Chapter 23

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Eraserhead was not normally what one would call a sentimental man or even what someone would describe as having 'emotions' but Dick; the problem child of class 1-A had flipped the switch.

Aizawa had been worried about the problem child since he walked the boy to a half-destroyed apartment building all those days ago. His number one regret was not ensuring that kid actually had someone to go home to. Especially after what he learned today. What kind of parent doesn't answer their phone? No matter how busy the man is, the UA caller ID should have been enough to send alarm bells ringing in the father's mind. While Aizawa was a pessimistic man, he knows that it affects his thought process, but there were some situations where pessimism is the only appropriate response. For example, right now.

As he gazed down at the boy whose body was filled with horror stories and whose mind is full of trauma Aizawa knew that by the end of this weekend there would be a case opened against a certain absent father. A light bump to his shoulder broke his train of thought, "You're looking broody there kitten. What's on your mind?" Hizashi asked. His brows cutely furrowed and a finger poised upon his chin. Aizawa with a now slightly blushed face gave a half-hearted shrug in response. His husband knew exactly what was wrong. It was the same problem that had just finished gathering up their school bag with a bat themed weapon clenched tightly in his grasp; it was Dick. The boy with a smirk on his lips and an emptying light in his eyes. The boy with more scars than a seasoned hero and thinner than a piece of paper. The same boy who is currently lacking a family to go home to; someone to comfort him. The very same boy that is now waiting for Aizawa to bring him to the man's home.

Hizashi grasped the dark haired man's hand and gave it a firm squeeze. Kami, he loves his husband. Even without words his lover always knew what to do to comfort Aizawa. The two sat there having a conversation with their eyes, a realm in which no other may venture. Hizashi stared at Aizawa for a good few seconds before an understanding came across his delectable features. With the slightest head tilt the blonde man and the dark haired man and come to a unanimous decision.

A loud obnoxious gagging noise interrupted the silent conversation, "If you two love birds are done undressing each other with your eyes. I'd like to go home and sleep now," Dick drawled from where he was leaning against the doorframe with only the slight flutter of his hand portraying his nerves. Aizawa's face erupted into a blush so bright that he was sure it glowed through his bandages. Hizashi however, gave a choked laughter and widely threw his arms about while he shouted about how they 'weren't doing anything close to that'. The boy simply gave a wide grin before he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and snatched up his bag. Dick gave only one last cheeky wink and launched himself down the hall. His laughter was more carefree than Aizawa had heard it in days, which even if it was at his own expense, he could not find in himself to yell at Dick.

Hizashi once he was calmed down enough to no longer function as a windmill, packed up Aizawa's emergency bag (something they unfortunately always had on hand for when either one of them stayed at the hospital) before he helped the man himself out of the bed. It took a few tries and some of Hizashi's endless squawks of concern whenever Aizawa so much as grimaced but eventually with enough effort the two lovers maneuvered themselves to the parking lot. Thankfully Hizashi had convinced Aizawa to take the car that fateful morning. Normally they choose to walk to UA, especially when said morning is nice; like it was. It gives them a chance to have some peace and quiet with one another that they often lacked due to their jobs but for some reason, that even the man cannot name, Hizashi refused to walk. Call it a sixth sense but whatever it was it prevented the two from what would be a painful journey home or an extremely squeaky ride with one Midnight.

When the two finally emerged out of the grand UA doors down to the bleak grey of the parking lot they found Dick as he leant against their car and fiddled with something on his watch; a determined look on his features. They boy glanced up through his bangs at the pair and queried his brow, "Why didn't you take a wheelchair? Or at least a cane? I'm pretty sure I saw some in the infirmary,"

Aizawa gave a scoff which caused Hizashi to give a bright bubble of laughter, "In the words of 'zawa 'It would be illogical to grab something we need to return'" Hizashi recalled in a near perfect imitation of his husband, which caused Dick to burst out into laughter. Yamada gave a conspiratorial grin to Dick as he gently pushed his disgruntled husband towards the car. Aizawa, with only the slightest huff of annoyance leaned against the car, as Yamada unlocked the car and popped the trunk to put in their bags.

Dick watched the yellow haired man as he furrowed his brows and placed a finger upon his lips, "Isn't it more illogical to not accept the aid?"

Aizawa gave a haughty huff before he slid into the door Hizashi graciously opened and halted all attempts at a response while the blonde attempted to stifle a laugh. However, Dick held no such ideals and gave a booming, pearl of laughter and skipped off to his spot in the car.

With that the trio was off. Hizashi drove while Aizawa sat in the passenger and Dick sat in the back. It was quiet with only the sounds of top 100 radio Hizashi likes that drifted from the speakers to fill the emptiness. Aizawa found himself constantly flickering his gaze to the rearview mirror to check on the teen in the back. The boy had his head pressed up against the window as his eyes looked beyond the blinding traffic. Any sense of the comradery they had before was gone and the trio returned to the static air of before. Aizawa held his gaze towards the back; Dick looked exhausted. As if the world would come crashing down if he even dared to breathe wrong. His eyes were dimed and his shoulders were hunched into himself. The signs of the sassy quick witted boy who won the practical exams was nowhere to be found. Only a quiet, still boy remained. One who wore endless scars like a battleground and bones that poked out his skin like thorns.

What had happened? What has Aizawa missed? How long? Insecurities swam within Aizawa's mind as he eyes drifted back to the window but one question shouted the clearest. How could he help?

It was the same question that drove Aizawa to become a hero. To ensure that no other kid suffers like Aizawa did and yet it felt, somehow, like he had failed. Hizashi once again read Aizawa's self-depressing thoughts and moved his hand off the steering wheel to grab Aizawa's hand and give a swift squeeze. He felt the tension leak out of him.

The group soon pulled up to the heroes' moderate apartment building, Hizashi's hand in Aizawa's the rest of the way. Within a few seconds Yamada turned off the engine and the gentle chuffing of the machine was no more. Aizawa took a glance back at the boy in the back and watched as Dick slowly, as if he was in a trance, removed his plastered face from the window and exited the car. Once he was done watching, Hizashi helped his dark haired husband out of the car and led the silent trio to the elevator and up into the lover's apartment.

Almost the second that they arrived a fluffy ball of fur launched itself across the room to attack at Aizawa's legs. The man gave a sigh whilst his husband gave a bright grin before depositing Aizawa onto the couch. Allowing the cat that he had identified as a Bastard to plop himself upon the dark haired man's chest. Aizawa Let the soft murmurs of Hizashi giving Dick a tour wash over him. From the sounds that he could hear, it appeared that Dick had locked himself in their guest room.

Not even a second later blonde hair appeared in his vision and Hizashi gave Aizawa a soft smile before he tugged the man into their shared room.

The two were quick to fall into bed. Bastard joined them perched upon Aizawa's chest with Hizashi hand knotted in his fur. The two sat there in complete silence as their minds were taken over by a single black haired blue eyed boy. 

Hey ! Thank you guys so much for waiting I hope you like this chapter ! It's shorter than normal as I am just trying to prepare for the next event aka the sports festival !See ya all next time !

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