Chapter 9

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The first test of many was a 50m dash. Dick was confident in his ability to sprint the 50 meters; it's not like he hadn't done it before. Hell, he's had people who can run at the speed of sound remark on his inhumanly agility. With that in mind he used the time he had to briefly stretch, getting some weird looks while doing so, but he couldn't really blame them after. They witnessed him bending his body in half (he swears he heard a gasp from one of his classmates). The first wave of students had a boy with engine legs and a frog girl. Both got decent times which didn't really surprise Dick as they were made for this type of test. Shortly after the next group went. This one consisted of a blonde boy and the kind girl. Dick Ignored the stab of guilt he got when the two made eye contact, he really needed to find her after and apologize for his behavior. Dick continued to scope out the competition before it was his turn to step up to the plate. Pitted against a kid with multiple limbs Dick got into a running stance. When the go signal sounded he launched himself into a full sprint; it felt nice even for just those few seconds to be free. With a time of 5.58s Dick felt pretty proud of himself, Aizawa even looked mildly impressed. Midoriya went after him and failed profusely. Dick was honestly worried about the boy, he had one of the worst scores of the day.

The next test was a grip test. The same kid Dick beat in the 50 meter dash managed to get a score of 540 kg Dick himself got a decent 80kg. Nowhere near Bruce or even Jason, but decent enough to put him above the other students. Midoriya once again got a low number but Jiro got a decent number as she used both her earlobes for extra strength. There's hope for the future after all.

The next tests went smoothly; Dick reached the middle of the pack. The only time he scored first was during the seated toe touch, in which he literally bent himself in half, earning sharp gasps from his classmates. When they questioned how he'd done it he simply gave a cheeky grin. You don't grow up in a circus without picking up a few tricks. The real test came with the softball throw. Just before Dick was to have his turn it was Midoriya's turn. The green haired boy walked up to the white line with terror written on his face. Dick soon witnessed determination take over as he prepared to throw the ball.

The green bean winds his hand back throwing the back with all the momentum he can in his peripherals Dick sees Aizawa's eyes glow an eerie red and his scarf starts to float. The ball is tossed 67 meters. Midoriya looks surprised at the development, staring at his palm in confusion. Dick was also confused, did Midoriya not have a quirk? Was he like Dick? But that couldn't be right as Midoriya appears surprised at the lack of power in his throw so that means he must have a quirk. The question now is why didn't he use it in the other tests?

Aizawa with his eyes still glowing starts to speak, Dick can barely make out the words. "How the entrance exam let a kid like you pass, it isn't rational," the shimmer of recognition flashes through Midoriya's eyes; it looks like Dick wasn't the only Eraserhead fan. Coffee-sensei obviously seeing the same thing as Dick ignores it and just keeps on talking. "Do you plan on becoming useless in every fight and relying on others to save you? Is that what you want? Izuku Midoriya with the power you have now you can't become a hero"

Midoriya's face shattered.

For a split second Dick thought the boy was going to quit with the way he appeared. Until a look overcame his face. Dick knew that look. it was the same one he's seen his father wear, his brothers wear one, he's seen friends and family wear, hell he's worn it himself. It was a look of pure, untamed determination. Right then and there Dick knew that no matter the difficulty Izuku Midoriya may face he would become a hero. It felt like Dick was watching himself demand to be Robin all over again.

Aizawa also noticed, if the tightening grip on his scarf was any indication.

With sure footsteps and squared shoulders Midoriya reproached the circle.

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