Chapter 6

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It had been a few days since he first met Mr. I-dress-like-homeless-man and after some deep diving Dick was able to pretty much figure everything out about him, it wasn't all that difficult when you spent the majority of your life training as a bat. The most interesting piece of information he found is that Eraserhead is a teacher at UA and it sounds like if (or when) Dick succeeded he'd have a 50/50 chance of the hero being his homeroom teacher.

Besides gathering intel Dick had also spent the time preparing for the entrance exam, which included falsifying papers and coming up with a plausible backstory. So henceforth Dick will be known as Richard (Dick) Lloyd a quirkless boy who's single father came to Japan from America for business while his son pursued his dreams of becoming a hero. Dick debated on changing his name before deciding to, figuring it could act as a bit of a safety net and as his mentor likes to say 'one could never be too safe'. His age was also written as 15 allowing him to just squeeze into this year's exam and with his small stature it shouldn't be all that troublesome.

Every minute Dick wasn't preparing for the entrance exam he was dedicating to finding his way home. Knowing that even the great Nezu may not be all that trustworthy, leading to Dick attempting to somehow modify his hologram watch and use that as a possible transportation. However, it was slow going and he'd be lying if he said it wasn't a relief when the date of the exam rolled around.


Walking up to the hero school, after securely stashing his items in the restaurant's floorboards, felt similar to the first time he saw Wayne manor albeit much more modern and possibly more grand. Somehow even dressed in stolen shorts and a sweatshirt it felt like he was the same small, scared kid who only lost his parents a month before. He took in the steady stream of students and extravagant entrance, squaring his shoulders Dick took a deep breath before plunging into the ever growing student body.

Finding the lecture hall for the hero course written exam wasn't all that difficult. All he had to do was follow the bright eyed and bushy tailed students. The seats were filled to the max and Dick's only available spot was unfortunately near the front of the auditorium, he'd much prefer a seat near the back where he had a bird's eye view but he slept in so that's on him. Sliding into his seat Dick was nearly touching elbows with a young woman, who had jacks for ears and spunky purple hair. Dick glanced at her before quickly looking away a blush present on his cheeks, dammit he should not be blushing like it was his first gala all over again yet he couldn't help but feel nervous despite his abilities, he blames it on the stress. Any attempts of conversation were thankfully prevented when a banana of a man burst through the doors and onto the main stage.

"HEY! My future heroes, are you ready to tease those brains?" he yelled out towards the crowd, he got no response, feeling bad Dick gave a short YEAH. He watched the man's eyes light up as the kids around him glared at his figure, Dick merely shrugged at the kids; don't hate the player, hate the game.

Pointed at Dick the banana shouted once again "I like your energy little listener! Now everyone flip over your papers and begin! You have three hours on the clock and if you have any questions feel free to ask!"

The sound of thousands of hopefuls flipping over their exams echoed throughout the hall, Dick raised his pencil and went to work.


Dick checked his exam for the third time going over every question catching the minuscule mistakes he made. Once he was satisfied with his answers Dick flipped over his paper, he figured that it wasn't going to get much better than it was. The only part he was somewhat worried about was the comprehensive writing portion but he figured he'd make that up in the English section.

When the banana man announced that the time was up all students placed down their papers and passed them to the end of the table to be taken away. He noticed that the purple haired girl appeared nervous, her leg bounced as she twirled her extended earlobes around her fingers. Dick bumped her with his elbow. She turned her head to look at him, a confused furrow in her brow and a question on her lips.

Bending to his side and he whispers "Hi, I'm Lloyd Richard, call me Dick, that exam was tricky at parts wasn't it?"

She gave an uncertain smile "Yeah it was but you didn't look like you had much trouble did ya Sir Speedy? Oh and I'm Jirio, nice to meet you Dick,"

Before the two could get to know each other more the squeal of a microphone interrupts and the announcer enters the stage twirling around until he stops at the stand, finger guns pointed towards the crowd.

"HEY there little listeners! Are you ready for the practical exam!" The hero once again pointed out towards the crowd and Dick was happy to say that a few more people responded with an enthusiastic 'YEAH'. Dick and surprisingly his new friend, were however, the loudest.

"That's the spirit!" The pro hero, who Dick learned along the way was named Present Mic, starts to explain the exam, they would be apparently facing robots with a point base value. Honestly Dick felt like for a school that prides itself on their all inclusive allowance and zero bullying policies, that the hero exam was quite bias against those with stronger powers-er quirks.

Dick broke out of his musings when one of the examines stood up and robo handed the air shouting out "UA is a most prestigious high school and it is shameful that such an error as a fourth robot be present on the pamphlet."

Present Mic then went on to patiently explain that there was no error and that the fourth robot is worth zero points and should be avoided at all costs. The zero pointer caught Dick's eye, it only makes sense for such a thing to be present during a hero course exam.

The blue haired kid, after the explanation, then signals out a nervous looking, green haired boy, "And you! Cease your mumbling, it is distracting and if you cannot take this exam seriously you should leave!," the green haired boy rubs the back of his head bashfully a heavy blush coating his cheeks

Dick rolls his eyes casually standing up drawing the gazes of the room ensuring he put his megawatt smile he turns towards the rude kid, "Hey now, let's not get too hasty I'm sure he's nervous just like the rest of us-" Dick gestures around the room watching the slight head nods his words got "-no need to go calling him out like that. If you asked me that's very unheroic behavior," watching as the blue haired one took in his words he gave the green bean a softer, reassuring smile before gracefully taking his seat once more.

It took a moment of silence before Present Mic was taking control once again, "Thank you for sharing those words. Now if you could read your sheet and proceed to the exam site with the corresponding letter, thank you and I wish you all the best of luck!"

With that, the auditorium filled with the sound of students leaving the room to begin their journeys. Dick and Jiro wished each other good luck before they skipped off to their arenas.

Thank you for the support ! I shall see you next week for the next chapter.

Until then !


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