Chapter Fourteen: The Magicians

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TN: Sorry for not posting this chapter earlier. I was really sick.
Teresa: At least you're better, right?
TN: ...
Teresa: Right?
TN: Right.
Teresa: Since no one is around, I'll do the disclaimer. TNckitty do not own any Yugioh. Only us, OCs.

"What! What do you mean I'm related to the Mutos," Kaiba yelled.
Since Teresa's ears and tail is revealed, her ears pressed against her head. She winced when the CEO yelled.
"Calm down. I mean that you are next in line if anything happens to Yami and Yugi. For now, we need to train and planed to take back the throne from our enemy," Teresa said.
"Why do we need to train? We already know how to control them," Yugi asked.
"Barely. You just scratch the surface. We also need you to summon all of your kas if we want to defeat the current Pharaoh," Yusei said.
"Kas," Yami asked.
"You have more then one Ka. Right now, you just know how to summon Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl, or should I say Mahad and Mana," Teresa answered.
Suddenly, two magicians appeared out of nowhere. One of them was wearing a purple robe and was male. He has long brown hair and brown eyes. In his hand is a long green staff.
The other one is a female. She has long blonde hair and green eyes. She wore a light blue and pink dress with matching blue boots. She has a short blue staff.
"Teresa!" The girl tackled to the ground. She was hugging tightly.
"Mana... can't... breath," Teresa manage to say.
"Whoops, sorry."
Mana let go of her. They looked at each other of a moment before smirking. They slowly turned to the purple magician. He knew what they were planning.
"Oh, no, no, no," he shouted.
He wave his hands in the air moving it from side to side, but it was too late. They pounced on him and started tickling him. Yusei just sighed and grabbed Teresa. He easily pulled her off of him.
"Aw," Teresa said sadly.
Mana has stopped and got off of the magician.
"Is it just me or did Teresa go smaller," Malik asked.
The rest finally notice and saw her red paws. She was about as tall as Yami now, maybe shorter.
"She's only like this when she is acting childish. This is her neko kitten form," Andy said.
Yusei set the now neko kitten down. Once her feet touch the ground, Teresa quickly turned and ran towards Yami, hugging him. Yami feel awkward hugging Teresa in her kitten form.
"Um, why are you hugging me," the shadow magician asked.
Instead of answering, she started to purr.
"You also forget to mention that she will be in this form for a while," Mahad pointed out.
Yami didn't really know what to do, so he hesitantly petted her between her ears. The neko purred even louder and rubbed against his hand. After a while, she yawned.
"Let's move her to the couch. She must have stayed up really late last night," Danina stated.
Teresa meowed. She shook her head like she is saying no.
"Are you going to use the song," Mana asked.
Yusei nodded.
"Song," Yugi asked.
"It helps her go to sleep," Yusei answered. "This might be good for her since she is upset."
Danina got up and walk towards the piano. While she was looking for the song sheet, Yami pick Teresa up and brought her to the couch. The neko made a little mew sound when he picked her up.
{'She's really cute when she is in this form,'} Yami thought, blushing lightly.
Once they got to the couch, Danina started to play a very soothing melody. After a while, the fire magician's eyes started to close. Not only was it affecting her, but the rest of the gang were too. The song ended and almost everybody was asleep. The only ones that weren't affected were Yusei, Danina, Andy, Mana, Mahad, Bakura, Malik, and Kaiba.
"Well, we have to go back the Spirit World so we won't drain all of Master Yami and Yugi's energy," Mahad stated.
The two magicians disappeared.
"Come on and let them rest," Kaiba said.
He turned and walked into the kitchen. The rest followed. Hours later, Yusei went to work with Kaiba in the office, Danina went shopping for antique things, and Andy, Bakura, and Malik are planning to plot their next scheme. Everything was quiet until an explosion shook the house. Yusei ran into the kitchen and saw only smoke.
"ANDY!" Yusei shouted.
Three people came out of the smoke, coughing violently.
"ANDY!" someone shouted from the living room.
The door slam opened and you can see an angry Teresa. Teresa stomp towards Andy who was about to flee. Before he could get away, Teresa grab his arm and slam him against a nearby wall.
"Don't use it to make cookies," Andy breath out.
Once she let go of him, the neko turned to the two psychos.
"We wouldn't do it again," they said quickly.
Teresa just nodded and went back into the living room. The four boys followed her, but kept their distance. Because of the explosion, everybody was awake.
"What happened," Yugi asked wearily.
"These three happen," Yusei stated.
Teresa grabbed a blanket and plop next to Yami.
"I'm going back to sleep. AND don't wake me up."
"What gotten into her," Joey asked.
"They exploded the kitchen," Yusei answered.
"With what?"
Everybody blinked. Before anybody can asked another question, another explosion came, but this time the living room wall is destroy. Teresa and Yami fell off the couch. Yusei tried to keep his balances. The ones who were standing fell.
Once all the smoke cleared, a whole bunch of shadow creature surrounded the house. One of the creatures step to the front.
"We got you now, princes. Come with us and we will leave your friends alone," it said.
Before Yami and Yugi can decided, Teresa step in front of them. Her eyes glowed in anger.
"You think you can just blow up our house and get away with the princes!? You're hella wrong if you think you can succeeded with me around. If you know what's best for you, leave and you might come out alive," Teresa hissed.
"We here for the princes, and we're not leaving without them."
Teresa started to laugh menacingly, sending chills down everyone who was in the room spines.
"You fucking want a death wish. Fine, so be it."
Suddenly pillars of fire burst under the shadow creatures and burned them. Stardust appeared and start shooting fire balls at them. But Teresa was not going to let Star get all the fun. Like lightening speed, she attacked all the unfortunate creatures nearby. Almost all the creature were gone. There was only one creature left. The fire magician walk up to it.
"Tell your {king} that I'll be coming after him," Teresa whispered into it's ear.
She stab the creature with a hidden in her jacket. She turned around and see everyone staring at her. They were all quiet until the door open and slam shut.
"I'm back," Danina shouted. She came into the living room and saw everything is destroy. "What happen?"

TN: Please, comment.

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