Chapter Eight: Kaiba Corp.

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TN: I wrote this chapter a little different. I hope you enjoy it.
Teresa: Who's going to do the disclaimer this time?
TN: I just called R-
Ryou: *walks in* Hey, TN, Teresa. I'm here to do the disclaimer.
Teresa: *smirk* So you called him do to the disclaimer.
TN: *blush*
Ryou: TNckitty do not own any Yugioh. Only her OCs.

Teresa's POV
New Years came and is gone and it's a start of a new school year. Well, guess who is complaining about it?
"But I don't want to go back to school!"
Yep, Andy. Anyway, I, Teresa, is narrating this because the authoress is lazy to do it. (In the background, TN is shouting 'Hey'.) Now back to the story.
"Well, suck it up. I don't want to go to but I have to." I said. "Now, come on. If Danina and I have to drag you there, then we will."
Both Danina and I grab an arm each and started to drag him out the door. Andy kicked and scream.
"BYE, YUSEI, JACK, CROW! WE'RE LEAVING NOW!" Danina and I shouted.
The three of us walked to school. Once we got there, we meet up with the gang at the gate.
"Why are you guys late?" Yugi asked.
"Andy." Danina simply said.
They nodded in understand.
"You have the same problem?" Ryou asked.
{["I understand that Bakura and Malik will throw a tantrum because of school."]} I worte a note to them, making Danina read it.
"We better go to homeroom." Yami stated.
We nodded and walked towards our homeroom, which we are in together. Yami and I were behind the group, holding hands.
Oh, it's time to pass the microphone. Here you go, Yami.
Yami's POV
Thank you. And Teresa just kiss me on the cheek. Is it just me or is it hot? Anyway we have to continue story.
We are in homeroom and there was 10 minutes left. We sat in the back to discussed to hang out at the arcade.
"So when do you want to meet up?" Joey asked.
"On Saturday at 12." Yugi said.
Teresa wrote something down and give it to me.
I read it out loud, [{"Sorry I can't go. I'm busy. You can go without me."}]
"Why?" Bakura asked.
She glared at him and he shrink back a little. Wow, I wonder what she said to make the two psychos scared.
She gave another note.
[{"I have a job to do."}]
"You have a job?" Ryou asked.
She nodded. Before anyone can said anything else, the bell ring for homeroom to start.
Here, Andy. It's your turn to narrate.
Andy's POV
What's up, people? Andy is here to destroy all of you. Just kidding. I can't anyway because Teresa won't let me do it. She said it was 'bad and wrong'. Okay, now where are we? Oh yes, school.
Once homeroom was over, we went to our first classes. Danina, Teresa, and I are in the same classes for the first period, which was Algebra. I don't understand have Teresa like this class. I don't know what the teacher is evening saying. So, we sit through it for 85 minutes of this until for the next class. My next class is Art, which I like and have it with Danina. Teresa has Spanish.
"Did you finish your drawing yet, Danina?" I asked.
I was drawing some anime drawings. Danina was drawing Youtubers.
"No, I just need to finish shading." Danina answered.
"Oh, okay." I said.
Oh, there's Yugi. I need to pass this to him. Wait up, shrimp.
Yugi's POV
Thank you, Andy.
Well, I'm going to my next class, which is gym. Man, I hate that class. At least I don't have to suffer this alone. Ryou and I have to play dodge ball with Lash, who is the school bully. Lash has black short hair with green highlight. His eyes were forest green. Ryou and I are in the same team, while he is on the other. Once the game started, we are out immediately. For 85 minutes, we were glad to survive. Ryou and I ran into the locker room and change quickly. Once we got to lunch, we sat where we usually sit. Andy, Danina, Yami, and Bakura was already there. We walked up to them.
"How was you classes?" Ryou asked.
"Boring." Bakura complained.
"Come on, Mr. Pham is not that bad." Yami said.
"We learned how to draw eyes." Danina said.
"But I prefer drawing anime eyes." Andy commented.
Joey, Tristan, Tea, and Serenity walked over. The last members, except for Teresa, came not to long after.
"When is Teresa coming?" I asked.
"Oh, we forgot to tell you she has to leave." Andy said.
"Why?" Tristan asked.
"It's nothing important." Danina said.
We all decided to asked Teresa later. While we continue to eat our lunch, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I turn and see a hooded person walking passed the school. I looked over to the others. Yami looked at me and nodded. We both silently agreed to investigate who this person is.
Oh, is it time to hand the microphone already? Here, you take it, Yami.
Yami's POV
Thank you.
As our friends were distracted, we sneaked out and followed the hooded person. We can't say if this person is a boy or a girl. The clothes, however, says that the person is a boy. He was wearing a black hoodie with the hood over his head. He wore black jeans and black converse. There was a red bag that awfully similar to Teresa's but can be sure because we are too far away to see it. The person was looking around, as if he didn't want anybody to follow. For a while we walked through the city until Kaiba Corp.'s building came into view. Kaiba was outside wait for someone. The hooded person walked up to him. Yugi and I were at the corner listening to their conversation.
"I got the program ready to test." the hooded person said, which awfully sounds like Yusei's voice.
The hooded person handed something out of his bag and give it to Kaiba. The CEO took it.
"Good. You got it in on time." Kaiba said. "Let's test this now. Come on, Mr. Fudo."
Mr. Fudo? The only elder Fudo is Yusei. Why is he working for Kaiba Corp.?
"I can't. I have something important to do at home. You can test the program without me." Yusei said.
"Very well. If there is any problem with the testing, I'll call you immediately. Have a good day, Mr. Fudo." The CEO said.
"You, too, {Mr. Kaiba}."
The way he said 'Mr. Kaiba' was kind force, but it didn't seem that Kaiba notice. Once Kaiba was in the building, Yusei sigh in relief. He looked at his watch.
"Ok. I have about 10 minutes to get back to school for my last class. It took me 15 minutes to get here. If I run I maybe able to get there on time." Yusei mumbled to himself.
Why does Yusei need to get to school. I thought he graduated already? Oh, shit! He's coming. I motion Yugi to move. Once Yusei passed us, we followed him. We got near the school. Yusei stop at the gates and check his watch.
"5 more minutes until the bell rings." he mumbles.
Then there was a strong wind blowing the hood off. Yusei quickly tried to grabbed it, but it was too late. Both Yugi and I gasped. Yusei was not Yusei, but he was Teresa. Teresa must have heard us because she turned around and paled.
"Please don't tell anyone." Teresa quickly said before Yugi or I can say anything.
"Why?" I asked.
To Be Continue

Ryou: Wow, that was unusual.
TN: I know it's different from my usual writing, but I thought it would be interesting to know how the characters act during school in their own POV.
Ryou: Well, please comment.

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