Chapter Seven: New Years

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TN: I know. It's not New Years.
Andy: Ok, let's just skip to the chapter already.
TN: Fine. Now, who will be our disclaimer of the day?
Yugi: *walks in*
Andy: What's up, midget.
Yugi: Don't call me that!
TN: Ignore him. Can you do the disclaimer since you're here?
Yugi: Sure, TNckitty do not own Yugioh. Only her OCs.

Christmas has passed and New Years is coming. Andy's birthday is also coming up so they decided to throw a birthday party on New Years. Teresa looked at the clock, waiting for it to hit 12. Yusei grounded her and for not kissing Yami, but for pulling pranks on them and the neighbors. Andy was also grounded, but since his birthday was coming up, he was off the hook. So right now, the clock saids 11:59.
"Only one more minute." Teresa said to herself.
It seen like forever but the clock finally hits 12 and the neko jump off her bed and ran to the garage.
Yusei only sighed and got up.
"Ok, ok. Let me get them." Yusei said.
Yusei walked away and came back with her phone, iPad, and laptop. She quickly grabbed them and ran back into her room in a few seconds.
"I guess she really wants to talk to Yami." the twin male mumbled.
Teresa slammed her door shut and lock it. She throw herself on the bed and quickly called Yami. While she was wait for him to pick up, she thought back on Christmas.
Yusei was standing in front of them with his arms folded. His face held no emotions.
"Um, this is not what it looks like?" Teresa said it like a question.
"Really? Then explained why you were hugging and kissing?"
"I was cold."
Teresa let go of Yami and look at Yusei in the eyes. It look like they were having a staring contest. A few minutes later, Yusei gave up.
"Fine, you can date him." Yusei said.
Teresa squeal and jump on Yusei. They both fell back and hit the snow. Teresa jump off of him and ran inside. The twin got up and brush the snow off.
"She really hates the cold." he said to Yami. "I want you to not hurt her, you hear me? If you do, I'll hunt you and kill you if Andy and Danina doesn't got you first."
"Yes, sir." Yami said.
The two walk back into the house and find Jack's clothes all pink. Everybody was laughing and taking pictures of him.
"If I find whoever did this will pay severally!" Jack promised.
Jack walks away with a pink bow tied to his tail.}
Teresa chuckled at the memory.
"~Hello?~" a voice said in the phone.
"~Hi. This is Teresa.~" she said.
"~Oh, you finally got you things back?~"
"~Yes. So do you want to hang out on Friday, Yami?~"
"~Yeah. Where do you want to go?~" he asked.
"~To the theaters. I want to want Guardians of the Galaxy.~"
"~I imagined the date to be more romantic.~"
"~You're dating me, so it's not anything special. If you don't like it, you have to deal with it.~"
"~Ok. Ok. Let's go see the movie.~"
"~Good. I have to go. Call you later. Bye.~"
Teresa hung up the phone and start reading Fan Fiction.
It was New Years Eve and everybody gather at Kaiba's mansion. Teresa looked around and saw Yami talking to Yugi and Yusei. Someone was following.
"Hey, Yami." Teresa called.
"Hey, Teresa. Who's your friend?" Yami asked.
"This is Brook Mason. She's an angel. Brook, this is Yugi and Yami. They are a light and shadow magicians." she said.
"Nice to meet you." Brook hold out her hand.
Brook has jet black hair that went pass her shoulders. She wore a white and blue sweater and blue jeans. She has a pair of white bird like wings.
"You, too." Yugi said, grabbing her hand and shaking it.
"It's very rare to see an angel here." Yami stated.
"I'm just visiting for the holidays." Brook said.
"Come on, Yami. Let's go see the fireworks." Teresa pulled the shadow magician.
They both walked outside and look at the starry sky. There was 10 seconds left before the new year.
"10." the neko started.
"9." he said the next.
They look into each others eyes.
They distanced themselves.
They kissed. In the background, fireworks exploded and people cheered. Yusei looked closely at the two magician. Suddenly, something flash that the corner of his eye. He turned and see Danina with holding her camera and smiling. Andy was nearby and was smirking, which usual means he's up to something. Teresa must have sense it too because she jump back and water started to pour out of nowhere, trenching Yami. Andy, Bakura, and Malik were laughing hard that the wet shadow magician.
"I expected something more from them." Teresa stated.
Teresa turned to three and smirk wickedly. They stop laughing and sweated.
"Don't think I forgot what you did on Christmas." she said darkly.
"You know I have go do" Malik said.
"Me too." Bakura quickly said.
The two psychos turned and ran away.
"It's getting late. Let's go home now." Danina said.
"Ok. See you on Friday, Yami." the fire magician said.
Jack, Yusei, Crow, Gold, Brook, Danina, Andy, and Teresa left the party.
It was Friday and Teresa was riding her motorcycle really fast. Yami and Teresa were planning to meet at the arcade in the afternoon. Teresa was running late and almost had a ticket for speeding. Yami was standing outside waiting for her to show. The neko skit to a stop and hop off the bike.
"Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry." she said over and over again.
"Whoa, whoa, ok, ok, I forgive you. You can stop saying sorry." Yami said.
Teresa took a deep breath and exhaled.
"Sorry, I was late because I over slept and almost forgot." she said. "Anyway, what do you want to do?"
"We can play some games here for awhile." the shadow magician suggested.
She agreed and they both went in. Teresa looked around and see all different games.
"What do you want to play first?" Yami asked.
"I want to shoot hoops." she said.
For the rest of the day, they play various games and left to go to the movies. They went to see Guardians of the Galaxy. When the movie is over, they talked about it.
"It's so funny. We should watch it again." Teresa said.
"Yes." Yami agreed.
They walked back to the arcade.
"Do you need me to drive you back to your house?" she asked.
"I never ride a motorcycle before." he admitted.
"That's ok. It'll be fun."
Teresa walked up to her bike and opened up her seat. She grabbed an extra helmet and tossed it to Yami. Yami put it on and sat behind her.
"Are you sure this is safe?"
"Yes. I ride this since I was 14. Now hold on."
She turned it on and started to drive. Yami hugged Teresa tightly. The neko laughed. A few moments later Yami enjoy the ride. They stop at the game shop. Yami handed back her helmet.
"That was fun. Thank you." Yami said.
"No prob. How about we do this again next Saturday?" Teresa suggested.
They agreed to meet at Teresa's house. They say good bye and Teresa left. The shadow magician walked in the shop and went up stairs. Yugi was sitting on the couch waiting for him.
"How did it go?" Yugi asked.
"I had fun. What did you do?" Yami asked.
"Nothing much." was all Yugi said.

TN: Finish!
Yugi: You really want Teresa and Yami together.
TN: *blush* Well, I... um....
Yugi: *blink* Do you like Yami?
Yugi: O...Kay. Well don't forget to comment. Bye.

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