Chapter 28

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Tedious. That's what Dick's life is, very tedious. Now one might think that vigilantism would make life much more interesting but that was not the case. Everything is the same. Research bad guys, fight bad guys, get beat up, beat them up back, train so you don't get beat up, fight some more, train, again and again, get the point? It's all extremely, mind-numbingly tedious and school is no exception. Go to class, study, test, more class, more studying and hero school is no different even in hero school, you just add the vigilantism boredom into normal life boredom. All around it is very tedious.

With all of his classmates running around preparing for the sports festival Dick is stuck running around with them and well, maybe not stuck, perhaps mildly annoyed. The longer he spends here the longer he's away from his family but it's kind of fun. His classmates haven't been this excited since the days leading up to USJ. It is refreshing to see such enthusiasm. He thought that USJ may have broken their hopes but it has only increased them. The actions of his classmates remind Dick of a younger version of the young justice team before too many secrets were made and too little trust was kept. More often than not when Dick wasn't trying to hotwire his way home he finds himself heading to the gym with his classmates. In the corner, he performs basic stretches and does some light weights in the corner (he was still recovering from USJ, and Recovery Girl's quirk only helps so much) while he watches his classmates push themselves to their limits and challenge each other to friendly competitions. Everyone is truly seeking to get stronger, to get faster, to get better. It seems that USJ has heightened their desire to become the greatest version of themselves they can be. Honestly, the bonding time in the gym is the only event in his life that is not tedious. What at first was an annoyance that distracted him from finding a way home, a task that never seemed to end. Dick did ignore his classmates at first but even he cannot remain a single agent. With enough effort and not-so-subtle dragging to the gym doors by Midoryia, Dick was seen at the gym daily, plus it has the added effect of helping Aizawa avoid him.

Returning from one of these exact trips is when Dick runs into trouble, not Aizawa, not a villain but rather something much worse. All Might. Dick, Uraraka, Ida, and Midoryia are heading to the cafeteria to grab a snack before going home to rest.


The bubbly young woman stops her skipping and tilts her head towards Midoriya humming in response.

"Why do you want to become a hero?" Midoriya's eyes were bright with curiosity nervously fiddling with his fingers while taking an occasional glance at the Uraraka. The question halts them in a stairwell far enough from peering eyes to talk.

Uraraka's gaze travels to the floor taking a deep breath and bracing herself, "For the money,"

His classmates' eyes are blown wide at the revelation whilst Dick simply raises an eyebrow. It was smart and realistic. If heroes were paid back home like they were here that would simply make Dick's life sweeter. Money was always a worry of his parents while he lived in the trailer. They made enough to live but sometimes food would be missing from the table and wildflowers were the best gifts.

"That was not what I expected," remarks Midoryia his voice tight eyes wide, "But it is realistic,"

Dick nods along with Ida characteristically moving his hands in wholehearted agreement.

A swift silence overtakes the group as Uraraka tightly fists her hands in her skirt, crinkling the pleated material. The folds and divots are fragile, so easily broken beneath pressure but the woman grasping them is anything but.

Uraraka's fists tighten and her eyes crinkle shut as she gasps out an explanation. "My family owns a construction company and my parents work very hard to maintain it, but we've been getting less and less work," her voice wobbles, and her eyebrows knit further together, "I used to tell my dad that once I was big enough I'd help them and then they could rest,"

"You'd alleviate the cost of moving materials with your quirk once you were licensed," Broccoli Boi proudly proclaims admiration in his voice.

"Exactly!" Uraraka said her eyes lighting up and her firsts clenching into a determined ball. "But he only told me not to worry and that He and my mom would be fine," her shoulders briefly sagging before springing up once more, "That's why, when I can become a hero I'll make enough money so my parent can rest easy!"

The silence is brief before Dick gives a single clap breaking the group out of their trance. A stunned Uraraka stares at Dick before two more ringing appulses join the fray scaring the young woman out of her skin. She profusely blushes nervously jittering her hands around and waving at the boys to stop. It took a few moments full of smug grins and red cheeks but soon the chorus was complete.

Dick starts to move away from his position against a wall to congratulate Uraraka when a booming voice, which loves to get on his nerves, halts any further action.

There is only one man who irritates the dimension-traveling hero and that is All Might.

"Hello, young hero students!" The man shouts whilst poking his head around the corner into their humble abode, "I need to talk to young Midoryia and young Dick," Stars lit over Midoryia's eyes while a dark haze fell upon Dick's. The dark-haired hero could already feel the incoming headache.

Midoryia, sensing his friend's reluctance, takes the incentive to grab Dick's arm and practically carries him away to wherever the heck the number one hero is leading them. Pass the cafeteria they had gone into early and deeper into the bowels of the school.

His throat tight and a tongue caught between his teeth Dick could hardly utter a goodbye to his friends. 

I'm back ! I hope you guys have had an amazing day and a good time since I last checked in. I have been living my little life since then.<br />This story often gets left behind as I get very distracted in my life (aka I've been binge-playing Baldur's Gate 3) but I'm back at it today.I hope you guys enjoy the chapter and drink lots of water 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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