Chapter Ten: The Dance Part One

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TN: I wrote this chapter on you birthday and I'm very proud of it.
Teresa: Who's going to the disclaimer this time?
Bakura: *walks in* Hello, losers. What are you doing?
TN: Hey do you mind doing the disclaimer for us since you're here?
Bakura: And if I don't?
Teresa: If you don't, *chuckled darkly* lets just say I'll be the last person you'll ever see.
Bakura: Um... TNckitty do not own Yugioh. Just her OCs.

After a few days of rest, Teresa can finally walk again. During the time she was injured, she complained. The only thing she liked about being injured is not going to gym. It was the week of the dance and everybody went running around asking people to be their dates.
"I think the girls and I will go shopping for dresses for the dance today." Tea said.
Teresa made a face when she said shopping and dresses.
"Do you want Mai to come with you?" Joey asked.
"Yes. The more the merrier." Serenity said.
Danina looked at Teresa and said, "You're going, if you want to or not."
The fire magician crossed her arms and huffed in anger.
"I think the guys have to go buy suits of the dance as well." Ryou suggested.
The guys agreed, even Bakura, Andy, and Malik. Suddenly, a whole bunch of girls gather around Yami.
"Will you my date for that dance, Yami?" one of the girls shouted.
"No go with me!"
"No me!"
The girls started to shout to his date. It was so loud that an anime vein pop on Bakura, Malik, Andy, and Teresa's head.
"BE QUIET!" Bakura shouted, making all the girls stop talking.
"Thank you, Bakura. Now, girls. I appreciate that you all are asking me out but I already have a date." Yami said.
The girls looked at each other and is wonder who he is going with.
"Who are you going with, Yami?" Everybody look to a girl with curly blonde hair. Kelly Johnson is the cheerleaders' leader for Domino Magic cheer squad. She is also the most popular girl in the school.
"I'm going with Teresa." Yami answered. All the girls turned to her. Some glared at her for taking Yami, others were upset, but about a handful is happy.
"Why her? What makes this tom-boy special?" Kelly questioned, clearly disgusted.
"She is different. She is fun, quiet, nice, creative, and is nothing that you are." Yami said, making Teresa blushed lightly.
"How dare you insult me!?" Kelly yelled. She turned to the neko sharply. "If you have move from that Trash town, Satellite, I would have Yami as my boyfriend. You have to come in and ruin everything. You better watch you're back because I'll make your life horrible."
With that, Kelly turned around and when to her homeroom class. Teresa look like she is about to punch a wall.
"Satellite? Isn't that the island next to here?" Tristan asked.
"Yeah. We use to live there until Yusei got a job in Kaiba Corp." Andy said.
"I guess that make sense because when you first got here, you smell disgusting." Joey stated.
The bell ring and everybody got up to go to their first classes. For the rest of the day, everybody tried to avoid Kelly and her followers. School is over and the girls agreed to meet at the mall in an hour. Danina and Teresa were there first, followed by Tea, then Serenity and Mai.
"Hello, I'm Mai. I'm guessing you are Teresa and Danina." Mai said.
Teresa nodded and looked around.
"Um, sorry about Teresa. She is not use to new people." Danina apologized.
"It's fine. I'm just happy to spend time with other girls. This is going to be fun." Mai said excitedly.
Teresa mentally groaned. All the girls, except for the quiet fire magician, talk about anything that involve the dance. Mai slowed down and was walking beside Teresa.
"So, Teresa, who are you going with? Tristan? Ryou? Yami?" Mai asked.
When she said Yami, Teresa blushed.
"Yami, er? You are lucky. I can tell he is hard to impressed."
Teresa took out a notepad and pen and wrote something. She handed it to Mai and she read it.
[{'Are you a vampire? Are you going with Joey?'}]
Mai is shock that Teresa guess who she is so quickly and blushed at the second question. The neko silently chuckled at her expression. Once they went into a store, they decided to have a makeover with Teresa. Since she doesn't know what they are up to, Teresa walked around to look for a dress that she likes. The girls grabbed a bunch of makeup and waited for her to go near the dressing rooms. Once she did, Danina tackled her into one of the rooms. The others join in. Outside, all you can here are hissing and thumping.
They all walked out and waited for Teresa to walked out. When she walked out, all the guys nearby stop and stared.
"Girls, I think we are going to blow Yami's mind." Tea said.
"I think we'll blow all the guys' mind." Mai said. "It just her eyes that doesn't fit her."
"I think that won't be a problem." Danina said.
It's that day of that dance and everybody in the Fudo household are rushing.
Everybody, except of Gold, are running around the house. Over the week, Yusei finally man up and asked Akiza to go to the dance with him. Jack ask Carly and Crow ask Sherry to the dance. Danina decided to asked Yugi to be her date. Teresa thought they were cute together. Danina is wearing a black and white dress with a collar. The dress went down to her knees. Her hair is down. Andy is wearing a black tuxedo with a black bow tie. He use his magic to hide his wings. Yusei and Crow also wore a black tuxedo. Jack is wearing a white fancy trench coat with a matching hat.
"HURRY UP, TERESA!" Yusei yelled.
Danina ran to her room. There was a lot of yelling and thumping. After a few minutes, the noise stop and they both came out. Teresa has a cape on, covering her from head to toe. All you can see is her red eyes.
"I'm ready." she said.
"Finally! Let's go." Jack said impatiently.
The door bell rang. Danina opened it and saw Kaiba and Mokuba standing there. Kaiba was wearing a white tuxedo with a light blue dress shirt. A dark blue tie tied tightly around his neck.
"Hello, Kaiba. What are you doing here?" Yusei asked.
"I'm here to drop Mokuba." Kaiba simply said.
Yusei raise his eyebrows.
"I told him that he can stay here with Gold since there was no one to watch Mokuba." Teresa said. "Leo and Luna is also coming."
"You could have told me." Yusei said.
"So, Kaiba," Andy said, getting everybody's attention, "are you going to the dance with Kisara?"
"And what if I am?" Kaiba snapped at him.
Andy shrugged.
"Just curious."
"We better hurry up before we're late for the dance." Crow said.
"You mean to see Sherry, Crow?" Teresa teased.
Crow blushed. Once they all got to the dance, Danina gather the girls together.
"Ok, everything is set for Yami to get a nose bleed." Danina said.
"Good. I'll go to the DJ to play a slow song for them to dance to." Mai informed.
"Danina and I will get Teresa ready for her big entrance. Is there any question before we do this?" Akiza asked.
They all shook their heads. They all split to do their jobs. All the guys were confuse at the girls.
"What do you think they're up to?" Andy asked.
"I don't know. I guess we have to see what it is later." Yai said.
About 10 minutes since they got to work, a slow song started to play and most of the dates went to the center and dance with their partners. Yami walked around to find Teresa. Suddenly, the lights turned off and a spotlight shined on top of the stairs. Once Yami's eyes set on the person, his jaw dropped.

TN: Oh. I wander what Teresa look like to make Yami's jaw drop like that.
TN: Yeah, so?
Teresa: You are so lucky that I'm your OC.
TN: I know. So, Please comment.
Bakura: Or else Teresa will come after you.
Teresa: BAKURA!

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