Chapter 14

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Dick was trying to get to school like a good student yet that seemed impossible with the wave of people, and cameras, and why were they there? All Might of course. Dick took a long hard and debated crawling back into meager bed with torn sheets and a newspaper stuffed mattress when he saw Izuku shaking like a leaf in the corner about a step away from hyperventilating. He tried to leave, he really did, but next thing he knew Dick was only two short steps away from Izuku and his hands were fluctuating around the twitching green bean. With hands still running a mile a minute Dick crouched down in front of the busy haired boy and started speaking in his 'reassure the civilian' voice, "Hey green bean, it's me Dick. Can you nod your head or speak to me?" Dick's tone was hushed, just barely heard above the roaring of the media.

Izuku's forest eyes glanced into to Dick's, slightly glazed and swimming with uncertainty. With a shaky breathless voice Izuku answered "I-uh-I can h-hear you," The boy licks his dry lips and clears his throat, eyes bouncing around before he ducks down once again, "S-sorry, I don't-t like c-crowds,"

"That's okay 'zuzu, that's okay. My brother isn't a big fan either," the remark got a slight up-tilt to Izuku's lips before the corners fell once more. It took a few more minutes of Dick rubbing Izuku's shoulders before the green haired teen was ready to brave the media beast. "How ya feeling greenie?"

Izuku took a step back and started to nervously scratch his neck as the dark haired teen rose to his feet, "I'm good now Dick. Thank you," he gave a sweet closed eyed smile towards his classmate as Dick dramatically clutched his heart and practically fell to his knees once more.

"Oh Izuku! Your thanks are too sweet! I just wanna keep you in my pocket right beside my little dami," Let it never be said that Dick had lost his touch for drama. Izuku gave a wet snort before he came back to reality Dick took note and assumed a more casual position, "So, are you ready to brave the crowds once more?"

Izuku took a deep breath jerkily, nodding his head on a wavering exhale. Once he was done, a look of determination overcame his features blocking out any appearance of uneasiness, "Yeah let's do this!"

The two teens plunged into the fold weaving and dodging any attempts of pictures or videos. Dick was getting elbowed and grabbed from all directions. Man, even the reports back home were a little more courteous, but that could be due to Bruce's overprotective dad glare. They were almost to the end when one of the reports finally realized they were hero students. The man's hair changed from a dark red to a bright pink as he shouted 'hero students!'. The reporter's squabbling increased tenfold and Dick pushed Izuku to the front and beyond the gates with a swift 'save yourself!'

The original man who identified him shoved a high quality microphone into Dick's face, not even giving the teen a chance to breathe.

"You there! What's it like having All Might as a teacher? What have you learned? Is he as impressive in person?" The man had a fevered look in his eyes as he hammered out all his questions.

Dick having been doing this kind of thing since the ripe old age of eight, simply displayed his trademark smile, the same one that always made people go 'oh such a heartbreaker', "All Might is an adequate teacher with a thrill for dramatics and one I'm sure will help me become a wonderful hero," by showing me exactly not what to do, he thought. The reporters jumped at the chance to gather more information but Dick was able to use the momentary distraction to slip away past the gates at the same time his teachers appeared. With a loud shriek that made Dick cover his ears a large metal gate emerged from the ground and effectively blocked off the media from entering any further.

With a sigh from one coffee addicted man his teacher had appeared with his loud blonde husband following closely on his heels. Izuku gave a little wave to them both

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