Chapter 10

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Dick was still kicking himself by the time he got back to the restaurant an hour later. His only goal in attending UA was to determine its trustworthiness, nothing more nothing less. Yet his saviour-complex activated the moment he laid eyes upon his two new friends, especially Midoriya, he was bat-levels of screwed up. Dick could already feel himself getting protective over the boy. Maybe it was due to his mysterious past or his cinnamon roll ways, but whatever it may be Dick didn't like it. He was not here to get attached. He was here to get home. But with every passing day it felt even that was getting harder, it's been nearly two weeks since Dick had arrived and Batman still had not found him yet. He was starting to wonder if his dad would. He's thought it before but the evidence is hard to ignore and with every passing day it only got more difficult..he hates to lose his faith in Bruce; but how could he not? They have the technology for such a thing. It wasn't exactly the first time some was zapped to a new dimension and it's never taken this long before. Did Batman just get caught up? Was he okay? Did his family survive the explosion that sucked him in here in the first place? Dick wanted an answer and he couldn't yet get any.

Forcefully throwing his beaten bag to the corner of the room Dick gave a short cry. He was done with emotions today and he also really needs to beat someone up. Picking his bag up he opens it, digging around he zippers open a hidden pocket and pulls out the yen he has stowed away. Counting it off in his hand and flipping through the bills he rounds it off, he has 1105¥ in total, he can work with this. Hiking the bag back onto his shoulder school uniform still on, he starts the short journey to his local convenience store.

The bell above the door rang when Dick entered, the polite man behind the counter was a face he was familiar with, after all this place had the cheapest ramen around. With a wave the man went back to reading his paper so Dick was only able to see the tuffs of brown hair. With a quick glance around the store Dick spotted two other stumbling men, they looked a few drinks away from passing out in some alleyway. He couldn't help but to mark any potential dangers and exits not when he's been training half his life for a job that requires him to do exactly that. Making his way down the aisle he grabs a few packets of ramen noodles and two water bottles, it may be the last of his money but he could always acquire some more. Placing down his items on the till the cashier raises an eyebrow taking in Dick's school uniform.

"What's a fancy smuck like ya doing out 'ere?" The brunette folds over his newspaper, putting it to the side, reaching out towards Dick's items. "Betca have one of 'em flashy quirks dontca," wiggling his eyebrows the cashier hands the hero student back his items as Dick places them into his bag.

Taking his receipt from the man Dick answers absentmindedly "Who needs a quirk?" he smirks, raising his gaze to bid the man a farewell but stops short at the man's gaze. The undaunted burning hatred was on par with Bane, it scared Dick so much he flinched back stumbling on his feet. The man practically snarled at the boy grabbing one of those complimentary keychains and hurled it so hard at Dick he could already feel the bruise on his cheek. The two drunk men from early came stumbling over, their words slurring, "Whatss all thhisss about huh?" asked one with blond hair as he tipped all over the place.

With a poisonous amount of venom the cashier spat "This quirkless vermin dared to enter my store and take my product!" with foam at his mouth the man launched across the counter and attempted to grab Dick ragtag backpack. Lurching back Dick backs towards the store's entrance keeping a wary eye on drunk men as they seemed to sober up to the situation if their menacing looks were anything to go by.

The two parties stared down one another. Dick's eyes flickered between the three figures as he took in their body masses. The cashier was lanky and middle aged not to mention he's a smoker if the warm ash tray to his right was to be believed. The two drunk men, one blonde and one with a noticeable jaw quirk were what worried him. Both are in their mid twenties and looked like they never missed leg day. They were stuck in a stalemate, both sides waiting for who would make the first move.

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