Chapter 15

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Dick watched as Uraraka gave a bright smile and bounded right up into his personal space. Oh goody, "Hey Dick come eat lunch with us in the cafeteria. You need to stop studying so hard in the library," the two boys behind her gave brief nods to her words, Iida chopping the air as well.

"Thanks guys but I'm really not that hungry an-"

"Please!" Izuku's puppy eyes interpreted Dick's excuse. Man. Those were some good puppy eyes. The vigilante could feel his resolve wavering as he shuffled back and forth on his feet. But no, he has to find a way home and the idea of smelling the alluring scent of food without the ability to actually have any would devastate him.

"Guys I really can't I need to-" the sound of his gut rumbling interrupted any further conversation as his three classmates all gave disbelieving smirks, "I can't honestly! I don't have any lunch and I would much rather spend my time away from the alluring scent of food," His friends all gave disheartened and distressed looks at Dick's words.

They looked ready to relent to Dick's wishes but a grumble from the yellow caterpillar interrupted the group. Aizawa rose from his cocoon in all his moth like glory and pulled out a bento box from somewhere. He approached Dick and shoved the food into the teen's hands which caused Dick to scramble after it. The teen blinked owlishly at the bento, wondering if his teacher implied what Dick thought he did.

"Take this Dick, I didn't plan on eating it anyways," Aizawa hid his mouth in his capture scarf as the students all gave him wide eyed looks. Dick glanced at his teacher, skeptical, but with a small nod from Aizawa the teen grasped the gift more tightly. He turned back to his friends and with a sigh he related, "I guess I can join you guys,"

Uraraka and Izuku both give a bright cheer as Iida shooed them out of the room. Dick guesses lunch with them won't be too bad. With an overly dramatic sigh that got a snort out of the bubbly brunette, he hoisted his bag onto his shoulder.

The four of them with a wave to their already dead to the world teacher, exit the classroom and smoothly transition into the hallway traffic as they blend in with the rest of the starved students,

"So," started Uraraka, a jaunty pep in her step and a sunshine smile on her lips, "What's got you so down in the dumps as of late Dick?" the aforementioned teen raised his head at her words, eyebrows raised in question. The two other young men tried and failed to hide their curious looks as they too swiveled to face Dick.

"Oh, well my dad has been working hard to establish himself in the business and I've been left to take care of my brothers, being the eldest after all," Dick said, the half truth automatically falling from his lips. He really hopes he didn't just make a mistake mentioning his brothers yet he was so tired and homesick. Plus it's easier to acknowledge them now so in case he slips up at another date he can easily backtrack, "They can be a handful. Constantly bickering,"

That gained some light chuckles as Izuku perked up at the mention of his father's business, a thoughtful look crossed his face, green bean opened his mouth to ask a question but Iida beat him to the punch, "You have brothers? How old are they if you don't mind my asking,"

"It's no problem at all Iida, please, you don't need to be so formal with me. The youngest is 9 with the other two being 13 and 15,"

"Is the oldest one your twin? You're both fifteen after all," excitedly exclaimed Uraraka, a finger poised on her chin in thought before it snapped towards Dick.

With a laugh Dick waved away the thought with a snort, "Jason would throw down with his biology at the thought of being related to my circus ass," Dick couldn't get the thought out of his head. An image playing in his mind of just that, "Our dad adopted all of us, well expect Damian, but that's a whole other story,"

The group turned down into the cafeteria, the noise instantly surrounding them and effectively cutting out any further conversation on the topic. With a nod Dick pointed at a semi-empty table, the only occupant being a trio of girls on the far end. The others agreed with the placement as Izuku and Dick peeled off to go sit down whilst the other clambered off to the lunch line, full of eager teens.

Dick sat down with a heavy thud and a groan as his night job bruises made themselves known, that one goon had a quirk that allowed them to shoot steel ping pong balls. The only things preventing Dick from coming home with broken bones was his kevlar and his dodging skills, but that doesn't mean that rich bruises spanning his skin didn't hurt. Izuku glanced over at Dick with a concern knit to his brows,

"Are you okay Dick? That sounded pretty painful," the sweet baby green bean was nibbling on his bottom lip as his forest eyes searched Dick's face, "I have some ibuprofen in my bag if you need some,"

Dick heart clenched at the sight, he looked like a puppy. It reminded him of Tim during a rough night. He just wanted to grab Izuku by the scruff of his neck and place him in his pocket because who could ever dare hurt this baby? "I'll be fine green bean, thank you for the offer. I appreciate your concern," for extra measure the vigilante gave his signature smile. The gesture was returned with a shaky grin. Izuku went to open his mouth once more to speak but was interrupted for the second time that day.

Uraraka plunked her tray down in front of the pair before hastily digging in, eyes bright with delight at the taste of the food, "Wow! This is even better than I imagined!," she exclaimed through a mouthful, the words barely making it past her stuffed cheeks. Iida, who had at some point sat down at the table, began to reprimand the young female.

"Uraraka do not speak while chewing your food it is unbecoming of a hero and frankly rude behavior!" the blue haired teen's arms were mechanically moving about in a way that Dick wondered how he picked up the habit in the first place.

"You really believe strongly in the actions of a hero don't you Iida?" remarked Izuku with a quizzitive look on his face as he placed back his spoon to rest in his absolutely appetizing meal. Dick reminded of his own meal, eagerly started to dig into Aizawa's bento box.

"Yes I come from a long line of heroes and i intend to make them proud,"

"Your brother is Ingenium isn't here?" Gleefully solved Midoryia before dissolving in a mumble storm of stats and analysis. Honestly, Dick turned most of it out, too focused on pleasing his rumbling stomach.

Iida interpreted the word spiel with a positive hum and a head nod causing the green bean to blush a rose hue and duck down his head, "Indeed. I want to be a hero just like him and make him proud."

Midoryia had literal stars in his eyes as he started gushing at the blue haired teen. Dick found delight in the green bean's love of hero and how it lit up his eyes and how his body would vibrate. Dick wondered what inspired such a love. Before he could voice his question the blaring of an alarm echoed throughout the school.

Heyyyy peeps ! I'm so extremely sorry about not uploading last week (and how late this one is) I got caught up dong homework/Grad stuff/applying to uni. I hope that you all can forgive me !!!! 🥺

Dick is having a very hard time balancing school and returning home to his own world. The poor baby. At least he has Dadzawa there for him and his friends.

Until next week !


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