like to multi-task."
"You knew we were the prince from day one, didn't you?"
"It wasn't hard to know the princes of shadow and light are. I got to say, your grandpa hide you two well."
The light magician yawned.
"Looks like someone is tired," Teresa cooed.
Yugi blushed. Ryou walked out and Teresa was about to follow but not before kissing Yami and Yugi's cheeks. Now both were blushing more. In the morning, everybody was wake. Teresa has the bad case of the bed head. Apparently, Kaiba also stayed.
"Morning, everyone," Teresa yawned.
"You need to comb you hair earlier," Yusei said.
"I don't care how I look, Yusei. You know this already."
Yusei handed her breakfast. It was chocolate chip pancakes, like the ones that he made during Christmas except it doesn't have syrup this time. The neko's eyes lit up and started to scarf down.
"She must like pancakes," Marik stated.
"More like she likes chocolate," Andy corrected.
"Hey! I never gotten to eat yesterday because of that accident with the program those idiots that Kaiba hired damaged it. Then I have to save Yami and Yugi's sorry ass when I was about got my lunch," the fire magician hissed, making everybody backing away from her. She sighed. "Sorry, I'm just really tired and lose a lot of blood to make me delirious."
"Wait, what's this about damaged," Kaiba shouted.
"Your so called workers decided to download other things into the computer system and it started to have viruses of different kinds. Luck for them, the viruses were not major, but it took hours."
"Why wasn't it informed all of this!?"
"Because it slipped out of my mind and those workers didn't want to lose their jobs."
"Who were they!?"
After Teresa listed the employees, Kaiba immediately called work and fired them.
"Now that was out of the way. Can someone please tell us what is going on here," Bakura shouted.
"I guess we have to tell them the whole story, don't we," Danina asked.
Yusei, Andy, and Teresa nodded.
"I'll tell it then. It all started 16 years ago..." Yusei started.
{16 years ago
In the deserts, a kingdom near the river was being attack. A large army broke through the walls and charged to the palace. On the balcony, the pharaoh was watching.
"Mahad, tell the soldiers to be ready," the king commanded.
The man, who has long brown hair that was covered with a headpiece, bowed and ran through the palace.
A woman who was next to the king asked, " Husband, what are going to do once they get close to the palace?"
"Maria," the pharaoh to the woman, "if they get near the palace, I want you to take Yami and Yugi away from here with Solomon."
"What about you?"
"I have to stay and protect the kingdom and its people."
"If you're staying then I'm staying."
"But what about our sons?"
"Solomon are with them. I know my father will keep them safe."
The pharaoh looked into her eyes before saying, "I want to give them these."
He walked back inside with Maria following him. Once they got into their chamber, he grabbed two boxes that was sitting on the desk and give it to her. Maria blinked.
"What are they?"
"The Millennium Puzzles."
The woman gasped. "Are you sure they are capable to hold such power?"
"I do believe they are strong enough to hold this kind of power. I want you to give these to Solomon to give it to them when they are old enough. I want them to have something to reminded them of us, my Queen."
Maria nodded and ran to find her father and her two sons.}
"How do you know all of this," Serenity asked.
Yusei and Teresa looked at each other and then looked back to the group. You can see the pain and sadness in their eyes.
"Because we were both there," Teresa answered.
{Since Yusei and Teresa were a year older then Yami and Yugi, they were old enough to understand what was going on. The two heard screaming and clashing.
"D-Daddy? What's going on," little Teresa asked.
"Nothing, Sweetie," their father said. He pulled Teresa close to him. Yusei was standing next to them and was quiet. "Yusei? Teresa? I want you two to promise me something? I want you to promise to protect the princes when you get older. Don't let anybody hurt them no matter what. Understand?"
The two were confuse, but nodded anyway. Suddenly Solomon rushed in with two babies. Another woman came in from another room?
"What's wrong, Solomon," the woman asked.
"I'm sorry for barging in, but I must take Yusei and Teresa away now," he answered.
"Away, where, mom," Yusei finally said something.
"Somewhere safe, little star," their mother said. "Here, please keep, them safe for us?"
"I will."
The two obediently followed Solomon.}
"At that time, both Yusei and I didn't know what our parents were planing. Once all five of us were safe from harm, the kingdom... the kingdom..." Teresa broke into a sobbed. She bury her head onto Yami's shoulder.
"What happened to the kingdom," Ryou quietly asked.
"It blow up," Yusei answered, not looking at anyone.
"What do you mean by, 'blow up,'" Bakura asked.
"Our parents were the scientists at the kingdom. They became friends with the pharaoh and queen. They have been planing to use this machine where the kingdom will self-destruct and become a wasteland," Yusei said, knowing Teresa is to hurt and sad to continue. "Once that explosion came, more then the whole population was gone. They call this destruction 'Zero Reverse.'"
"Thereis one more important information we haven't told you yet," Teresa croaked. She finally stop crying. She looked at Kaiba. "Kaiba, did anybody told you about your other family relative, beside Mokuba?"
"No, why," Kaiba asked.
"Because you have two cousins and they are in this room. Your cousins are Yami and Yugi."

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