Chapter 18

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Dick had spent the entire night even after his meeting with Eraser, searching for more answers and yet the criminals were being very hush hush about the whole situation. It was very annoying, honestly, Dick was just trying to ensure his new friends didn't die and none of the criminals were making it any easier. When he entered the school Dick was strung so tight he may as well be caught in a web. He plunked down his bag with a heavy sigh, getting a glance for Iida who looked ready to reprimand him for being late. However, with one look from Izuku the blue haired boy sat back down just as the classroom door slid open. Dick glanced up at his teacher, huh, it looked like he wasn't the only one who lost sleep this past night. Aizawa entered the classroom in all his usual mannerism. The man practically walked in half asleep with his black locks messier than normal and sleeping bag tossed over his shagging shoulder. The students all settled in their seats as they awaited their teacher's words. Aizawa, once comfortable with his shuffling, looked straight down at the students as they wondered what on Earth he was doing. The man clear his throat and in a dull voice spoke, "Today, we will be heading to our on site training center, USJ,"

The classroom broke out into whispers. Dick snorted when he heard Izuku, in such an innocent tone say 'Universal Studios Japan?'.

With a non-quirk infused glare Eraser looked down at the students with a crystal clear message in his gaze, a blunt and subtle 'shut up'.

"It is called Unforeseen Simulation Joint. We will be having our first rescue training exercise located there. I myself will be there along with All Might and a special guest. Put your bags in your lockers and change into into your gym clothes or hero costume, but remember they are still in the early stages of modification and may be more of a hazard than a help,"

With that the class exploded with noise as Dick's classmates excitedly and with all too much energy for an earlier morning, rushed to complete their tasks or hyperly chat with their friends. Dick swiftly nips his costume from its holding before he rushes off to the changeroom. He was determined to change before the others could question him on the extensive map of scars on his skin. Now it was not that Dick was ashamed of his collection, he just merely hated the concerned and pitiful looks they brought him. He did not need to discuss the history with any curious student who dared to ask.

Dick had just slipped on the noir kevlar of his modified Nightwing suit when the excited cheers of hyperactive teens entered the washroom. A kind looking student with red hair and a shark toothed grin (Dick decides to give him the nickname Mr. Bites) led the fray with the blonde demon not far behind. Mr. Bites and Dick made eye contact and the red haired body quickly sauntered on over to the dark haired teen, "Hi! My name is Kirishima, we haven't been properly introduced yet but i just wanted to say your costume is super manly!" The kid's voice was as warm as his appearance.

Dick couldn't help the soft smile that overcame his features, the boy's energy was infectious. Dick stuck out his hand in greeting and the boy enthusiastically shook it. Kirishima's grip was strong and it reminded Dick of commissioner Gordon. That man would always have a warm drink waiting from home during his Robin days on those many freezing Gotham nights. Dick swiftly shocks himself out of his musings when Kirishima's eyes narrowed in concern. With the grin now faded from his thoughts Dick turned to speak to the student, "I'm Dick, nice to meet you Kirishima!"

"You too!" The red head looked like he wished to speak more but Bakugou bumped into the boy's shoulder and grumbled something along the lines of ' hurry up extra'. Kirishima gave his grumbling companion no mind before as he turned to change, "Sorry about Bakugou Dick. I'll see ya out there,"

Dick gave a reassuring nod before he nimbly slipped out of the changeroom and jogged out towards the bus straight to a dead on his feet Aizawa. The teacher raised a single eyebrow at the student. Dick gave a cheeky grin and a wink as the man gave a huff and turned away to watch over the hill as the other children entered the scene. Wow, they were all a lot faster than the first few times. The thought and fear of explosion finally inspired them to change.

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