Chapter 26

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Dick knew it was stupid to be out on the town in full vigilante gear with a injured arm and a fresh well of emotions but Dick couldn't find it in himself to care. With the wind in his hair and the element of danger forever present Dick could finally breathe properly. The teen had his legs dangling over the edge of the building in which he was perching upon, as he was having a break after kicking ass for the past while. While he may be stupid for going out with his current injury he wasn't an absolute moron who didn't realize he needs to take it easy.

As he sits upon the roof top gazing down below he finds himself almost wishing for Aizawa's presence if only to hear a dry remark. Something about the man in and out of the hero costume draws Dick in like a moth to flame. His presence is similar to Bruce's in that brooding, dark, grumpy-but-not-really type of way yet it was still different from Bruce. Aizawa is a much more relaxed version of Dick's dad. Well, there was still that level of paranoia that came with every batmember but it wasn't to Bruce's extreme. His teacher also does not care for his appearance and merely lets his accomplishments as both a hero and a man speak for him. Something Bruce is able to and unable to do at the same time. The men are both the same yet different but both are still able to comfort Dick like none other.

Dick desperately wishes to have one of them by his side. Either of the men here, telling him what to do yet one was in another dimension and Dick hasn't yet overcome his bat paranoia. Although the day when Aizawa prevails is getting closer and closer. With a deep sigh Dick flops onto the roof; his back pressing into the concrete. He had hoped that getting outside to patrol would help clear his head and while it's working to a degree, the thoughts still refuse to relinquish their hold upon his mind. At least the voices are quieting; it's all he can really ask for.

A scream pierces the still night air and Dick is up instantly like a cobra ready to strike. He flips and glides gracefully through the buildings with only an naturality that he can achieve. Within a few minutes Dick glides into the side alley of a building with a bright, neon green sign upon the front. There he finds a gruesome scene that would not be out of place in Gotham. With steady legs despite the scene before him Dick hops down from his perch and onto the blood splattered pavement. Dick takes an analyzing glance at the body before him. It appears to be a man or what was one a man. The body was laid haphazardly between two dumpsters overflowing with trash and other questionable substances. The man was wearing a dirty white hoodie and jeans so low Dick could see the man's Endeavor underwear. However, his fashion is unfortunately not what killed him. Ignoring the puddle of blood that ripples around his feet and clogs his boot treads Dick leans down to examine the man more closely. Dick tentatively places his hand upon the man's neck, he doubts the man is alive based upon the puddle but he still needs to check. The body is cold. Dick's eyes flick shut as he takes a moment to mourn this death before he pulls his fingers away, now flecked with wet rust. He furrows his brows with confusion and places his hand back upon the man's neck no longer checking for a pulse but rather for a puncture.

With flaking blood upon his fingers Dick discovers two holes upon the side of the man's neck, almost as if he was bitten by a vampire. The wound itself looks as if it was made towards the end of the man's death. There is barely a stream of blood from the wound itself but rather most of the blood appears as if it has been smeared. Dick removes his hand completely and takes a step back to study the body, only now noticing all the puncture wounds scattered amongst the multitude of knife wounds. With blood smeared haphazardly across the area it was hard to tell how many but despite that it was obviously enough to kill.

Dick takes a further step back to examine the rest of the scene more closely and takes a slow circle around; drawing a mental image of the crime. As he is stepping back to get a better view of the wall in which the man lies upon. A broken whimper from behind him has Dick whipping around with a weapon in hand. He cocks his head and a small round face with fright filled eyes peeks out from behind a cardboard box. Instantly Dick drops himself down into a crouch and puts away his weapon whilst subtly wiping the blood upon his fingers upon the ground. Ever so slowly he shuffles towards the child with his now mostly clean hand out in front of him.

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