Chapter 4

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It had been a few hours since he eldest son disappeared and Bruce was going insane. The second Dick disappeared the machine exploded, flames roared and the heat increased as he ushered his remaining sons out before the building could collapse, the moment the four of them stepped outside the warehouse gave a large groan before crashing down on itself a gust of air blowing back his cap in its wake.

Red Hood threw down his helmet, cracking it on the pavement with a bang as he shouted a swear, which would surely have Alfred washing his mouth out with soap, Red Robin crumpled down on to his knees at the same time and Robin himself just like his father, stood staring into the roaring remains.

Batman's throat felt dry as watched what could very well be his son's only way of getting home smoldered up and die, only coming too when the shrieking of sirens drew closer and he ushered his three sons back to the bat cave.

That had been a few hours ago and yet Bruce remained plastered in front of the batcomputer cowl down whilst the others had retired off to their rooms. Alfred had tried to coax him out of the cave earlier but to no avail.

Bruce would bring his son home.

If not for himself than for Damian, his youngest had been unresponsive since the incident, not even raising to Jason's angry remarks.

The sound of barely there footsteps on the cave floor broke Bruce's brooding. Swiveling in his chair he was greeted with a truly heart wrenching sight, Damian had a blanket clutched tightly in his hand and one of Dick's old shirts on, it was so big that it went down past his knees. The boy, as that's what he very much looked like right now, hesitantly walked over to his father, his face glistening with tear tracks. Bruce felt his face soften as he took in how truly young his youngest son looked.

"Father, I-"

Not another word was said as Bruce opened his arms and a black haired blur ran into them. Bruce felt Damian's body shake with tears, with pain in his heart he merely buried his face into his son's soft hair as he rubbed up and down his arm and whispered reassurances in his ear.

After several minutes of simply holding his son tight Damian took a deep shuddering breath and attempted to speak, face still buried in his father's chest.

"I'm s-s-sorry, if-if I spot-t-ted that man t-then Dick wouldn't of-f-," he was cut off with a choked out cry. Bruce felt his heart break confession, unable to say anything he simply tightened his hold on Damian swearing to himself  that he would not let his child feel the same ever again.

"It's not your fault Damian," He murmured "Please don't think such thoughts,"

"But-t I-"


The two sat together, in the cold cave basking in each other's presence simply holding each tight while the world seemed determined to tear them apart, Bruce felt a single tear slide down his cheek. They sat there until Damian's sobs died down into cries, until they became soft sniffs, only then did Bruce stand carrying his son in his arms all the way upstairs to his room.

Lightly pushing down the door with his foot the man slid in taking note of the two passed out figures on his bed, a soft smile gracing his features. Kicking off his boats he maneuvered himself to the center of the bed taking great delight in the way his boys snuggled up to his sides. Leaving Damian on his chest Bruce closed his eyes knowing that Alfred will have his head for breaking the no-suits-in-the-house-rule but he couldn't bring himself to be bothered.

With his sons surrounding him he finally allowed himself some time to grieve. Tears welled up in his eyes but he refused to let them fall, Dick wasn't dead just missing and that means Batman can, no will find him and bring his son home.

Closing his eyes in attempts to get some rest he pointedly ignored the fifth warm body his bed lacked. 

Oh the pain, I was hard to edit some of these bits, hopefully the family will get their missing member back home soon.

Also here are the batboys ages 

Dick Grayson 17

Jason Todd 15

Tim Drake 13

Damian Wayne 9

Until next time


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