Chapter 27

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Aizawa was worried, scratch that, he was worried sick. Dick is an anomaly, something new. Aizawa has been a teacher for a while. Years' worth of kids have filed in and out of his classroom. Some would carry their heads down while others would have their body tall. Every clique, every cliché has come through the doors but never in all his years as both a hero and a teacher has a person struck him as sharply as Dick.

It could be because the boy reminds Aizawa of himself; scrawny, with shaggy hair and clothes too big for his frame. A person with a quirk or lack thereof. A person whom no one deemed worthy of anything more than the title of villain or worthless. Perhaps there is a kinship or perhaps, there's simply something more to the boy. Whatever it may be, it doesn't change the fact that Aizawa is worried, deeply worried.

While Aizawa's clothes are loose on his body, they don't sag down like Dick's. While Aizawa's hair is perpetually greasy it's still healthy; it doesn't droop like Dick's. In the brief time the boy was confined to his and Zashi's house Dick has been silent and closed off; even more so than usual. The child flinches at any enduring names and moves like his arm was never healed, to begin with.

Aizawa was worried and didn't know how he could help this enigmatic child.

Aizawa walks to his room with heavy feet and a heavy heart. He nearly trips over Bastard as the cat slinks through the doorway. Bastard hisses and claws at Aizawa's pants before pouting upon Hizashi's face like the menace he is. The man merely sighs before he tosses off his clothes and slips into some sleep-appropriate clothes. The second Aizawa flops down upon their bed Hizashi swiftly wraps an arm around his waist, sleeping without fuss despite the cat making a home upon his face. Aizawa closes his eyes and shifts closer; maybe sleep will be kind to him tonight.


Without breaking the silence of the house an unseen figure slips through the window and drops down upon the carpeted floor. Careful of their injury they change and hide their clothes in the deepest pit of their bag. They too fall into bed, a storm of unease passing through their mind.


Aizawa could already tell that it was a mistake. The second that child woke up with a too-bright smile on their lips and secrets in his eyes he could tell. Aizawa knew it was a mistake and yet he still let the boy go.

The morning was swift and easy as if it was a normal morning. Aizawa woke to Bastard's body on his face and the sound of breakfast from the kitchen. He sighed, he truly hates waking up. Haphazardly, the man had picked up the cat and thrown the fur ball away into the caverns of the room. That cat will be fine. Bastard always lands on his feet, well, most of the time. Aizawa will always remember the time when Bastard had made a desperate jump for his favorite treat, which Zashi had placed on top of the tallest shelf in the apartment, ('to make sure he got some exercise' he said). The cat, as if he was in slow motion, had jumped and fallen. The only regret Aizawa has with the situation is that he doesn't have a camera ready. It was comedy gold.

The cat temporarily forgotten, Aizawa had slowly shuffled into sustainable clothes for lounging around before he opened the bedroom door and winced at the loud squeak it made. They need to oil that door, and all the other doors; it'll happen, eventually.

Dick was at the table when Aizawa arrived in the kitchen which was strike one. The kid should still be in bed with how late the hero could hear him last night and that was not to mention the painkillers that should've knocked him out cold. Strike two was when the boy started to enthusiastically talk about how his mysterious dad would pick him up later. Yesterday the kid avoided mentioning anything to his guardian but was now ready to talk anyone's ear off. Add that to the startling levels of enthusiasm Dick had so early. Aizawa knows for a fact that he has seen Dick more tired than himself way too often for that cheeriness to be real. That then led to the third and final strike when Dick insisted on walking around the corner to his dad's so-called car.

Aizawa should have followed him. Insisted that he met Dick's dad face to face and said a few words of his own; very carefully chosen words but Aizawa did not. He stayed stuck in the doorway as he watched a child walk away from him. A hero. The only thing that prevented him from running after the kid was his husband's hand on his arm but still Aizawa knows it was a mistake.

This then leads to now, with Hizashi, as the man softly speaks to Aizawa, "There's nothing you can do for the kid now, he won't listen to a word you say," Still staring at the door all Aizawa does is mindlessly nods and hugs his husband, "you can help him during the sports festival, take him on as your intern," Zashi suggests.

The dark-haired man's head snaps up towards his husband's, noting the golden strands draping down upon Hizashi's face. His very own angel in his arms.

Pecking Zashi on the lips, Aizawa says, "That's why I love you Zashi, you always have a solution," Aizawa holds his husband close as Bastard slinks onto the couch. Waiting until the sports festival is the best thing to do for the kid now. That way he can guarantee the boy is fed for a week and he actually has a place to rest. Until then he will do what he can. He is a hero after all and with Hizashi backing him he could do anything. There is still a lot of work but now Aizawa has a plan, and he can work with a plan.

Hello !!! It has been AGES since the last update, but you guys are astounding and continue to support the work, which is what made me come back, so thank yourselves for this next chapter!In case you are wondering why I disappeared here are my (very short) reasons:- I started my first year of college and have been getting my ass handed to me- I had a lot of personal issues- I fell out of love with the MHA fandom and I am only recently getting back into itDespite all this, you guys remained, and even a few new people joined. I will be forever thankful for all your support and willingness to stick by this story even with my nonexistent updates. I love you all. You are all freaking awesome! Amazing! Astounding! and any other positive adjective! I hope you're willing to stay and see where this story goes. I cannot promise weekly updates or even regular ones but I have no plans to abandon this fic.See you again whenever I finish the next chapter. Please drink water and take care of yourself !- Ro-bow

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