Chapter Six: Christmas

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TN: Hello again, Readers.
Andy: Yes, hello again to another terrible chapter.
TN: *about to throw knife*
Andy: I mean this very... interesting chapter?
TN: That's better.
Yami: *walks in* What's up, guys?
TN: Just posting another chapter. Hey, since you're here, why don't you do the disclaimer?
Yami: Sure. TNckitty do not own us, the Yugioh cast. Only her OCs.

It was 7:00 in the morning and Yusei was the first to wake up, followed by Yugi, Danina, Mokuba, Leo, Luna, and Gold. The four ran down the stairs and was shouting.
"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" They all shouted.
The rest, except for Teresa, Bakura, and Malik, were up and was in the kitchen. It was a surprise to see Kaiba smiling in the morning and not working.
"Good morning, everybody." Yusei greeted.
"I can't believe it's already Christmas!" Danina shouted.
"Can you not shout so loud in the morning?" Bakura mumbled, still half asleep.
Malik was behind him, mumbling about to much food.
"Where's Teresa?" Yami asked.
"I think she still asleep." Andy answered. "Let's go wake her up."
Andy smirked and soon Danina, Gold, Bakura, and Malik followed.
"Don't. You remember what happen last time?" Crow said.
The phoenix, ice magician, and golden dragon paled at the memory.
"On second thought, let's wake her up the normal way." Andy said quickly.
"Why? What's the worst that she can do?" Bakura asked.
The two psychos walked out and found Teresa sleeping on the couch. Her ears and tail were revealed. She was in a deep sleep.
"Too easy." Malik whispered to Bakura.
The ghost nodded and smirk when he saw that it was still snowing outside. He quietly walk to the patio and slide it opened. He formed a snowball and turn to the sleeping neko. He quickly throw the ball at her and hit her in the face.
"AHHHH!" Teresa screamed.
She shot up and glared around the room. She spotted the two psychos laughing their a**** off. She got up and walked toward them.
"You think that was funny, don't ya? Well you know what else is funny?" Teresa said in a very evil way.
The two stop laughing and the room became cold and silent.
She leaned closer to them and whispered, "Is making your lives a living hell."
Teresa pulled back and smile evilly that can make anybody, even the devil, scared out of their skin. She started chuckling darkly, then turn into an evil laugh.
In the other room, the others listen quietly and heard Teresa laughing.
"And it begins. We warn them." Jack said.
"What's going to happen to Bakura and Malik?" Yugi asked.
"You don't want to know." Andy answered.
Bakura and Malik ran in the kitchen, blocking the door. They look pale and is breathing hard.
"We warn you." Danina said.
"You might want to hide for about a month until she is done with" Gold advices.
"How can you live with that devil?" Bakura asked.
"Because they're use to it." Teresa whispered behind them.
Bakura and Malik jumped and ran behind Ryou and Marik.
"How the hell did you get there!?" Malik asked. "And without anybody knowing."
She laughed darkly, making everybody shiver.
"If you don't want to die, I suggest you run and hide." she said. "Now, what do we have to eat?"
One minute she was like a devil ready to destroy the world and the next she act like nothing happen.
"Does this happen all the time?" Joey asked Danina.
"Only if you make her really mad. That's we avoid her from now." Danina whispered.
"Why are you wearing that cat outfit?" Kaiba suddenly asked, grabbing everybody's attendance.
Teresa look confuse before looking behind. Her tail was moving. She narrow her eyes to see her tail.
"Damn it." the fire magician said under her breath. "I'll be right back."
She turn and walk into the wall. She fall back and almost hit the ground if Yami hasn't catch her.
"You ok?" Yami asked.
"Yeah, just don't have my glasses on." Teresa answered.
"Ok, what is going on? I want answers and want them now?" Kaiba said, impatiently.
"First, that is not a cat outfit, Teresa is a neko. Second, she needs her glasses to see." Yusei answered.
"A neko? I thought they were fake." Kisara stated.
Teresa hissed.
"Come, guys. It's Christmas. Let's forget about this and enjoy the day." Yugi step in, stopping the fight.
"He's right." Danina defended him.
"Fine." Teresa said. "Before we eat, can someone help me find my glasses?"
"It's your turn to help her, Andy." Danina quickly said.
"Damn it." he said under him breath.
He got up and grabbed her hand. The phoenix guided the fire magician to the bathroom and got her glasses. Once Teresa left, Bakura and Malik relaxed and went to get their food.
"Who raised you people?" Bakura asked.
"Our foster mother. Our parents died when I was 3 and Yusei and Teresa are 8. Yusei and I were separated from Teresa after an earthquake." Gold said.
"I'm back~" Teresa sang.
"RYOU, SAVE ME!" Bakura hide behind him.
Teresa walk in and was sitting at the end of the table. Bakura and Malik sat on the other side of her.
"What do you want to eat?" Yusei asked.
"Chocolate chip pancake." Teresa said.
Yusei quickly went in the kitchen and make her breakfast.
"After breakfast, we can open our Christmas presents." Danina said excitedly.
"What's with you and Christmas?" Yami asked, sitting next to Teresa.
Danina shrugged. Yusei cam back with Teresa's pancakes. The pancakes were shape like Christmas trees with syrup. Teresa look at it and made a face. She grabbed her fork and start eating.
"Why did you made that face?" Yusei asked.
"What face?" Teresa question back.
She continue to eat, but very slowly. The older twin look at her, then her pancakes and finally notice the problem. He groaned.
"I put the syrup on you pancakes." he said.
"At least you notice it quickly. It took you like 10 minutes last time." Andy said.
"Which makes no sense because Teresa is such a sweet tooth." Danina stated.
"Thank you for the support guys." Teresa said sarcastically.
Once Teresa was finish eating, Danina pulled her to the living room.
"Come, let's open the presents already!" Danina shouted.
The others followed the two female magicians and walk up to the tree. Wrapped gifts with different patterns were under the tree. Danina quickly shove the gifts to everybody. Danina opened hers first, and got a Doctor Who DVD from Teresa.
"Thank you, Teresa!" Danina thanked her.
Teresa smiled and looked at Andy. He opened it and got a Doctor Who Dalek handbook.
Everybody opened theirs. Akiza, Luna, Kisara, Tea, and Serenity got a new expensive dress. Leo, Crow, Joey, and Tristan got a video game. Jack got a year of ramen noddles. Yusei got a new part for his motorcycle called a runner. Gold got a tablet. Mokuba got a t shirt. Kaiba got a homemade Blue Eyes White Dragon plushy.
"This is a joke right?" Kaiba asked.
"No. I just thought you need a little decorations in you office. It looks dull and boring." Teresa stated.
Kaiba huffed and was thinking of throwing it away later. Malik and Bakura got a origami knives.
"You can hurt someone with those, you know." Andy said, grinning.
Ryou got a book of healing spells. Marik got a rod called the Millennium Rod. Yugi got a purple jacket with a chibi dark magician on the left side, right where his heart is. Last, Yami got also got a jacket, but it's red with Slifer the Sky Dragon.
"Thanks Teresa. I love it." Yugi said, hugging her.
"You're welcome."
"What did you get?" Yami asked.
Teresa's present was not opened.
"I already know what Danina got for me. It's another set of headphones, again." Teresa said.
"Well if you didn't keep on breaking them, then I wouldn't have to buy them for you." Danina pointed out.
Teresa got up and walk out to patio. Before she went out, she grab a mug of hot chocolate. The gang were chatting and Yami keep glancing at the door once in while.
"Maybe you should be with her." Yugi said. "And give her your Christmas presents."
Yugi winked and Yami blushed. The shadow magician just went out to the patio and saw Teresa sitting on a tree. She was shivering.
"Hey, Teresa. Why don't you come down and come inside?" Yami asked.
Teresa jumped down and landed next to him. She was chattering from the cold.
"I should have brought a jacket." Teresa stated.
Yami wrapped his arms around her. Teresa would be blushing if her face wasn't red already.
"Does this help?"
They look into each other's eyes. Yami slowly lean up and kissed Teresa's lips. Teresa took no time to kiss back. For a while, someone cleared their throat. They stop kissing and saw Yusei. The male twin look upset.

Yami: Great, now you made me look like the bad guy.
TN: Wait until chapter seven.
Yami: *sigh* Please, comment and say that this chapter is terrible.
TN: Hey!

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