Chapter Eleven: The Dance Part Two

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TN: I know. Valentine passed.
Teresa: It has been a while since you updated.
TN: At least you get to spend your Valentine day with Yami.
Teresa: Why? What did you do for your Valentine?
TN: Worked at a Vietnamese New Years fair. FOR...FOUR...HOURS!
Teresa: What? You didn't spend time with Ry-
TN: *cover Teresa's mouth* Shush! I don't want anyone else to know.
Malik: *walked in* Know what?
TN: Nothing! Hey, since you're here, why don't you do the disclaimer?
Malik: *sigh* TNckitty do not own us, the Yugioh cast. Only her OCs.

On top of the stair was Teresa in a dress. It's not like her to wear one. She wore a red dress that went to her knees in the front and all the way to her ankles in the back. She wore black leggings under her dress. A black sleeveless leather wrap around her. Elbow-Length red gloves wrap around her arms. Around her waist is a leather belt hung loosely. A red leather chocker with a dragon charm rest around her neck. Her hair is down, curled prettily. Bangs covered her left eye. She left her eyes red.
"Wow," was all Yami said.
All the guys saw Teresa and was drooling. Teresa started walking down delicately, making her look like a princess. Yami finally snap out of his trance of her and started to walk towards her. Once she got to the bottom of the stairs, the shadow magician offer her a dance, which she gladly accepted. He lead her to the dancing area. Yami wrap his arms around her waist and Teresa wrap her arms around his neck.
"Sorry for making you wait. The girls wanted to make this a surprise." Teresa whispered.
"It was worth the wait. You look beautiful." he said softly.
Teresa blushed and shyly smiled. They dance until the next song is playing.
"Ok, ladies and gentlemen. For this next song, you have to dance with someone you is not your date." The DJ announced.
"If we are switching, then I'm going to dance with Yugi. I'll find you when the song is over." Teresa whispered and kissed him on the cheek.
Yami blushed. "Ok I'll asked Tea if she wants to dance with me."
They both went to look for the two. Some of the guys blocked Teresa and some of the girls block Yami.
"Would you like to dance with me?"
"No, dance with me."
"What? She/he will never dance with you."
Both the boys and girls argue who gets to dance with who. The fight would go on if Yami and Teresa haven't step in.
"Calm down, boys. And if you didn't already know, I have someone in mind." Teresa said in a delicately and sophisticated like a princess, with a hint of British in it.
At the same time, Yami said, "Ladies, ladies! Settle down! I already have someone."
They all stopped. They look upset and was ready to beat up the person who is going to dance with them. Just then, Danina show up.
"Oh, there you are! Yugi is waiting for you." The ice magician said.
She grabbed Teresa and dragged her to Yugi. At the same time, Joey show up and dragged Yami to Tea. For the rest of the night, everybody was having fun, except for Bakura, Malik, and Andy. An hour later, they all decided to go hang out at Teresa, Danina, and Andy's house.
"I forget to thank you for letting me use your belt Yami." Teresa said.
"Wait, what?" Yami asked.
"Yeah, Yugi gave it to me so I can wear it."
"I'll have a talk with Yugi later." Yami mumbled to himself.
They went in and took turns changing into comfortable clothes. Once they all finish, they decided to watch movies.
"So what movies should we watch?" Andy asked.
"A horror movie!" Bakura and Malik both shouted.
"No!" Yugi, Ryou, and Danina shouted back.
"Let's watch the Avengers." Teresa suggested.
"Yaaaaaaaaaasssssssss! Team Captain Doritos!" Danina said.
"No, Team Iron Man!" Andy argued.
"Maybe I shouldn't have said that." Teresa mumbled.
Then Teresa phone started to vibrated. She looked at it and walked out of the room.
"Let's start the movie!" Andy said.
Danina grabbed the DVD disk and pop in the DVD player. When the movie started to play, Teresa walk back in.
"Hey, I have to do something. You can watch without me." Teresa announced.
She went to change and leave to go to wherever she is going. They all must have falling asleep because it was passed midnight. Teresa walked in and look at the group. She smiled and turn off the tv and lights. When she was about to leave, Bakura grabbed her ankle. The fire magician yelped and fell to the ground. The noise woke up the others.
"Whoops, sorry. I thought you were someone trying to breaking in. Anyway that's my job to rob someone." Bakura mumbled.
"I thought Ryou wouldn't let you do that anymore. Now can you let go of my ankle." Teresa said. He let her go. She got up and brush the dirt off her clothes. "Just go back to sleep, everybody."
"Did you just got home now?" Yugi asked.
"Not important right now. Just go back to sleep."
Teresa went to her room and changed. Then morning came and Teresa and Yusei woke up early.
"So, are you going or am I going today?" Yusei asked.
"I am. I'm almost finish testing it." Teresa said.
"Going where?" Yami asked groggily.
"Somewhere." She said.
She went to the coffee maker and grabbed a mug. She pour the coffee in the mug and put in cream and a lot of sugar. Teresa glanced at the clock. It said 6:35.
"I better leave. Bye." She kissed Yusei and Yami on the cheek.
"Where is she going?" Yami asked Yusei.
"Kaiba Corp." the boy twin answered.
"She is testing a new produced for dueling. It should be coming out soon." Yusei took a sip of his coffee. "So what do you want to eat?"
About an hour later, everybody are awake.
"Where did Teresa go?" Joey asked with his mouth full.
Téa slap him on the back of his head and hissed, "Don't talk with your mouth full!"
They all spend time going to the arcade and grabbing for lunch. While they were playing some game, Yugi saw a familiar red hooded jacket. Yami also saw it.
"Did you see that?" Yugi asked his twin.
"Yes, let's go see what's going on."
Yami and Yugi sneak away from the gang and followed the hooded person. Just when they passed an ally way, something or someone grabbed them. The person throw them against a brick wall.
"Finally, my master will be proud of me for eliminating you two, princes." The person hissed like a snake.
"Who are you!?" Yami shouted. "What do you want from us?"
"What I want is to kill you!"

TN: And that's it.
Teresa: You better not kill my Yami.
TN: Don't worry. I would kill Yams...yet.
Malik: Ha! I would love to see that.
Teresa: You're still here?
Malik: Yeah, why?
Teresa: Nothing.
TN: Anyway, please comment. Bye.

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