Chapter Fiveteen: Kidnapped

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After filling Danina in at what happen, the gang help clean up the mess with Satellites (Danina, Andy, Jack, Crow, Gold, Yusei, and Teresa). Yusei force Teresa to rest. Just like Yusei, she is stubborned. At the end, Yusei just sighed and picked her up. He tossed her over his shoulder.
"YUSEI!" Teresa shouted, "PUT ME DOWN!"
The neko was kicking and punching while he was carrying her to her room. Once Yusei got to the stair, she gave up.
"Fine, I'll rest. But at least let Yami sleep with me."
Yami blushed and asked, "Why?"
"Because I want to sleep with my Yams."
After she said that, the shadow magician blushed even harder. He turned to Joey sharply.
"Joey! I told you not to call me Yams in public," he hissed.
"I didn't," Joey defended.
"It wasn't Joey's fault," Teresa stated.
"Told you!"
"It's not really hard to figure out your nickname. Now come on. Yusei's not going to let me down until I'm in my room and his shoulder is digging into my stomach."
Yami sighed and followed the Satellite twins. Once they all got to the neko's room, Yusei put Teresa down. She rubbed her stomach.
"Sheesh, Yus'. Take your jacket off before carrying me, will ya," she stated.
"Sorry, but you should have listen to me," Yusei argued back.
"Get out so I can get change. And find something for Yami to wear."
The two walked out and went to find clothes for Yami to wear. Once they were done all that, Teresa and Yami got into bed.
"Why are you wearing a jacket to bed," Yami asked.
"I don't know. I just like to wear them." The fire magician yawned and hug Yami's waist. "Night."
Yami blushed. Not for long, they both fell asleep in each other's arms. Everybody finish cleaning up the living room and went to bed since it was late. Everything was quiet and nothing disturbed the night. It was morning and everybody went to the still destroyed kitchen for breakfast.
"Hey, where is the princes and cat-girl," Bakura asked.
"Shh! Don't let Teresa hear you call her that. If your lucky enough to survive whatever the hell she does to you, you better start praying to Ra," Andy said.
"Let's go check on them just in case they are having trouble getting up, especially Teresa," Danina stated.
Yusei went to check Teresa and Yami first. When he walked in, the room was empty. Then he went to check Yugi. He was also not in the room.
{'That's weird,'} Yusei thought, {'They should be in the kitchen by now.'}
He went back down to the kitchen.
"They're not in their room and they're not here so where are they," Yusei asked.
Now everybody, except for Bakura, Malik, and Andy, are worried.
(["Yusei, Yami, Yugi, and I have been kidnapped. Hurry up and rescue us,"]) Teresa said to Yusei through the mind link.
"Shit," Yusei said.
"What did Teresa say," Danina asked.
"She said that they were kidnap," he informed.
"I don't know. She didn't tell me."
"What do you me 'said'," Joey asked.
"We have mind link."
"Why are twins always have mind link," Tristan complained.
"We don't know, but we need to hurry and find them."
"They're at the abandon warehouse near West Street (not a real street)," Kaiba said.
Everybody looked at him.
"How do you know that," Téa asked.
"Not important right now. We better go," Kaiba said quickly.
At the warehouse an hour earlier, Yami and Yugi were the first to wake up.
"Where are we," Yugi asked.
"I don't know," Yami answered.
They looked around and see Teresa sleeping peacefully next to Yami. Yami shake her.
"Five more minutes," she groaned.
She turned and grabbed Yami's waist. The shadow magician blushed.
"Teresa, you have to wake up. I think we've been kidnapped," Yugi said.
Teresa blink open her eyes. She sat up and tried to look around.
"I can't see anything. I don't have my glasses on," the neko stated.
So instead of looking around, she sniffed the air. She regretted it because she wrinkled her nose.
"This is defiantly not the house. It smells more like a warehouse. The one on West Street."
"How do you know it's on West Street," Yami asked.
"I can smell the bakery that only Mr. Gill sells."
Suddenly the door opened and a creature came in.
"Well, it looks like the magicians are awake. The master would liked to see you later today," the creature hissed.
With that, it left. They waited for a few moments before Yugi broke the silents.
"What are we going to do," the light magician asked.
The twins looked at Teresa. Her eyes has a distance look in them.
"Um, Teresa?"
Her eyes finally cleared and looked at, or at least tried to, the twins.
"I just sent Yusei a mind link saying that we were kidnapped. We just need wait for them to come," she informed.
"For how long," Yami asked.
"I don't know. Now let's narrow down who this enemy is. He must be planning to get rid of you both to get the throne."
"There aren't many enemy that we can look at."
"Yes, there are. It's just that we are not thinking hard enough."
About 15 minutes later, the creature came back with three bigger creature. They have shackles in each of their hands.
"It's time to see the master," the creature stated.
Before anybody can complain, one of the big guards grabbed Yugi and lock the shackle on his wrists. The other two did the same to Teresa and Yami. Teresa started to fight back, but the guard was stronger.
"LET GO, YOU BIG PIECE OF SHI-" The guard gagged her.
It took about 10 minutes before they decided to carry her to the master. The neko kicked the guard's stomach a few times before was thrown roughly to the ground. They took the gag off.
"OW! You could have been more gentle, you know. You are going straight to my hate list just for that," Teresa said.
"Still have a sharp tongue, I see, Teresa. Long time, no see," a voice said.
"Oh, hell no. Not you."
"Yes, I. I've been waiting for you, my dear. You never call or text me back, Red."
"Teresa, you know this person," Yugi asked.
"Yes," Teresa hissed.
"Why so much hate, love? I thought we have something together," the master said sickly.
"I told you that we were never together, ever. I'm happy with Yami and that's who I'm sticking with."
"Who are you," Yami asked.
"I'm surprise that you don't know, {Pharaoh}."
The master stepped out of the shadows and the twins gasped.
"No way..."

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