Chapter 1

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Nightwing snuck through the shattered skylight, taking in the once basic warehouse's décor and the transformation it had undergone. The floor was a splattering of neon colors and the walls were spray painted with a variety of neon smiley faces and luminescence lettering. Directing his attention to the center of the room, the vigilante studied the main attraction, the killer clown of Gotham himself; Joker.

The brightly dressed man was fiddling with a large, round machine. The Joker's goons were milling about the edges of the building. With a quick glance to his right Nightwing nodded at Robin who was similarly perched upon the rafters.

Pressing down on his comm Nightwing reported his findings

A crackled static emerged from his ear as Batman responded.

'Prepare to engage'

With those parting words the two descended upon the floor knocking out goons as they went. Red Robin and Red hood jumping through some miraculously undamaged skylights raining glass down below, Hood taking pop shots as Red whipped out his batarangs, Batman joined the fray dramatically busting down through the front doors and straight to the Joker himself.

"Why 'ello there batsy, I see you've brought the whole bat-pack for little ol' me," wiping away a mock tear the clown crackled, head through back and a crazed look in his eyes, "You've even brought the zombie! I feel so honored!"

"Shut up! Lunatic!" Snarled Red Hood, guns poised straight at the grinning man as the birds circled in closer, the goons out cold around the perimeter. Dick could feel the anger radiating off of his younger brother, Dick himself, desired to punch the clown straight in his face, if only to shut him up for a minute the laughter always got on his nerves.

However, Batman interrupted any potential beat-down plans, with a cold and clipped "Joker" slipping past his lips "What are you doing this time?"

"Ah batsy, you are always so broody aren't ya?"

Unamused by the insane man's tactics the man gave a gruff grunt.

Joker responded with a loud bone chilling crackle

"Well baby boo, I merely wanted to test my new toy," with a snap of his spindly gloved fingers, more goons flooded the workshop forcing the bat family to face their new opponents.

The area became a war zone, bullets went flying as the Joker slipped back to his machine. Nightwing rushed forward to act, dodging a bullet here, a punch there, star-striking acrobatics to top it all off. Twirling around he saw Robin take down a masked attacker, a sudden warmth filled his chest he was proud of how far his baby brother has come.

After several more minutes of fighting the goons were all down and the group of vigilantes circled the crazed maniac once again.

"Joker we have you surround,"

Joker whipped around, giving Dick a wonderful view of his psycho grin and cracked face paint. Hands clenched and backed pressed up against the base of the circle machine

"Well that it seems ya do batsy boy," The Joker started to slowly raise his gloved hands and several things happened at once.

Dick would not be able to recall what happened first.

All he knew was that one moment that Damian was  slowly moving closer as they crept closer to the Joker, his cloak swaying with each step and the next Dick was launching himself across the few meters between them shielding his brother as a burning pain sliced through his side. He could hear shouts of alarm as his mind became somewhat fuzzy. He could hear a slamming behind him as a vroom sound became known.

He then felt a tugging from behind him before his body started to float in the air, boxes and loose rocks joining him in his gravity defying act. Dick felt small warm fingers clawing against his arm. His vision began to blur, he could just make out a small masked face, black curls sat on top, he knew that face.

With a final sharp tug from behind, Dick was ripped from his baby brother's arms, forced backwards by the machine. With a last blurred look he could just make out the horrified faces of his family, before a crunch was heard as the machine warped in on itself. With eyes closed Dick felt the impact of the concert before consciousness became too much and he passed out.  

Hello peeps! I'm back!

I hope everyone is excited for this new crossover, it's something I've been working on for a while. This doesn't mean I'm abandoning Merlin's Lost Tales, this will just be my focus for a bit.

Please tell me what you think and if anyone wishes to make a cover for me please message me about that.

Until next week

Thank you!


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